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Star Ocean 4 Drawing and Kingdom Hearts

I am very excited with the announcement of Star Ocean: The Last Hope International :D Yet another reason for me to get a PS3 :lol:

But anyways, I decided to pick a character from SO4 as my next drawing. I chose Faize because his voice actor happens to also do Syaoran from the anime Tsubasa, which I love. The scanner made the colors a bit darker than what they really are, especially the gold. *shrugs*


I have been playing Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories. Its good but I really dont like the card system. I would like it more if it had the combat system from the other games. Right now I'm stuck on Vexen. His shield is so annoying. I want to finish it before 358/2 Days comes out but with college starting up again on Wednesday I dont know how much time I'll have to play. As soon as 358/2 Days arrives in the mail though I'll be starting it whether I'm finished with CoM or not :D

A Look Back at My Star Wars Journey...

I was looking though my laptop the other day and was suprised to find screenshots from the time I had spent playing Star Wars Galaxies many years ago. The above image was one of my characters with my favorite full grown pet that I had tamed and trained from a baby.

I knew the minute I started up the game that my profession would always be a Creature Handler. Creature Handlers could tame and train all sorts of animal life from the different planets. What was the best part of being creature handler? The added support in battle was nice but they were not able to tank like many other pets from MMO's. No, the best part was the taming. Having a whole planet to search for that one rare baby. And once you found it, you had to tame it, which didnt always work. The tougher the critter, the harder to tame. Not only that but you had to protect it from other hostiles on the planet who would just love to kill it.

These were my two characters. Teawa (on the left) was my first. She started out in the creature handler profession and was also a Bio Engineer. She got to Master in both professions. But she was on my brother's account and I had to move to college. So I got my own game and made Oceas (on the right). Once again I worked my way up and mastered Creature handler. Months later my brother was tired of SWG. Before he quit I took advantage of the free character transfer they were doing and put Teawa on my account. Thats when I decided to make Oceas a Jedi/Master Creature Handler. I went though all of the Jedi trials and became a Jedi :)

Then the developers decided to change the creature handler profession. Not only could I tame and train pets but I could learn and teach them abilities. Although most of the abilities I learned were stuff my pets had automatically known before the change. I didnt mind though and ended up getting all of them, which was 60 or so if I remember correctly. After all that effort, the developers decided to completely remove the Creature Handler profession in their huge overhaul of the game. That is when I quit playing.

My time with Star Wars Galaxies was fun while it lasted. Since quitting, I have no desire to play another MMO.

Batman Arkham Asylum, Prototype and Wet

Sigh, well I wrote a whole bunch about the games I got to play over the weekend but then I lost it all and really dont feel like doing it all over again. So here is the quick version.

Batman Arkham Asylum was fun. The combat was good, it was similar to Assassin's Creed. My favorite parts were with Scarecrow. Cool that I got to play it but not something I would actually buy myself.

Prototype was one of the better sandbox game I have played. Probably because I enjoyed the story more than, for example, GTA4 or Infamous. I liked Alex Mercer, piecing together his past and learning about the infection. Might get it sometime once I get a PS3.

The Wet demo was full of awesome! :D I loved the combat, the st.yle of the game, and the music. Plus, Rubi kicks butt! The car chase part in the demo was insane and so much fun. Will definitely have to get it when I get my PS3.

Dissidia Review + Freedom

I love Dissida :lol: I'm having so much fun playing it. Currently I'm at 52 hours and have completed all of the Destiny Odyssey story lines, Shade Impulse with Cloud and both Distant Glory parts. But that's only a bit of what this game has to offer. I can still go through everything with the other characters, havent finished the achievements, haven't tried to get any of the charaters ultimate weapons, or attempted Inward Chaos. The only character I have gotten to 100 so far is Cloud and I have tons of stuff I need to unlock in the PP catalog as well as playing the Duel Colossium.

The story is good but it isnt what you would expect from a standard SE game. Is that a bad thing? No. This game was meant for fan service, to see your favorite characters, play who you want and fight who you want. That being said, the fact that we got a story at all is a bonus. It isnt bad, the story makes sense, it just isnt very complicated. Basically it gives you a reason as to why all of the characters are in one location as well as a bit of nostalgia.

Which brings me to the one complaint I have heard a lot which is that the first parts of the stories are just brief overviews of the stories from each characters respective Final Fantasy game. Well of course they are, thats the point of the game: fan service. Another thing that needs to be understood is that this story does not impact the actual characters from the Final Fantasy games. It is an Alternate Universe, like FF characters in Kingdom Hearts. That being said I enjoyed the story mode very much. It was great seeing all the characters interacting. And the ending was great. Made me smile through the whole thing :D

The voice acting was really wonderful and it was awesome hearing some of the characters for the first time. The music was fantastic. Once again I got all nostalgic when the songs were being played from each FF game as you traversed the story mode chess boards.

The gameplay is so addicting. I play for hours before I realize it. Once you gain some more HP and Brave attacks you can really customize your character and make them your own. I love how you play not only changes depending on what character you are but who you are playing against. My favorite is playing defensively with Cloud, dodging then just beating them down with Finishing Touch or Omnislash.

As I said earlier, there is just so much to unlock, create and buy. The game just keeps rewarding you the longer you play. Everything from being able to play as the villains, alternate outfits, checking your moogle mail, creating accessories, making equipment, new battle modes and play types, and music you can have playing as you battle.

I may have technically "beat" the game by completing the story mode but I'm by no means finished with it :D It's just fun, keeps you hooked and rewards you for your efforts. Thats why it gets a 10 from me.

