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Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep First Impressions + Dissidia Sequel!

Must study for finals... only one more left... must not get sidetracked by Kingdom Hearts...

... ok maybe just a little bit longer :P

Basically I could sum up this whole blog with one line: I love KH and so far this game is no exception.

But I'll go into a bit more detail :) As soon as I put the UMD in my PSP and the intro started I was so pumped to be playing another KH game. The disney music made me nostalgic. I swear I had Bippity-boppity-boo stuck in my head all day yesterday...and that probably wasnt a good thing while I was taking a final exam :lol: The voice acting is great, especially Terra, Xehanort, and Vantis.

The combat is similar to KH1 and 2, so if you like it there you'll like it here. I love the added features though.Chaining together attacks will raise a bar, when full you will do special attacks, critical damage and finishing moves. The cool thing is that it isnt the same everytime. Depending on what attacks you use, the command s.tyle you go into will change. For example, if you use regular attacks, Terra will go into Critical Impact which deals heavy hits. But if I had used some ice attacks, Terra would go into Diamond Dust which helps with crowd control and dealing with multiple enemies. On top of this there are also D-Links which allow you to swap your command deck with a character you have a link with, for example, Aqua and Ventus, as well as some of the disney characters. Shotlocks are another part of the combat system. Once activated you move into first person mode and lock onto targets and use a powerful magic attack. The type of attack depends on which one you have equiped in your deck.

I havent gotten too far into the story, I've only just started with Terra after all :) But it is interesting and keeps me wanting to come back for more.

The graphics look great on the PSP, like the original games. I chose to do the maxium data install that was available. I haven't had any problems with slow down and the loading times for menus and moving from one room to another is good. It is definitely slower moving from cutscenes to ingame and vise versa. Moving from cutscene to cutscene like at the beginning of the game felt like it took even longer. However, I'm in no hurry and it isnt that bad. I would definitly suggest doing the data install though.

There are other things like the Command Board, which allows you to leavel up your abilities, the Arena, ect. that I havent even talked about yet but I'll save that for a review. Already wrote way more than I expected to :lol: And I'm only 8 hours into the game :P Can't wait to play more!

WOOT! They are making a sequel to Dissidia! Gonna have Lightning and Kain in it! YAY! I do hope they tweak a few things and get a better story. The story was the only thing I really wish could have been better. But I was surprised we even got a story in the first place and not just a fighting game with a "pick your character" screen. So I can't really complain with what we got.

Ok back to studying.... :(

Valkyria Chronicles, Folklore, Trinity Universe + Anime

Heya :D

September is here and Im only a week away from my finals. YAY! Then I get a week or so off before the next quarter. Perfect timing for Valkyria Chronicles 2 and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep!

...Though I need to finish the first VC before starting the sequel :P I can't believe it took me so long to pick up Valkyria Chronicles. I was worried I wouldnt like the gameplay due to the fact I've never been much of a srpg fan. But the game is amazing! Im on chapter 12 atm and Im loving every minute of it.

I finished both Folklore and Trinity Universe. The idea behind Folklore seemed interesting but I just couldnt get past the clunky controls and the repetitive nature of the game. I traded it for Valkyria Chronicles which was the best decision ever :)

Trinity Universe was so much fun. It is very lighthearted and funny. You can't take the game too seriously. I enjoyed the dungeons and the different combo style of combat. The characters were quirky, my favorites being Kanata and Lucius.

Lately I've been practically watching anime exclusively :lol: I recently purchased both seasons of Code Geass. WOOT! I love that anime. So I watched all of that again :)

I love netflix because it has allowed me to watch so many different anime that I never would have seen otherwise. Like the movie, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. It is about a girl who gains the power to leap though time :lol: At the beginning she uses it to get out of things she doesnt want to do as well as repeating days and activities she enjoys. She is absorbed in what she wants to do and ignores the consequences of her actions and what it could be doing to others. The movie makes you realize how important a moment or conversation with a person you love is and to never take them for granted.

Halfway through the second season of Gunslinger Girl. This series is about a group of girls who are turned into cyborgs by a secret goverment agency and are trained to kill. So far I have enjoyed the first season more than the second.

Just started watching Casshern Sins and Valkyria Chronicles. Havent watched much of Casshern Sins yet but it looks pretty cool so far. Also havent watched many episodes of VC, about 6 I think. It follows fairly closely to the game with a few extra things to flesh out some of the characters. I'm watching it slowly because I dont want the anime to spoil the game for me :)

Greatest Game Villain - Who will you choose?

