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pikastar Blog

My PS3 kicked the bucket

My PS3 stopped reading discs :( So I decided to get a new one. I guess the only good thing that comes out of this is that I needed a new hard drive before because I was running out of space.... shouldnt be a problem now with the 320GB Infamous 2 bundle :) Parents were trying to think of a college graduation gift for me so once my system fried they knew what I wanted :lol: Going to take forever to download everything again.... uggh.

But that isnt the worse thing that has happened this week. Someone hit my mom's car just yesterday. It was really bad but luckly they hit the passenger side and she wasnt hurt except for bruising. My dad was with her at the hospital and I decided to try to help out around the house even though Im still on crutches and shouldnt put weight on my foot.... ya that was a bad idea. Hurts right now... just hope there is good news next tuesday when they xray it again.

Wont be doing much gaming til I get everything set up again but should have everything ready for White Knight Chronicles 2 next week :)

Woohoo and Ouch!

I have officially completed my last class before I graduate college :D Now I just wait for the final grades and hopefully I can continue at the company my internship was at during my last quarter.

It's been awhile since I have blogged but time has flown since I have been so busy. Plus it has been hard to get time to be on the computer for stuff other than school or work because I also broke a bone in my foot a few weeks ago. Been told not to put weight on it so I have been using crutches, which sucks! Hopefully everything will be ok when they check it again in a few weeks.

So many games that I need to talk about since the last blog but the only one Im going to talk about is Catherine. I absolutely loved the game. Just what I expected from Atlus: engaging story and characters and addicting gameplay. I dont think Ive ever played a puzzle game that is so much fun. It gets a 10 from me :)

Today is my birthday!

Yep thats right another year has passed already :) Time sure does fly.

I dont have much plans for today. Just going to relax, watch anime, play video games (definitely some FFXIII on the agenda :P ) and have some good chinese food. My birthday gifts were season dvd sets of InuYasha so thats probably what I will be watching today :D

I only have a few more days of break before college c.lasses start again. Next week I start an internship as well as the very last of my c.lasses before I graduate. Im nervous as hell :lol:

Thats all for now, time to get this party started!

*hands out cookies, cake and ice cream to everyone who stops by* :)

My E3 Thoughts

Looks like another good year to be a gamer :) Unlike other years Im not going to talk a lot about the conferences and who won in my opinion (cough*Sony*cough) but more about some of the games and hardware shown that Im looking forward to.

Lets start with my most anticipated game: Final Fantasy XIII-2. After watching the 4 part walkthrough of the demo on Gametrailers and the one here on GS Im definitely even more excited for this title. Im curious about the story and glad to see the return of the paradigm shifts with only a few changes it seems. The monsters being added to your group looks fun and I think the QTE's seem like they will keep you on your toes. There are a few things I would love clarification on though. It was said at one point that the game will have multiple endings, which I dont particularly like in games. To me multiple endings are just a cheap way to make people play the game multiple times. If a game is great it shouldnt need to change each time you play. Also they said it is more player driven then story driven. I just hope that means the story is as solid and engaging as FFXIII was. I just dont want to wander around with no purpose. Thats what I liked about FFXIII, you were always headed toward a goal or destination.

Assassin's Creed Revelations looks awesome :) After the cliffhanger ending in Brotherhood I have been craving more. I cant wait to see how they incorporate both Ezio and Altair into the game. The new weapons and tools look like it will be even more fun.

Uncharted 3... wow. That demo was so cool. I cant believe that Naughty Dog can still surprise me in its third outing with Drake.

Darksiders 2! Huge fan of the first one and Im so excited to see a second. I would have liked them to continue from the end of the first instead since the ending was epic. However, Ill take more Darksiders anyway they want to make it :)

It was nice to see some gameplay of the new DMC game. At least the combat looks similar to what I expect in a DMC game. I would really like to know more about the story. They need to change his hair though, not just the color but mostly the st.yle. It just doesnt feel like Dante yet. Still more questions that need answers. I want to like it and just like all of the games I have listed already: I crave more DMC :lol:

The more I see of the PS Vita the more excited I get. The price point is extremely competitive especially for everything it is offering.

Others that looked great and are definitely on my radar include: BioShock Infinite, Elder Scrolls Skyrim, Deus Ex 3, El Shaddai, Journey, and Mass Effect 3.

Got use to being connected...

