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pikastar Blog

Indiana Jones Movie and Gaming

Hello guys!

I just saw the new Indiana Jones movie...and I have to say Im disappointed. I expected a lot more from it since I really enjoyed the first three. The story was weak and other than a few scenes, the lines were poor as well. It just didnt have any spark. I didnt know what the story was about, I didnt read any reviews or anything before I went to see it. If I had know what the story evolved into I probably wouldnt have bothered going to the theater to see it. If it wasnt an Indiana Jones movie, it wouldnt be doing well at all IMO.

Dont read the spoiler if you dont want to know the plot as well as the ending...

[spoiler] Aliens...come on! In an Indiana Jones movie!? Well they didnt say aliens exactly, they were "interdimentional beings"...dont care how you say it, they looked like aliens and had a flying saucer. The other movies had mystic, magically type things. But they felt like they could be believable. This was just cheesy. I wasnt sure if I should be watching an Indiana Jones movie or Star Wars. Plus the puzzles werent thought out, they were too easy, it was like Indiana Jones knew how to do them before he even got there. Im pretty sure he never got any of them wrong...which makes it feel even more like he knew everything before seeing it. The whole thing felt unbelievable and silly IMO. [/spoiler]

Has anyone else seen it? What did you think?

In gaming, Ive been playing Valkyrie Profile Lenneth and Im having a blast. Im only about 3 hours in so I havent gotten very far yet. But so far it is better than I expected. I thought I was going to drown in dialog at the begining though. But it was entertaining, so it wasnt too terrible :)

Patapon is fun but that Juju song is driving me crazy :lol: I had the hardest time getting the rain song to work...and then when I did it wore off in the desert and killed me. I couldnt get fever back up fast enough *grumble* Going to have to work on it cause I cant get past that part.

Some of my Vacation Pictures!

Well I promised you guys vacation pictures, so I uploaded them and picked a few of my favorites :D

The first place I went to was Magic Kingdom, so heres a great picture of Cinderella's Castle.

In Magic Kingdom, one of my favorite rides is Pirates of the Caribbean. It may not be a roller coaster but it still is fun. Plus a perfect ride to go on when the weather hits over 90 degrees with high humidity :lol: Other rides I liked are Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain, and Splash Mountain.

Next was Disney Hollywood Studios. My favorite ride in all the Disney parks is there. Aerosmith's Rockin Roller Coaster, which is a roller coaster that goes 60mph with loops and such, is entirely indoors and in the dark. I also like Hollywood Tower of Terror. And the next picture is of Star Tours, a ride based on Star Wars.

At Disney's Animal Kingdom I got some amazing pictures of African and Asian animals. But these have to be my two favorite.

I also got to go to the two Universal Parks. My favorite Universal Studios ride is Revenge of the Mummy, which is based off of The Mummy movies. It is an indoor roller coaster but also has more to it. Really a unique ride.

At Universal Islands of Adventure, my favorite was Dueling Dragons. Its a double roller coaster (can you tell I love roller coasters? :lol: ) The two roller coasters go simulatiously and when you watch from the ground it looks like two dragons fighting in the air. Each takes a different path so you can ride as the blue ice dragon and get an entirely different experience by re-riding as the red fire dragon.

Well I think thats all Im gonna do :D It was a lot of fun.

In other news, I found Valkyrie Profile Lenneth used today so I finally picked it up :) Even though I shouldnt have, I also picked up Patapon and Syphon Filter Dark Mirror used...I need to stop buying games until I finish the ones I got :lol: I wont be making anymore gaming purchases until FFTA2 or FFIV...atleast my wallet hopes so :lol:

Oh! I almost forgot! Square Enix and Final Fantasy has invaded Disney World and Universal Studios. Ok well maybe not invaded but they had SE merchandise at both the Japan area in Epcot and in one of the shops at Universal Studios. I was going crazy looking at all the stuff...Then I saw this...

Needless to say, I was practically drooling all over the display case it was in. But $400 is way too much for something that will just sit on my desk...it was so beautiful though and really cool to see it since I would never have gotten the chance otherwise. Their picture does not do it justice at all. It is very detailed and realistic looking. Plus Id never get anything done if it was on my desk...Id be staring at it instead of working :lol:

I'm Back!


Im back from Disney World! I had a great time but Im glad to be home. I missed all of you :D Ill post some vacation pictures soon.

My favorite rides were Rockin Roller coaster and Revenge of the Mummy. Ill talk more about it when I get the pictures up :D Ill be catching up on everyones blogs soon too :D

Im almost finished with TWEWY. Played it a lot in the airport and on the plane.

