Hello everyone! Thanks for all the questions! Sorry I took so long to answer them all. I finally got to visit my brother's house and got to play Lost Odyssey yesterday. Man that game is so good!! I played for 15 hours straight, even ate my lunch while watching the cut scenes/memories. I got through the whole first disc and I'm up to the Old Sorceress' Mansion on the second disc. The story is amazing! Gods, when Kaim cried it felt like my heart was stabbed with a knife and someone ripped it out of my chest. I hate to see men cry, it makes me so sad. Poor Kaim...I can't wait to be able to play more and this is the first time I really wished I had an Xbox360.
Well, Its time for me to answer all of your questions!
I found the picture of Sephy and Stitch on a website that came up in Google when I was looking for Crisis Core pictures to make into PSP wallpapers. The picture is originally from Deviantart though. I thought it was cute and makes me smile when I see it. Glad everyone enjoyed it :D
The most asked question was where my user name, Pikastar, came from or why I picked it. It is a combination of Pika, as in pikachu, and star. At the time, I wanted a name that showed I liked Pokemon games. Pikachu being my favorite pokemon seemed like the choice to pick...and I guess I thought of star since I love astronomy...But actually I really have no idea why or how I connected the two words into one name. I wanted something unique...my brain just started putting words together and Pikastar was the result :lol:
Normally I dont give out my real name but I trust you guys... My name is Lisa.
My favorite Square Enix game was a tough one...I love all the Final Fantasy games I have played, though I love the characters in VII the most (followed very closely by XII) so I would have to say FFVII is my favorite SE game.
What do I do for fun besides gaming? Lets see... I love watching movies, reading fantasy/sci-fi books, horseback riding, drawing and painting (though Im not very good and dont get to do it as often as I would like).
Pets? I have two dogs and a horse.
Favorite Console...hmmm...Well the only next-gen console I have played is the Xbox360, so I guess I would have to say that. Right now I just have a PSP and DS. And I couldnt choose which I like better :D
All time favorite game?...I dont really know if I have one...
My favorite color is blue.
My favorite food is a tie between mashed potatoes and ice cream.
My favorite season is Spring.
The two next-gen RPG games that I have played that come to mind are Mass Effect...which was ok,only played a couple hours til I got bored... and Lost Odyssey, which would be my favorite because it is so good!
Do I like Ashe? Yes she is my favorite female character in FFXII and one of my favorite female Final Fantasy characters in general, Tifa being the only one I like more.
Well thats all of them! I'll make my next blog sometime next week.
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