@danielmbg microsoft bought an app called skype. it didnt turn the xbox into a skype box. in fact it is good to have the option of skype on a console.
similarly, sony is just making an app. it doesn't mean the playstation uses TV. it is just another app that you can download and use on your console in addition to a multitude of other devices.
@inscript it would be a useless petition. if you read the article it is just another app by sony similar to the dozens of other apps it has: crackle, music unlimited etc.
this is not in any way a specific component of the playstation, but rather an app which you could download on your phone, tablet etc and which will happen to be available on your playstation too.
hence i really do not understand why people are thinking this makes the playstation tv centric. absolutely senseless.
why are people thinking this means the PS4 will have TV. its just a normal app that sony is reportedly making, just like any other app that works on any console, phone or tablet.
sony is a large company and makes many more products other than the playstation.
@inscript you do realize that Sony makes televisions and motion pictures. why is it so surprising that they make an app for some TV channels? it is just an app which you download and use anywhere on anything.
@CaveManCobb there is a difference. MS included HDMI pass through for TV and made an Xbox exclusive deal with the NFL etc. it also spent its reveal event trying to convince people that kinect made TV watching easy.
Sony is just talking about making a Netflix app where you can watch some TV channels. it is an app which will be available on tablets, smartphones, tvs and consoles.
outlawoftorn's comments