Downloading Secret Agent Clank demo from the PS store now, hope it will be good.

Whats everyone been up to? Current games youve been playing?

Be Back Soon!

Hiya guys!

I just wanted to let everyone know that Im going on vacation, so I wont be around for a bit. Gonna be too busy packing and such but I didnt want anyone to get worried when I suddenly wasnt showing up in the forums and posting blogs :lol: I'll return with vacation pictures as well as doing the Music Tagged thingie that I still havent done yet :)

And for all who may be curious, Im going to Disney World :D

See everyone when I return!

Answers to Questions, Iron Man, and Moomba Drawing

Hope everyone is having a good weekend and happy mother's day to all the moms out there!

Time to answer the questions from the last blog :D

Any other games you like?(Not including FF) - legend_cloud

Oh jeepers where do I start with this question :lol: So many good games. Im a huge rpg fan so there are quite a few I like that are not FF games :wink: But I like most types of games, everything from puzzles like Portal to action games like Devil May Cry. Ummm some off the top of my head are Spyro series, Ratchet and Clank series, Devil May Cry series, KoTOR, many other Star wars games, The World Ends With You, Pokemon, Lost Odyssey, Lair, Tales of Eternia, God of War series...ok I could go on forever :lol: Basically, there has to be something that makes me click with the game, whether it be story, characters, gameplay, ect. :D

How much do you spend on games a month? - langrisser2005

I assume you mean money and not time :D Ummm I usually buy a game a month but it really depends on what is out and if I can find anything I want used. March killed my wallet with Crisis Core, God of War: CoO and Ring of Fates :lol: And time I spend on games...way too much, yet never enough :P Atleast 3 hours a day and more if possible.

How did you come up with your codename: pikastar? I suppose it's a combination of Pikachu and a star. - Fantasy_Gamer

Thats exactly what it is :D Dont ask me why I thought of combining the two :lol: It just happened...

What is your best game? (after FFVII ) - dark_massenger

Crisis Core! Ok, ok that was cheating since it is also part of FFVII...this is a really tough question...I have FFVII and Crisis Core labeled as my all time favorites, but after that it is really hard to me to decide. I dont have a top 10 list or anything...hmmmm. I guess best after FFVII as far as FF games go would be FFVI. For other games, there are ones I enjoy in each genre, which makes them hard to compare to each other. I cant decide.

What is your fav hobby besides gaming? - latte428

Reading and watching movies. And lately drawing again too. I have many books Im waiting to read, all are sci fi/fantasy. Love going to the theater to see movies and renting them.

Got any pets? - Lady_Bahamut

Yep :D Two dogs and a horse.

How long have you been drawing? and have you had any art clas.ses? - shewolf1961

Ive drawn animals probably since I was 12 or so. The only art clas s Ive had are high school clas.ses. I took a year of drawing, a year of ceramics and two years of painting. After I went to college, I stopped other than bored doodles I would do in my clas.ses. So when I posted my first drawing here, it had been about 5 years since I had done anything detailed.

Well that's it for the questions! Very good ones, and some tough ones for me :D

That brings us to Iron Man. Just saw it yesterday. I loved it! Probably my favorite superhero type movie. That suit is awesome! I want one :lol: I liked that it was funny without being cheesy. Wish I could see it again and I look forward to the second movie :D

Has anyone else seen it? Did you like it?

I finished my lastest drawing...a Moomba from FFVIII! Tell me what you think :D

Next drawing will probably be Neku from The World Ends With You.

Also I got Music tagged by Jack_Force, so that will be in my next blog cause this one is long enough :lol:

Ask me a Question(s)!

Heya guys!

Ive been playing The World Ends With You and have been having a blast. The game is so addicting :lol:

[spoiler] I got past the first 7 days and Im on the 2nd (or maybe 3rd?) day of the second week. I love the twists in the story and cant wait to see whats coming up next. I like the dialog between Neku and Joshua better than with Shiki. But battle wise I like using Shiki as my partner a lot better for some reason. [/spoiler]

Since I dont have much to say and Im still working on my next drawing, its time for a Q & A blog :D You can ask me a question, or multiple questions, and Ill answer them in my next blog.

A Thank You to Everyone, Yuna Drawing and Video

Hello everyone!

I want to thank each and every one of you for the wonderful complements and critiques that you have given about my drawings. You guys dont know how much your words of encouragement and trying to help me learn to be better at drawing means to me. Thank You and I hope you guys enjoy the ones I create in the future.