Heya everyone :)

Finally done with Midterms and I'm happy with the grades I got. Considering my teachers are not very helpful this quarter I'm just glad all the studying I did allowed me to have some breathing room. It's tough to learn stuff when you arent being taught as well as having crappy textbook that are more reference material than anything else.

But on to more fun stuff.

In Trinity Universe, I have finished Rizelia's story and moved on to Kanata's. Im trying to get the true ending. However, due to all the studying I havent had any time to play it recently. Mostly been playing games that I could pick up for a few minutes when I had a chance, like Critter Crunch, PixelJunk Shooter and Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess. Having a great time with all of them :D

I just picked up Mana Khemia Student Alliance from the PSN. Looking forward to spending some time playing it when homework isnt killing me :lol: BTW the game has an awesome opening video :)

GS has started the All Time Greatest Game Villain, which is the evil twin brother to their All Time Greatest Hero :P There are lot of cool villains on the list... though some I really do wonder how they made it to the top 64. So which villains will you be voting for? Who do you want to go all the way?

My full support is for Sephiroth! Unfortunately being against General RAAM from Gears of War in the first round doesnt make things look good for him. After Crisis Core though, I think Sephiroth is one of the more well rounded villains on the list. One of those you love him and hate him kinds :lol: Decided to do my bracket with the villains I want to win, not the ones I think will win. Sephiroth versus Vergil in the finals! Woot! :lol:

I made a siggy to show my support :D

Waking Up In Vegas

I have jumped on the bandwagon of randomly fun blogs that are working their way through GS. You set your songs to shuffle and anwser these questions with the song titles. Enjoy!

1.If someone asks, "Is this OK?" you say

"Crash and Burn" – Savage Garden

2.How would you describe yourself?

"Breathless" – Dan Wilson

3.What do you like in a girl/guy?

"Almost Lover" – A Fine Frenzy

4.How do you feel today?

"Hero/Heroine" – Boys Like Girls (err....Maybe not today unless I have an epiphany with my homework :lol: )

5.What is your life's purpose?

"Pursuing My True Self" – Shoji Meguro (Persona 4 OST) (ok now thats cool!)

6.What is your motto?

"Shattered (Turn the Car Around)" – O.A.R

7.What do your friends think of you?

"Halfway Gone" -- Lifehouse (yep thats pretty darn acurate... Im sure they think I have gone crazy at times :P)

8.What do you think of your parents?

"Everything" – Lifehouse

9.What do you think about very often?

"My Hands" – Leona Lewis (ummm.... o...k...)

10.What is 2+2?

"Sweet and Low" -- Augustana

11.What do you think of your best friend?

"Let Love In" – The Goo Goo Dolls

12.What do you think of the person you like?

"Goodbye My Lover" – James Blunt

13. What is your life?

"Crawl" – Breaking Benjamin

14. What do you want to be when you grow up?

"I'm Yours" – Jason Mraz (awwww aient that sweet :P)

15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?

"Monster" – Lady Gaga

16. What will you dance to at your wedding?

"Hero" -- Skillet

17. What will they play at your funeral?

"Prelude 12/21" -- AFI (ok now that is freaky)

18. What is your hobby/interest?

"You Could be Happy" – Snow Patrol (yes, yes you could...)

19. What is your biggest fear?

"Gone Away" -- SafetySuit

20. What is your biggest secret?

"Numb" – Linkin Park

21. What do you think of your friends?

"Lips of an Angel" -- Hinder (0_o no. definitely no.)

22. What will you put as the title?

"Waking Up In Vegas" – Katy Perry

Update on Anime, Games and Life

My cla.sses this quarter are going to kill me :cry:

I have teachers that either dont teach or barely teach. It's going to take a miracle to get the grades I usually want... or more importantly to pass them:? Its keeping me so busy and so tired.

Been watching Soul Eater, which is awesome! My favorite characters are definitely Death the Kid and Stein.

Game wise, Im still playing Persona 4 and I'm part way through Folklore. I also recently picked up Trinity Universe and I am loving it. It is lighthearted and hilarious. Which is kind of what I need to chill out from college. Something that can just make me laugh. Plus it has a fun battle system with lots of dungeon exploring, item creation, and customization.

My brother surprised me with a playstation network card so I could get the one year + 3 free months of Playstation Plus. Wasnt planning on getting it but it was a cool surprise :D Should be fun to try it out :)

Thats all for now, sorry :( I'll try to have something more to talk about next time.

My Birthday + Rikku Drawing

Slightly late but my birthday was on the 23rd :D

Just relaxed for most of it because the day before I had to wait in line at college for almost 5 hours trying to fix some stupid mistake they had made. Couldnt believe the line was that long. And Im still not 100% sure it was completely corrected.

