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pikastar Blog

Tagged Again! More about me

Yep I got tagged again by Smootheyes2 this time :D So heres some more stuff about me:

1. I can get extremely passionate about things. If I have an interest in something I will do all I can to learn as much as possible. Even little things excite me and make me happy.

2. My favorite tv shows are Farscape and Firefly...I have them on DVD since they arent on anymore :cry:...So current TV shows I like are Bones, Psych, and House. Unfortunately with the loss of Stargate SG1, there are no good sci-fi shows on TV anymore :(

3. My first video game was Super Mario Bros on the NES :D or at least that is the first one I remember...I was only 1 year old when it came out :lol: But I remember playing it.

4. I have a habit of cracking my neck...:lol: if I dont do it, it can sometimes cause me to get a headache...weird huh?

5. Im a perfectionist. Also I procrastinate but if there is a deadline for something to be done I will have it done on time.

and a bonus:

6. I am shy around people I dont know. Once I get to know them though Im my normal goofy self you guys see here :D

Not gonna tag anyone :D

Ive had to slow down on playing Crisis Core. Not by choice but because Ive had to be busy with other things. Im still at the same place in the story that I was yesterday. Further on the missions now though...I have 50% done. Picked up the Bahamut Fury summons though I havent gotten it to come up on the DMW. Now all I need is one last summons to complete the DMW. I still want to get 100% on the side missions but its so hard not to finish it...I almost want to make a second save and finish it on one and continue the missions on the other :lol:

Guess what this Blog is about....

If you guessed Crisis Core, you are right! :lol:

So far im 27 hours in I believe, 43% of the side missions done, and Zack is level 43. I have all of the characters on the DMW except for 2 of the summons. I have just unlocked the mission for 1 of the 2 but I think it is labeled as Very Hard at the moment.

I thought the part where [spoiler] Sephiroth and Zack are talking in Junon was so cute. Also I was laughing so hard when you meet up with Cloud and he has motion sickness from the heli ride to Junon :lol: [/spoiler]

And im really liking Sephiroth :lol: I mean he was a great villian in FVII and I liked him there too. But now he is just so nice and understanding with Zack, I dont want him to go all villian-y! :D Im gonna feel bad in the very near future when I have to get all angry at him again :lol:

Blog Question for everyone:

What is your favorite Limit Break, Summons and Chocobo Mode in Crisis Core?

My favorite Limit Break is Genesis, followed by Cloud. Summons is Bahamut, though Odin is very close behind it. And Chocobo mode....Id have to say Moogle is my favorite, not only because it is cute but he levels up you materia. woohoo! :D

Tagged and more Crisis Core...yes It will never end! Muhaha!

Well first off I got sneaky tagged by Lady_Bahamut :D So lets get this over with.

1. I collect stuffed animals. All different kinds, ones that look like real animals, disney characters, and game characters. Ive even ordered some from Japan and had them shipped over :D Like my Eevee plush ...and yes I do have a Pikachu plush...a giant 24 inch one :lol:

2. When I was growing up I never had a doll or Barbie or anything like that. Not that I wanted one at all, I never liked dolls or Barbies or plastic baby things...whatever the heck they are called. It was stuffed animals and video games for me :D

3. I can get angry easily. I jump to conclusions and read into things that arent there. I hate staying angry at people and regret when I make mistakes. Im my own worse critic...ok lets move on :lol:

4. Some things that freak me out are bugs (the worst being spiders, bees, and the long ones with all the legs *shudder*) and clowns.

5. I love roller coasters! Most of my favorites being at Disney World and Universal Studios in Orlando.

Im not gonna tag anyone cause I think everyone on my friend list has been at least once. But if you havent been tagged, then consider yourself tagged now :twisted: Oh ya! Sneaky tag ftw!

Yes I know...I wont shut up about Crisis Core.

