Hello guys!
I just saw the new Indiana Jones movie...and I have to say Im disappointed. I expected a lot more from it since I really enjoyed the first three. The story was weak and other than a few scenes, the lines were poor as well. It just didnt have any spark. I didnt know what the story was about, I didnt read any reviews or anything before I went to see it. If I had know what the story evolved into I probably wouldnt have bothered going to the theater to see it. If it wasnt an Indiana Jones movie, it wouldnt be doing well at all IMO.
Dont read the spoiler if you dont want to know the plot as well as the ending...
[spoiler] Aliens...come on! In an Indiana Jones movie!? Well they didnt say aliens exactly, they were "interdimentional beings"...dont care how you say it, they looked like aliens and had a flying saucer. The other movies had mystic, magically type things. But they felt like they could be believable. This was just cheesy. I wasnt sure if I should be watching an Indiana Jones movie or Star Wars. Plus the puzzles werent thought out, they were too easy, it was like Indiana Jones knew how to do them before he even got there. Im pretty sure he never got any of them wrong...which makes it feel even more like he knew everything before seeing it. The whole thing felt unbelievable and silly IMO. [/spoiler]
Has anyone else seen it? What did you think?
In gaming, Ive been playing Valkyrie Profile Lenneth and Im having a blast. Im only about 3 hours in so I havent gotten very far yet. But so far it is better than I expected. I thought I was going to drown in dialog at the begining though. But it was entertaining, so it wasnt too terrible :)
Patapon is fun but that Juju song is driving me crazy :lol: I had the hardest time getting the rain song to work...and then when I did it wore off in the desert and killed me. I couldnt get fever back up fast enough *grumble* Going to have to work on it cause I cant get past that part.
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