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Impressions on Bayonetta and DI demos + P3FES

So I played the demos for the DMC clone and GoW clone... errr I mean Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno. Neither were on my "to get" list but I did have some interest in Bayonetta due to my love for DMC.

Visually Bayonetta is nice, most environments and monsters looked like they came straight out of DMC. Which really isnt a bad thing. The gameplay is similar as well but with a few differences, and not good ones. I did not feel like one weapon was any more effective than the others. Frankly I could have mashed any button and gotten the same results. In DMC there are certain combos/weapons that are more effective on certain enemies.

All that could have been tolerated if it wasnt for the fact that I hate the main character. Everything about her from the summons to the constant posing every 5 seconds annoys me. I'll just wait for FFXIII to play as a much better female lead. I also have no idea why they even bothered to put some parts of the story in the demo because either A) it was chopped at the wrong places for it to be understood or B) it is a poor storyline .... or C) I just didnt care :P I'll be passing on this game and sticking to my DMC games. *Psst* Get cracking of DMC5 please Capcom! :D

Dante's Inferno... it just felt meh to me. I guess if you are a huge fan of GoW and need more than GoW3 to satisfy your craving than I guess this will work. It's so similar to GoW that it almost felt like someone slapped a medival guy skin over Kratos and toned down the graphics. Everything in DI was "been there, done that". The best part of the demo was riding a giant beast (very cool design for the beast btw). I will be passing on this one as well and waiting for GoW3.

Been playing P3FES a lot lately. Darn game tricked me into thinking I was at the end :P I just beat the 12th boss. Still a bit to go. Any suggestions on what level I should be for the final guy? I breezed through the last bosses so I'm just curious on how much time I'll have to spend training. I want to try to finish it before my xmas break is over :)

New program = New banners... What is on your wish list?

Only one more final to go and I'll be free for xmas break until January :D I decided to put my new skills and program I learned to the test by having some fun making banners. Previously I was working in Paint which was rather difficult. A few are similar to other/old banners but redone to look better or closer to what I had in mind when I first made them. I still have a lot to learn, only know some basic stuff. Let me know what you think :)

Cloud and Zack banner

Prince of Persia banner

Cloud and Tifa Banner

Devil May Cry 4 Nero banner

Kingdom Hearts Cloud banner

Kingdom Hearts CoM banner

Drakenguard 2 banner

Final Fantasy X-2 Rikku banner

Black Cat banner

Btw if anyone would like either of the KH banners, the Drakengard one, Rikku one or Black Cat one I will gladly change the name/nickname for you :) The others I'm going to keep for myself sorry :P

Quick little gaming update, still playing P3FES and Eternal Sonata. I am also playing the newest Prince of Persia, my first PoP game. I love the platforming as well as the combat. It does have a few issues but nothing that makes it any less fun to play. I finished KH 358/2 days and I thought it was a solid DS game. The story was slow but picked up around the half way point. Overall it was fun, but more fan service than I expected. Definitely recommend checking it out if you are a KH fan. However I personally think that BbS will be a better addition to the KH universe.

Christmas is on it's way and I'd love to hear what you guys have on your wish list this year :D

I'm hoping for Assassin's Creed II, Ratchet and Clank: ACiT and some anime.

Anime + Games + Dissidia Meets Cowboy Bebop

Heya everyone. I have so many things to write about but cant sit long enough to get my thoughts down. Ive wrote this blog a few times already and always deleted it :lol: Not this time though!

I have been watching 3 anime series: Last Exile, D. Gray Man and Black Cat. I actually just finished with Last Exile and it has definitely one of my favorites. The story follows Claus and Lavie, two vanship pilots who are sky couriers for the nation of Anatoray. Anatoray and Disith are seperated by a region called the Grand Stream. They are currently at war with each other and their conflict is governed by the Guild. Claus and Lavie get caught up in the war. The story is awesome and I can't write something good enough to do it justice. Each character has a back story that you learn about which helps to understand how they all ended up in one place. This is the first anime that I have watched that I wanted to start all over again as soon as I finished.

I just started the second season of D. Gray Man. I really love this anime too. The story centers around Allen Walker, an exorcist working for the Black Order, who fights against the akuma armies of the Millennium Earl. He has a cursed left eye that is able to detect trapped souls within an akuma. The anime has a nice balance of story, action, and humor. Even though each disc has more episodes on them than most anime, it always feels too short and I cant wait for the next one to come in the mail.