I finally got to see Cloud woohoo! :D

I got choked up and cried at [spoiler] I got choked up when Angeal died :( and I had tears when Zack was crying. It was so sad [/spoiler]

I love how they have put some of the flashback scenes you see in Advent Children into Crisis Core. It really ties it all together.

So far I have 24 hours of game time, at the begining of Chapter 6, 39% of the side missions complete, and Zack is level 39. I want to get 100% on the side missions before finishing the game so this is gonna take awhile :lol:

New banner and Crisis Core Update

Hiya everyone!

I just made a new profile banner. I like it better than the last one I had. Even though this one aient that good either... But at least it shows what game Im currently playing :lol:

Lets see...so far I have 20 hours played on Crisis Core with 32% of the side missions done. Im having such a good time playing this game.

Btw if anyone is playing the game without headphones, I suggest trying it with them. I find the sound to be ten times better than coming out of the PSP speakers.

Im tired and have a headache today so Ill leave you guys with a blog question:

If you could join only one of the SOLDIER 1st Class fan clubs which would it be: Sephiroth, Angeal, or Genesis?

CRISIS CORE!!!!!! *No Spoilers*

Heya guys!

I have finally put my PSP down, and Im sure you guys know what Im gonna say next....CRISIS CORE IS AWESOME!

Yesterday I got to the store at 10am, I was the first there to pick up Crisis Core. The guys at the Gamestop know my brother and myself by name. So he knew what I was there for :D First thing he says is "Youll have the game the minute the shipment arrives".

I was like "NOOOOOO!....more waiting" :cry: But he said it wouldnt be too long and he was right. Browsed around the store a bit and in 5 minutes the wonderful UPS man came in with gifts. It was like Christmas in March! :lol:

The lovely boxes were opened right in front of me and there it was! So close I could touch it! With the game I got the preorder umd case. Which is very cool, it holds up to 2 umds. I needed it because one of my games I dont have a case for. And I also got the game guide. Comes in handy but mostly its for my collection :D

So I got the game home and immediately started playing. The whole opening gave me goosebumps :D I played for 11 hours yesterday. Only took a break to eat lunch and dinner. I got to the Church in the Slums and have about 20% done on the missions. There have been moments where my jaw just hangs open and im like "...wow...amazing..". Im so glad that they kept the sense of humor in this game. Man there are some funny part :D And Ive had lots of goosebumps...no crying yet but Im sure they will be comming real soon :lol:

I have to say that this is the best PSP game ever. Plus it lives up to its predessesor, FFVII. The story is amazing, the characters I love (of course!), the dialog/voice acting is fantastic, the gameplay is fun, the music is outstanding, and it has truly wonderful graphics for the PSP. I love everything about this game. If it wasnt for the fact I was up until 3 in the morning yesterday from anticipation and was just plain tired, I wouldnt have stoped playing last night.

Ill give a full review when I get further along. Im really not that far into it yet :lol:

And holy cow! GS gave Crisis Core a 9 out of 10!!!!!? Go Gamespot, you guys rock!!!

Im sorry if all of my information about the game is vague... actually I find it hard to describe how much I love this game. Also I dont want to give any spoilers because I know there are some that dont want to know anything before they play the game.

FINALLY Crisis Core Today!

Today is the day! I figure I should make my blog now because once I get Crisis Core I wont be on Gamespot :lol:

My countdown to Crisis Core is off because I thought I would have to wait until Wednesday to be able to pick it up. But I got the wonderful call from Gamestop tonight and in...about 9 hours from the time of this post I'll be picking it up from the store!

I have added a few more link icons to my blog... one for Square Enix Nation and one for Square Enix Reunion :D Oh and I hated the profile banner I had made so for now it will just have to be the boring black :(

Just saw the commercial for Crisis Core on the TV...I'm so excited!!!!!

For everyone who will be getting it tomorrow, ENJOY!

For everyone having to wait a bit, HANG IN THERE! Soon you too will share the wonders of Crisis Core!

I'll see everyone again when I can pull myself away from my PSP!

Countdown and Dante Art

OMG! Woohoo! We are almost there!