Speaking of which, here is the one I did today of Yuna. I'm really in a drawing phase aren't I? :lol: It is odd for me to draw so many, so fast. Usually it takes days, if not weeks, to finish one. I had a reference from FFX-2 for this drawing. I like it :D What do you think? I hope I got the angle of the face correct, cause I know the last time I did a drawing from behind (Zack in the group picture) I didnt do it right.

And I found this cool video on youtube about how Cloud, Vincent and Zack are heroes.

The Measure of a Hero

Vincent and Yuffie drawing and game purchases!

Yes another drawing! :lol:

I took lightwarrior179's advice (thank you!) and drew Vincent and Yuffie. I was going to do a seperate drawing for each character but when I found the reference I used, knew I had to draw both in the same picture :D

I stayed up to the early morning hours to finish it, I just couldnt leave it half done but now Im really tired :lol: I absolutely love the way Vincent's hair turned out!

What do ya guys think?

In other news, I went to Gamestop yesterday cause I heard they had a buy two used, get one free sale. Well I got there and of course they had a few that sounded interesting. I had been hoping to find Valkyrie Profile Lenneth used, but no such luck. When I thought about it though, I decided I would rather spend the money to get The World Ends With You than the used games I saw. So I did :D Im on the third day so far and it is a lot of fun! Battles will take some getting use to though. Cant wait to play more! I also picked up Spectral Souls for the PSP. It was only $10 used, woohoo! :lol: So far I like it, not very far in it yet though cause I cant put TWEWY down :D The only issues Ive seen so far in Spectral Souls is longer than normal load times...but thats nothing that would cause me to enjoy the game any less :D

Red XIII Drawing! Youtube Videos: Set 2

Yay its friday! :D

Well I finished my drawing of Red XIII...I cant seem to stop drawing now :lol: I dont think Ive done so many in so short of a time before. Lets see...about this drawing, I know Red XIII right eye (left when you look at the drawing) isnt like how I drew it...but thats how I wanted it to be. Not acurate but its my drawing so sue me :lol: Other than that theres not much to say about this one, except that I really like it :D And I did have a reference while drawing.

How does it look?

I'm not sure who I'm going to draw next. I do want to attempt another Cloud and Tifa one but maybe not yet. I was thinking about Storm from FFVersusXIII but I cant find any good references yet. Maybe try Genesis...attempting to do the wing would be interesting :D I guess it will be a surprise for everyone :lol:

Since all of my blogs lately have been my drawings and I really dont have much to say about gaming (Im still working on Ring of Fates and FFVI), I thought Id share some videos I found on youtube. These are different then the ones I posted before (which the previous ones can still be viewed from the link I made above). I did not make any of these, extremely talented people did :D Most, if not all, are or have some connection to FFVII :wink: ...and these are in no order at all.

Cloud's Foolish Games - Tifa's heart is breaking bacause Cloud cant see how much she loves him (one of my fav videos :D first time I saw it I practically shouted "Damn it Cloud just kiss her already!" :lol: )

Cloud Strife - Hate Me - if you didnt think Cloud was angst before, you will after this video :lol: also the closest you gonna get to me even remotely acknowleging that there might be some sort of connection between Cloud and Aeris:roll:

Crazy for this Girl - The guys of FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, and FFX are crazy for their girls :P

My Name is Ashelia - This video is made like a movie trailer for Final Fantasy XII...if a person has never played XII, this video might just make you want to play it!

Set the Fire to the Third Bar - Heres a cross game couple: Yuna and...Kadaj! Yes, it odd but I liked the video :lol:

She's so High Above Me - Another cross game couple: Zack and Yuna :D

Headstrong - video about the guys in Crisis Core and their attitudes

There she goes - cute video about Zack and Aerith :D

Goodbye to You - If you want to cry your eyes out, heres the video for you (Zack and Aerith)

And last but not least:

Kiss Me - The first video had Tifa wanting Cloud to notice her, so it seems fitting that the last video I show you guys is about Cloud wanting to be with Tifa :wink:

Well enjoy everyone! :D

Two, Two...Two Blogs in One Day! Sephiroth Drawing!

:lol: Couldnt stop myself from posting my Sephiroth drawing...Think this is my first time posting twice in one day :D

I really love this one. First off this drawing is of Sephy before he goes all villain-y :D So thats why his expression is nice instead of crazy and evil :wink: Second, his hair and hands were a PAIN to draw :lol: Actually the hands were worse then the hair...usually I try to conveniently keep hands out of my drawings LOL but I wanted more then just his head. I was going to do something with him holding Masamune but since it was a close drawing you wouldnt see much of the sword. So instead he is holding a materia orb :D And yes I did have a reference while I was drawing it.

What do you guys think?