I'm about halfway through Black Cat. Train Heartnet, aka Black Cat, is an assassin working for an organization called Chronos. At first he is just a mindless killer, doing Chronos' bidding without question, until he meets a sweeper who makes him question his morals. I can't say too much on how I like this one since it is a short anime (26 episodes) and I havent finished it yet. However, I find the characters and story to be great and looking forward to seeing how it ends.

Quick little gaming update. I am on Chapter 3 in Eternal Sonata, loving every minute of it. Jak 3 is driving me crazy :lol: I don't know why but I just have no patience with it, which is odd because I didnt have a problem with the first two. I think it has nothing to do with the game and more to do with my mood. I picked up Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver from the PSN. I had never played the game before but had heard it was very good. It immediately drew me in and I am loving it so far. Even picked up the sequel when I saw it for only $5 at GS.

Last but not least you guys should check out this video which uses the intro s.tyle of Cowboy Bebop but with Dissidia characters. As a fan of both I think it is awesome :D

Wow that is a whole lot sooner than I expected

March 9th 2010 for Final Fantasy XIII! :D Really surprised. I was guessing more like June. I am extremely happy that we will be getting it sooner because the more I see, the more I like. FFXIII is the game I'm looking forward to the most in 2010. Though I am disappointed that we wont get the japanese theme song. I dont understand why they had to change it. I got use to hearing the japanese song in the TGS trailer and really loved it :(

Well Im so darn happy with the release date announcement that I forgot what I was going to blog about in the first place :lol: .... ummm... oh ya, music.

I remember that I had promised to give someone a review of the Star Ocean The Last Hope OST. Sorry it took so long and that I wont be writing much. The whole soundtrack is good but nothing very memorable. Its definitely enjoyable to listen to but nothing like Final Fantasy music. But then again I havent actually played Star Ocean 4... so maybe I would enjoy it more once I do. My favorite track is Cosmic Voyagers.

I was seriously in the mood for an rpg for my PS3 so I decided to pick up Eternal Sonata. About 4 or so hours into it. The game is beautiful, has fantastic voice acting and I'm loving the battle system.

I can't believe it... 0_0

I don't believe it...

*checks outside to see if the sky is falling*

..nope its still there.

I told my brother about the awesome TGS trailer for FFXIII and he actually watched it... which is a total shock since he has told me he wont touch anything Final Fantasy. But whats even MORE surprising is that he LIKED it and actually wants to BUY it. :shock: ... MUHAHAHAHAHA! :twisted: Conversion of my brother into a Final Fantasy fan has commenced! Begin round one! :P :lol:

I have been sick for the last week. Sorry I haven't been around a lot. So how has everyone been? Hope no one feels crappy like me :)

Well since my last blog I have been able to play a few games. I finished R&C: Quest for Booty. It was good for a download game. A nice little intro into Crack in Time and made my wait for xmas to be able to play CiT easier :)

Mini Ninjas was an enjoyable game. It is easy, played it on hard the first time through, but it is just a fun game. I love the art style as well as the music.

Finally got around to playing God of War II :P Awesome game. I liked it even better than the first one. Looking forward to GoWIII.

Thats all the ones that I have finished. Im still playing Persona 3 FES. I'm half way to the 6th full moon battle.

Also playing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Its really starting to get good now...thankfully :lol: The tutorial was way too long and the pacing was rather slow up until now. I kind of felt like this for awhile :lol: Tons better now and I am enjoying it.

Just started playing Jak 3, about 5 hours into the game so far :)

Thats all for now, next blog will be about the anime Im currently watching and little mini reviews on some music :)

Netflix + God of War III demo + Altair Sketch

Yay for Netflix coming to PS3! :D I can't wait to try it out.

Also, District 9, a great movie that you should see if you havent, will not only be coming to Bluray in December but will include the demo for God of War III. Which is so cool because I wasnt going to get the collection of the first two since I have them for the PS2 already.