Been awhile since I've blogged huh? :lol:

Had a tough quarter at college but ended up with great grades. Thought I could get back into the swing of things here with this current quarter but the homework is so time consuming atm. Just finished midterms so I have a day of breathing room until Im back to the grind :lol:

There is so much I have to write since last time and not enough time to do it so ill have to bullet point stuff :P

  • Went to Ohayocon and had a blast. No I did not cosplay but had so much fun seeing all the other people in costume. Saw an awesome Dante and Vanille, my two favorites from the event.
  • Already have passes for Colossalcon. Going to be an awesome June with the con, E3 and my b-day :D
  • Finished Dragon Age Origins. Absolutely awesome game. One of the few western rpgs that I have loved. Must be a BioWare thing :lol:
  • Finished Dragon Age 2. Great game with improved combat from the first. However, it lacked something from the first that could have made it a better game. Oh and I did not like the reused locations. Extremely annoying.
  • Finished Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Was a lot better than I expected. I thought the variety of missions and goals were better than previous installments. Hopefully they move on to a new assassin for the next game though.
  • Finished watching xxxholic, Glass Fleet, Mushi-Shi, Black Butler, and Spice and Wolf. Loved all of them :)
  • Been watching Full Metal Panic and Heroic Age.
  • Im addicted to Moon Diver online. Don't know what it is about the game but I could play it for hours. Really want PSN back up so I can play with some of the awesome people I met.
  • Since PSN went down Ive been mainly catching up on my PSP games: Dissidia Duodecim, Valkyria Chronicles II, Final Fantasy IV…
  • Speaking of FFIV, I picked up the Complete Collection on PSP and got rid of my DS version. I like the sprites better and wanted to play After Years.
  • Loved the original Dissidia but Duodecim is even better. The new characters are great, especially like Kain. Yuna is pretty cool too. I like the added assist characters and new moves. Just seems like a better game all around. If anyone is looking to pick up one of the Dissidia game I would definitely suggest getting Duodecim over the original.
  • I plan to get an NGP at some point after it is released. Dual analog sticks FTW!
  • I have decided that I will not be getting a 3DS.

There are tons of other things probably but I can't think of them. Hope to do more blogs but if I get too busy I'll still be reading everyone else's blogs at least :)

Hope to see some of you guys on PSN when it is finally back up again. Ive gotten use to being connected, it feels weird to even play single player on the PS3 without being logged in :lol:

And the Final Fantasy news keeps pouring in...

Most of the FFXIII-2 trailers on youtube were taken down but now there is an official version - in much better quality and in English!

Not only that but they have announced the official release date of Dissidia Duodecim for North America: March 22, 2011!

Its like christmas in January with all these trailers and such from SE :P

So many things comming out in March! Can't wait :D

Final Fantasy XIII-2 + My Top 10 of 2010

HECK YES! Final Fantasy XIII-2! My favorite game of 2010 gets a sequel! Freaking awesome. I can't wait!

ok...calm down...just breathe... :lol:

I planned to make a blog of my top 10 of 2010 earlier but college has been keeping me busy. I also wanted write a bit on each one but I dont have the time to type it all up. So here is a condensed version.

10. Ys Seven

9. Trinity Universe

8. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

7. Enslaved

6. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

5. Star Ocean: The Last Hope

4. Darksiders

3. Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition

2. Valkyria Chronicles II

1. Final Fantasy XIII

Finals are over and Valkyria Chronicles

YAY I'm free for christmas break :D

Tons of time now to continue playing Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Valkyria Chronicles 2. Also should have Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition arriving in the mail today so I can't wait to start that :)

On the topic of Valkyria Chronicles, I finished the first quite a few weeks ago but hadn't had time to write about how insanely awesome it is :lol: I absolutely loved the characters and the story. It wasn't a black and white, "these guys are good, those guys are bad" type of game. There were people on both sides of the war that had their reasons for doing things. The lines were blurred on what the morally right thing to do was and you could understand their intentions even if you might not agree with them.

The gameplay was what had kept me from picking up the game earlier than I did. I can count the number of srpgs I have loved on one hand. But I have never loved the gameplay in a srpg more than in VC. You have to move your squad strategically to keep them out of the line of fire or behind cover. You start with an overhead view of the map and then move into third person. Each character has a set amount of distance they can travel each turn as well as being able to shoot, heal, repair tanks, ect. once each turn. It is brilliant gameplay that I absolutely loved.

Music was wonderful, I'd watch the openning sequence everytime I started up the game just to listen to the song. VA's were really good too. They gave personalities to each member of the squad. Speaking of the squad, the VA's, character backgrounds, ect. made you care about the members of your squad. They weren't just extras to fill out the ranks. Most of the time I stuck with the same group, only swaping out members a few times.

