@validifyed: There's a middle ground somewhere if they wished to aim for it, that's all i'm saying. I like so many PC players will often tone down the graphics to get the 60 frames & 1080p experience. Developers could except that style on consoles, but they most likely never would because it means their games wouldn't look as desirable to play.
PC ports are certainly hampered, but it's just how it is when console games make the lions share of the profits.
@justerthought: There's a whole lot of assumptions in there, primarily that MS has nothing up their sleeves with Xbox :) Also to sladakrobot's point, PC gamers aren't going to flock over to PS4 en masse to use VR tech, they'd just upgrade their current setup & potentially save a little money in the process...Or save a whole lot more by waiting a few years & seeing where the dust settles. Personally, i'm more interested in the AR tech that MS are testing. As a PC gamer i can tell you that there's just infinitely more freedom of play on PC. It's hard to describe in any other way than saying i'd want to pull my own hair out if i was stuck with just a little controller & a menu screen :) I have an X1 also, but dropping my PC & staying exclusively on a console would be so...boring.
@TashunkoSapa: Either it shows a particular fondness of that one game, or more likely, having worthwhile exclusives mean a lot more to the informed than they do to the mass market. The truth is that the PS4 has the best console versions of third party games, and that's basically all that matters to a large number of people, for better or worse.
@7tizz: Don't be fooled, everyone is in it to make a profit :) As a fellow Xbox user i think you're being a little unfair towards Sony in regards to innovation. I was a PS3 user last gen & since early '07, and i can tell you that there were some cracking, innovative games that came from Sony. I agree that Sony has become a little stale with the PS4, which is one reason why i chose Xbox this generation (also for exclusives & BC..which is for another discussion). Ironically, i feel Xbox is now the underdog that PS3 was around '09, and there's no better time for MS to show what more they can do with the Xbox. That being said, it's little wonder why so many people chose PS4 this time around, it has the best console versions of third party games afterall.
@skipper847: The resolution & frames are the fault of the developers not of the consoles themselves. It's all about what they choose to do with the power that they have, and graphical fidelity is obviously a better sales pitch to the average user than the frame count. It would be entirely possible for every current gen game to be 1080p & 60fps if they were willing to sacrifice the ever-growing need (both from the devs & us as consumers) to be the prettiest game out there.
Personally, it doesn't matter all that much to me. I've been playing games at 1080/60 on PC for years & it never spoiled my experience of playing quality games on my consoles, nor did it elevate my PC above them, at least not on the basis of performance capability.
@TheLazyClown: I think people just love to pick things apart too much. It's not exactly amazing, but it's hardly a poor film either. Perhaps it comes back to expectations & preconceptions.
@GregoryBastards: Do what i do & be selective about which you'd prefer to watch. Batman V Superman is the first superhero film i've seen since Iron Man 3 so it was anything but by the numbers for me...Granted because i don't follow superhero stuff & i had no idea what was going to happen beforehand.
@europeitch: Really, that's your conclusion? They can't just dislike a game...? They (Gamespot..you know, that one person) gave The Order: 1886 a 5, doesn't that 'prove' they hate Sony too? :)
That aside, it's up to the individual reader to read between the lines of the reviewer & make up their own minds. You already pointed towards other reviews which is essential for balance & references, but then comes the personal tastes & bias of each reviewer, what's great for one might be poor for another.
I most definitely will be buying this game since all the opinions i've read & footage i've seen don't point towards a very average game in my mind, but i wouldn't even consider knocking Peter Brown & Gamespot as a company by extension for giving out his opinions.
@pspearman: Exactly. The console or PC debate is more of a technical & financial one rather than being about exclusivity, at least for the majority of people. The real & only comparison that should be made is between the PS4 & Xbox One consoles & the console exclusive games they have.
If you're privileged enough to be able to afford a PC & a console (like we are) then you should acknowledge & respect the opinions & barriers of those who aren't.
Paul136's comments