In other news, I'm done with finals! YAY! Now I'm free for a couple weeks :D

Chibi Okami is so cute! + Rant

AWWWWWW! Don't ya just want to pick the little wolfy up and hug him? :D Its from the newly anounced Okami game for the DS. I really hope it is awesome because it is one of very few DS games that have interested me recently. Ever since playing Okami on the PS2 I thought they were silly for not making a DS game. Guess they heard me :lol:

On a completely different note: College sucks. How the heck can they justify taking half credit off when you miss a " after ONE link and everything else on the assignment is perfect? Its not my problem that the teacher uses the piece of crap known as IE and not Firefox. Firefox is smart enough to know what the hell I want and makes the link perfectly fine and functions properly. But IE has to be a dumb @ss and mess it all up. If I had known I had made a mistake I would have corrected it, but everything on my end looked fine. I can understand taking points off but half credit?!?!?! *throws multiple colorful words out there* Not like I shouldnt get a great grade for the whole subject anyways but its the principle of the matter *grumbles*

--This rant was brought to you by the Ticked off College Student League: when cl@sses and teachers suck and there is nothing you can do about it.

Two FFIX Drawings + Gaming Update

Well I have been rather busy this week. Once again finals are coming up so I've been studying... and when I had a free minute I have been playing Dissidia. Currently just over 40 hours and have finished all of the hero's Destiny Odyssey storylines and have taken Cloud through the first two chapters of Shade Impulse.

The other day though it was too nice outside to be indoors so I took my drawings outside and was able to finish Vivi and Garnet. I used a different techinque with my colored pencils this time. I absolutely love the way Garnet's hair turned out but dont like what the scanner did to her skin. It doesnt look like that in the original.

Princess Garnet Vivi

Sorry that I wasnt able to do one of the "interesting" blogs that I have in mind. After finals are over I can start them :)

Laters all!

Addicted to Dissidia

I've been playing as much Dissidia as possible since it arrived in the mail on Tuesday :D I'm having a blast! So much stuff to do and the battling is so much FUN! Currently around 23 hours and have played as Cloud, Cecil, Tidus, Firion and Squall. Zidane will be next. I'm playing all the individual begining parts to their stories before moving on. My two favorites have been Cloud and Firion. I love how each character feels so different when you play them.

The game has so much content, between battling (story mode, arcade mode or quick battle), obtaining new equipment, abilities, moves and accessories, gaining PP to unlock all kinds of stuff like being able to play as the villains, and Achievements. Also I have been fiddling with the battle replay editor :D Here are my first few attempts :)

Cloud versus Sephiroth

Firion versus Terra

Cloud versus Squall Manikin

Firion versus Ultimecia

I have a few ideas for a couple of future blogs that should be interesting. At least I hope they will be :wink:

I have two drawings in the works, one of Dagger, one of Vivi, both FFIX characters. If I can stop playing Dissidia long enough I'll finish them :lol:

Axel and Reno Drawing + Game stuff + Happy Belated Birthday!!

I decided to draw Axel from Kingdom Hearts and Reno from Final Fantasy VII. Two characters I love :D My second time drawing both of them and I think they are both better than my first attempts.

Axel Meet Reno

I finished Star Ocean Second Evolution. I started with Rena so I could get Dias in my group. The story was ok. The characters were interesting but sometimes the dialog and VA was annoying. I was getting sick of spending 5 minutes having Rena apologize for something and Claude saying it was ok. We get it already, move on :lol: It was a fun game but personally though I liked First Departure more. Star Ocean Second Evolution gets an 8 / 10 from me.

I'll be continuing Patapon 2 while I wait for Dissidia to come. I do want to start Star Ocean 3 at some point. Not sure if I want to try to play it while continuing with Persona 3 FES though. Might wait so I'm not playing too many games at once.

GAHHHHH! *facepalm* I can't believe I forgot! The famous gravity defying blond haired hero of FFVII turned another year older! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to Cloud Strife! *throws confetti and hands out cake*

:P :D :lol:

Woot PS3 Slim FTW! + Persona 3 PSP


:P :lol:

Come September I will join the ranks of PS3 owners! I'll be able to play DMC4 til my fingers fall off and watch ACC until I can remember all the lines :lol:

Price drop + slim model rocks :D Perfect timing too with Assassin's Creed II, God of War III, and Final Fantasy XIII on the horizon... just to name a few :)

Persona 3 for the PSP! :shock:

District 9 + Star Ocean Second Evolution

I saw District 9 over the weekend. A fantastic movie that I recommend to anyone who loves sci-fi. The aliens are just amazing. Id say they are some of the best I have seen. I liked that they didnt speak english, their speech was a series of clicks with subtitles. The emotions they could convey through the CGI aliens was amazing. I loved the alien Christopher and his little son. What sets it apart from other alien movies is the fact that they arent bad, they arent trying to destroy the world. They just want to go home. I was on the aliens side from the very beginning. It made me wonder what we would do if another speices visited our planet...and sadly I think the movie reflects what the human race would do to them :( Amazing movie, the best I have seen this year... actually the best I have seen in a long time. Wouldn't mind going to the theater and seeing it again. It will definitely be a DVD purchase for me.

I'm stuck in Star Ocean Second Evolution. I am trying to finish the game by defeating the last of the Ten Wise Men. After entering Phynal I get attacked by three of them at once and they just rip me apart. Im so close to the end that I want to beat it :) Im level 68-70 at the moment... I dont know if I just need to level up more or what. Also I have the best equipment I can buy. Currently I have Dias, Bowman, Claude and Rena for my group.