I hope everyone had a happy Easter. Did anyone get sick on chocolate? :D mmmmm chocolate...:lol:

Last night I wasnt in the mood to play more CC:RoF so I decided to finish my drawing. I did Dante from Devil May Cry. My reference was the cover from the DMC anime that was given out with the Collector's edition of DMC4. My scanner did an ok job getting the details...but the real thing looks better. Also I had to shrink the picture, I drew it on an 8x11 piece of paper.

Constructive criticism is appreciated, only way I can learn to be better :D I worked hard on it and this is actually the best person drawing I have done...possibly my best drawing ever...so please dont laugh...

Ok here is (click on it to see full view):

So...ummm...I might do a picture of Cloud and Tifa next if I feel like doing people again. I have done a head shot of Red XIII that I havent finished...maybe Ill try to finish that first.

Well I'll leave you guys with a Blog Question:

If you were a Final Fantasy character, what kind of weapon would you like to use?

Countdown and CC:RoF Review!

Almost there!

I cant talk much today. Busy, busy, busy!

However, I have posted my review of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates if anyone is interested in reading it.

It isnt my best one but hopefully it will help some of you decide if youd like to pick it up :D Also it is only for the single player. I havent messed with the solo multiplayer yet.


Crisis Core Countdown Continues...and Animes

Its so close I could almost reach out and touch it!

I don't have any new Crisis Core news for you guys today. Just waiting...and waiting...

I'll possibly get around to making my full review of CC:RoF today...if I have time. Not much to do today, it's really cold and I dont feel like going outside :lol:

Since I have no gaming news to share, lets talk about anime.

I havent been watching anime for very long and havent watched many series, a few being ones that are based off of games. Wolf's Rain is the first I watched and still my favorite :D I prefer ones that are dubbed...I really dont like reading subtitles if at all possible.

Wolf's Rain is the only one I have finished so far. However I have been watching Star Ocean EX, DNAngel, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy Unlimited...crap I know Im forgetting some...Anyways, Ive also watched Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Castle in the Sky...basically all of Hayao Miyazaki's films :D So far everything I have watched I have enjoyed.

Im thinking about trying Noein and Death Note because I heard they are pretty good. Does anyone have any suggestions on some good ones to try? Preferably something I could rent from like netflix or a video store...Im broke, and I like seeing if I like them before spending all the money for the series or movie.

Well thats it for today. Gotta go get some stuff done :D Tune in tomorrow when the countdown continues :lol:

Countdown Continues (Video) and thoughts on CC:RoF

Closer and closer we come!
Finally got to hear Genesis' english voice acting, which was my last fear for the game. But now I dont have to worry because I really like it! :D I think the best voices are Sephiroth, Zack and Cloud. Crisis Core is gonna be so awesome! :lol:

For anyone curious to hear it too, Ill post the link here.

But be warned, It DOES contain SPOILERS! If you dont want to know DONT click on it.

Here it is: Crisis Core Vid-SPOILERS (Genesis)

In other news, I got to play a lot more of CC:ROF and I must say I am very glad I got it. It has a bunch of action, a lot of platforming, and rpg all in one. It's a nice change from the norm. I just got through the forest and got Gnash in my group. I think I have about 8 hours of gameplay so far...but some of that included the moogle painting I did :D ... Moogles dont make good pikachu impersonators :lol:

I think the controls work really well. I find the magic very easy to use with the casting ring. Some have said the AI is crap. I admit that they can be a little useless on basic battles and annoying by standing in poison patches. But it is really not too bad, and you can always hit the L button to call them to you. Actually the AI did really well in the boss battle at the end of the forest. I controlled Gnash and shot arrows while standing on the logs. The others were taking out the baddies below. I occasionally had to jump down to heal and dodge magic attacks but it went a lot easier than it could have gone.

Well I dont want to ramble on too much because I will do a full review later on :D If you're thinking about getting it and like platforming action RPG's, then you will enjoy this game.