Anyone who owns a PS3 needs to try Valkyria Chronicles :D

Score: 10/10

Been Awhile :)

Well I'm still alive and kickin :) I missed blogging about my 4 year anniversary at GS... like a month ago :lol: ...ummm yay for extreme belatedness :P

I'm about half way through a quarter at college, just took midterms. Looking forward to the long christmas break I'll get :D

Have a few games to discuss so lets hop right in.

First off is Blade Kitten, a psn game. It follows Kit Ballard, a ditzy cat girl, who is a bounty hunter. She is tracking down her target Terra-li on a planet called Hollow Wish when she uncovers a secret that will effect the destiny of the entire planet. The dialog can be chessy, most of the time actually, but it wasnt cringe-worthy imo. I thought the story was interesting. The game consists of 2 episodes, the first one consisting of 13 chapters/levels. Since it is split into 2 parts the story will leave you on a cliffhanger. It did keep me excited for the next part.

The game is a platformer, a very fun one at that. The levels are huge with tons of hidden areas with treasure and collectables. However the combat is fairly basic. There is a button for a light attack, a heavy attack, and one to hold to break shields. You can also do a finisher move as well. There is no upgrading of skills or moves. You can purchase a few new weapons, costumes and upgrading your health and stamina.

Overall, Blade Kitten has been one of my favorite PSN game purchases so far. If you are looking for a good platformer than this may be your game.

Next is Enslaved Odyssey to the West. The game starts with Monkey and Trip escaping from a slave ship. Unfortunately Monkey is knocked unconsious. While he is out, Trip puts a slavers headband on him, which forces him to follow her orders. Trip wants to find a way back to her village, 300 miles away, and if Monkey helps her get there she will take the headband off. Monkey has no choice since the headband will kill him if Trip dies. And that is how their journey begins.

I loved the story in this game and the characters really bring it to life. The voice actors and the motion capture they used allowed the game to convay the emotions of the story. Combat was fun. Monkey's staff has heavy and light attacks, a focus attack and can shoot plasma or stun shots. The platforming parts are similar to uncharted with a clear path defined. However, the game really holds your hand on the platforming. There really isnt any way to miss a jump. The only way to mess up on the platforming is to get killed by fire jets, gears or enemies.

This game could have gotten a higher score from me if it wasnt for the bugs. There is no reason why the character model should suddenly disappear during a cutscene, the sound/voices cut out, or the annoying wait for the textures to load in. In a game where they try to immerse you in the story, I found this to be frustrating. Just when you are sucked into it something would pop up to slap you in the face to remind you that you are playing a game. Enslaved just could have been better without the bugs.

Thats it for the finished games. On to what I'm currently playing.

I'm on the last chapter in Valkyria Chronicles, been killing zombies in the Undead Nightmare Expansion for Red Dead Redemption, and stuck on the Void Quest boss fight in Persona 4. :)

New DMC game from Ninja Theory

Waking up this morning to news of a new Devil May Cry game should have made me the happiest person on earth...

But I have some mixed emotions on the information so far :(

Capcom is lettting Ninja Theory do the next installment of DMC. I have no problem with that as long as it is good.

It is also going to be a reboot of the series. Ehh... ok I guess... I do like the story behind the originals and it is disappointing to have it go away. However, if they would bring Vergil back I'm all for it! :D Having a twin brother really is important to who Dante is so I hope they dont throw away everything that made up DMC.

Setting looks to be more present day-ish. No problems with that.

Then I saw the screen shots of Dante...

What the hell did they do to Dante?! :cry: He is a skinny kid with black hair. Black hair! WTF? Its like how they changed Cole for Infamous 2 but 1000 times worse. After calming my rage at this tragedy, I decided to take another look. Happened to notice the back of his head had a silver spot in his hair. That got me thinking, maybe the more Dante uses his demonic powers the more his hair will turn silver until you get his old look? At least I hope my theory is correct because right now I hate what they have done to him.

Heard Dante's voice in the trailer for only a second and I couldnt tell if it was Reuben Langdon or not but I'm betting it is not. Which kind of stinks because I think of his voice as Dante. He voiced him in my two favorite DMC games (and the anime :P ). I dont mind if they want to tone back on the wise-cracks, though I think some of that needs to be in the game for it to be DMC. There are no problems in making him more bada$$ than he already is imo. I can get over the voice more than the change in his looks.

I have a lot of questions about the story, the gameplay and Dante himself that need answers before I decide what to make of this reboot to one of my favorite franchises.