I actually laughed when microsoft announced at E3 that they will offer AC2 and Halo 3 for free in July. if they wanted to match PS+ at least give equivalent games and not ancient ones. the crowd reaction said it all.
@ALCHEMISTx24x7 @Baconelite i think your points just justify why they are charging for non-f2p games now so that they can better invest in preventing security loopholes and failures.
so yes its a good thing that all this will now go away. its also a good thing that PS+ benefits are here to stay. win win for gamers.
i like that Sony doesn't require a subscription to watch Netflix or play free-to-play games. it makes sense since those services are not requiring any investment from Sony to use. I wish Microsoft would do the same.
@Melchior111 @Commander_Snowy sony did not highlight planetside 2 (a f2p) at E3. i think it is the best mmo shooter out there. everyone should try it if they have not. potentially 2000 people fighting on one open map!
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