A couple people here make a very rational argument that sales are still so successful that they don’t think it makes sense to leave behind the ps4s yet. Makes sense. If the ps5 comes in 2019, that puppy better be backwards compatible or a lot of people are going to be seriously pissed off!
Open_Lane's forum posts
@joshrmeyer: yep. That’s about where i’m at right now. Something makes me think sony must have another card up their sleeves, as specwise alone, the xb one x seems more enticing than the pro (again, just saying that purely specwise. Content-wise, not so much).
To me, it doesn’t seem to make sense that they’d be satisfied being significantly second-place specwise and squat for too long.
If they announce in 2019 that nothing is on the brink for 2 or so more years, i’ll have to extend my current position, which is “i’ll wait two more years.” That is, unless the pro comes down in price significantly.
I’m toying with selling one of my guitars and getting a pro when i get my gaming monitor in a couple weeks or months. I really want to see it go down to $300 first (they almost had me at $350 around Christmas sales)
If there were a guarentee it’s not coming out til 2021+ i’d get a pro
Anyone here have the ps4 version of bulletstorm full clip edition?
I read than you needed an online connection to even play the original xbox360/ps3 game in SP mode.
Did they “can” that requirement for the updated version?
Thought they may have because thankfully the ding-bats at EA are not mentioned as a publisher on the latest version’s box.
Looking forward to receiving this game soon. Info regarding network requirements would be appreciated if you know!
I don’t appreciate the sarcasm, for an honest question. If i called you what i think of you, if would be a violation of TOS.
@techhog89: i agree. I’m not sure why some people have to justify their own positions by putting others down. Both consoles can (and do) exist.
Most of the games i like happen to be on ps4. Someone elses may be on xbox. It doesn’t really bother me. I own a gaming platform, not stock in a gaming company (although i’ve considered it lol)
I ruined our first pc by downloading a host of games. Back in those days, our hard drive was 1gb with 16mb ram, so i don’t think it really held too much of a future anyway lol.
Have you considered taking up a musical instrument? I started learning how to play the electric guitar at your age and it changed my life.
There loads of free resources/tablature/sheet music online. Lots of instructional material on youtube as well.
Demi, very good points.
Lol. I can remember renting the game “splatterhouse” for nes in the ninties, and the night my brother and i rented it there was an outraged group of mothers talking about how bad that and mortal kombat were for kids, on the news. We got punished and had to stop playing it.
A couple months later, i rented mortal kombat thinking it would go by unnoticed. Holy crap, my mom remembered, blew a gasket and made me take it back before even playing it.
Lol, has anyone here played mortal kombat for nes lately? I have.... a blob of red pixels representing blood with characters that look like little blobs themselves hardly seems like it should only be accessible to adults 17+.
As an adult, i felt a great deal of liberation purchasing mortal kombat xl recently (a game that certainly should only be for adults). Lol.
I haven’t played batman arkham but that is rated M. Not quite sure why it would include anything too over the top, come’on, it’s batman!
Again i haven’t played it so i have no idea what lines it crossed. Seeing the M on there surprised me, though.
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