I was at campus yesterday trying to finish some homework and there was a 30 minute period between c.lasses where I have to switch rooms to use the compter lab. I was bored so I decided to draw something. Unfortunately all I had was a ballpoint pen, not even a pencil in sight :( The doodle turned into Altair from Assassin's Creed :lol: With no reference to look at I know it's not that good and I couldn't remember the details of his outfit.

Altair sketch

Thank you Gamespot! ...and other news

YAY! My prize came last night! I answered a KH trivia question from Gamespot's Today On The Spot and was chosen as the winner :D I really couldn't believe it. I want to thank JodyR so very much for taking the extra effort to contact me. Darn emails *glare* they arent suppose to put the good stuff in the junk mail! :lol: I absolutely love it and it now sits next to my PS3 :D


So cute!

In other news, I beat Uncharted 2 on normal and Ratchet and Clank Future: ToD. Both were awesome :D I picked up Quest for Booty from the PSN but havent played any of it yet. I really need to pull myself away from my PS3 and get back to playing P3FES :P

I've been kind of busy with college stuff. Midterms are this week and I have one to take tomorrow :( I have a graphics c.lass that is really driving me crazy. Mostly beacuse the teacher doesnt help when you ask for it and I've never even seen the programs we are using before. Makes it frustrating. But as much as that c.lass annoys me, I have one that I absolutely love. I get to make a website about anything as long as the subject matter has enough info for all of the assignments. Since my last one I did in another c.lass was Final Fantasy based, I chose Kingdom Hearts this time :D

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is awesome!

Wow 0_0 I'm loving this game. It is better in every way to the first one. The story is very interesting as Drake tries to find the Cintamani stone in the mythical kingdom of Shangri-La. The dialog and expressions between the characters are amazing and hilarious without being cheesy. Some of the best lines happen during gameplay when the two characters banter back and forth.

The game is simply goregous. Snow, ice, and rain look amazing. Oh and the guy who worked on the camera deserves a pay bonus. The only time I ever have to manually move the camera is if I want to look around for the hidden treasures. Tight spaces that would normally send the in-game camera into a fit of seizures are completely absent in this game. The camera tracks along behind Drake into the tightest corner, which is most obvious in the beginning and in an ice area later in the game.

I have played a bit of multiplayer and it is great.The online co-op is so much fun :) The first night there was some problems staying connected but that was a PSN problem not a game problem. The next night everything worked fine.

So far I am on Chapter 18... and if I could just get all this homework done I could start playing again :lol:

PS3 and Uncharted

Whew, busy couple of weeks for me :lol:

I'm officially loving my PS3 :D I do not regret my decision at all to choose it as my only next gen console. I have been playing LBP and Ratchet and Clank Future: ToD, which are both wonderful. I borrowed Uncharted: Drake's Fortune from my brother over the weekend and beat it last night. It was a great game and I enjoyed it a lot :D I wanted to finish the first before tuesday when I'll be picking up Uncharted 2. Playing the demo with online co-op was awesome!

Other than that I have continued playing KH 358/2 Days, Persona 3, and just keeping up to date on the news and everyones blogs :D

Well thats all for now, lots of college work I need to finish.

My 200th blog, 3rd Anniversary, KH 358/2 Days... and I got a PS3!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay it's my 200th blog! Not only that but today is my 3rd anniversary here at Gamespot :D I never thought when I started 3 years ago that I would find such amazing friends, start a blog and continue posting in it, and still be on here today.

Thanks to all of my friends who take time to read my blogs, you guys are awesome! I enjoy reading your posts as well and it has become a daily habit for me :)

*hands of cookies to everyone*

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days arrived in the mail and I have played a couple hours so far. It starts a bit slow with a tutorial that takes longer than it should... especially for anyone even remotely familiar with the other KH games. But now it is starting to pick up pace and looks like it will be a solid game for the DS.

Ashe has finally moved into next gen! WOOT! Totally awesome PS3 slim is now MINE!

*does happy dance*

Picked it up last night, got it all updated and such... then proceeded to clean out the PS Store :lol: Not really, just downloaded a bunch of demos. Picked up Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction and Little Big Planet with my system :D

I was having so much fun with it I didnt want to go to sleep. But around 3am I figured I should quit... had a c.lass today.

My PS3 id is SunSoara for anyone who wants to add me :) Sorry it isnt my name here, but I made the account for my PSP a long while back and didnt think about it :P