So needless to say I wasnt in the mood to go crazy or anything for my b-day plans. Watched lots of anime, played some video games, had a great dinner (steak and cheesy potatoes), ate some cake and ice cream and opened presents :)

I recieved the first season of Darker Than Black, a box set of the first and second season of Tsubasa plus the movie, and a friend is going to hook me up with Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep when it is released :D

Also spent some time drawing. Decided to do Rikku this time... man her hair was annoying.


E3: MGS Rising, 3DS and Motion Controls

E3 is in full swing and there are definitely some great stuff coming out in the future.

Metal Gear Solid Rising trailer was awesome. I like the way they seem to be going with the game. Plus you cant go wrong with Raiden :wink: Much more excited about this game now that we have seen some gameplay.

Just when I think Im out, you pull me back in Nintendo. Really there were only 2 DS games that were coming out in the future that I was interested in, Okamiden and KH Re:Coded (neither being shown in the Nintendo conference). My interest has been rekindled with the new system: 3DS. There is a great list of franchises and games that will be coming to the new system. One of those games would have to be Kid Icarus Uprising! It looked so amazing! Definitely cant wait to see more of it! And Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and a new KH!

I have not been a fan of the motion controls for any game or game system. However, I thought a game called Sorcery for Playstation Move was pretty cool. Was it enough to get me excited to buy Move? If they make some other quality games I might consider it. Atleast I wouldnt have to buy a new system.

Strangely enough a lot of the games I had been looking forward to havent had much information shown yet.I had hoped for Last Guardian during Sony's conference. Excited to hopefully see more on Patapon 3, AC Brotherhood, Portal 2, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Enslaved, Castlevania, GoW Ghost of Sparta, Star Wars TOR and Bulletstorm... among many others :lol:

Break Time is Just in Time for E3

Ahhhh nothing like my summer break. Sure it is only 3 weeks long but its the best time of the year: E3 and my birthday :lol:

Today is my first day off. Did well on my finals and decent overall. Not quite as good as I wanted but a lot of things happened this quarter that prevented me from focusing as hard on college as I wanted to. The main thing being that my mom had surgery on her spine and I was very busy helping her out. Shes doing a lot better now.

Im sorry it has been so long since my last blog... although I have had many things to tell you all, I have been finding it hard to write anything down. Its like my mind has been going a million different directions and I just couldnt sit still enough to properly write something down. And even when there was something interesting to say I just couldnt express it in words.

So lets see if I can make a dent in some of the things that Ive been doing that are gaming related :P

First off, I finished Eternal Sonata. I liked how the story made you think about what is reality and what are dreams. I felt like the potential for an amazing game was there but it just never reached it for me. The graphics were beautiful and the voice acting was better than I expected. I enjoyed the gameplay for the most part. However, I found the blocking/counter system to be extremely hit and miss. Sometimes they gave you far too long to hit the button and other times I swear you would have to have the reflexes of a cat to be able to hit the button in time. Another thing is that even if you fought every battle on the way to a boss you would still be under leveled. Sure I dont mind grinding but when you got to higher levels it was boring due to the fact that the regular battles were too easy. Another thing I didnt like was the ending, it just fell flat for me. Glad I gave Eternal Sonata a chance but its not a game I will be revisiting. 7.5 / 10

Borderlands? Pikastar owns an fps AND she actually enjoys it? She has to have been abducted by aliens right? Right?

Well no... :P Borderlands is the type of FPS I can enjoy because of its sci-fi theme. I have played 99.9% of the game in online co-op with my brother. However, even when I go solo I still find the game fun. The humor is great. Although the story is fairly loose compared to what I usually expect or want in games, I was interested to see what happens in the next mission. I love the range of guns and the customization. I have finished the main story missions as well as the Zombie Island DLC but have not finished the other DLC packs yet. If they make more games like this then I may just become a FPS fan one day :lol: ....or at least a sci-fi FPS fan. :P In the mean time I would just be happy for a Borderlands 2 :) 9 / 10

Red Dead Redemption unfortunately fell below my expectaions. I was actually interested in the multiplayer but what the game delivered was boring imo. It wasnt anything amazing like they led you to believe. The free roam is barren. It is basicially a giant map of deathmatch because that is most likely all you will be doing. And once you die you are probably going to visit the loading screen all too soon due to the fact that the game spawns you too close to the guy who just killed you. But enough on the multiplayer. The single player is far better. The environments are beautiful and the horses are AMAZING! Seriously they are the best looking horses in any game I have played. However I believe the controls for the horse could have been much better. The story and missions were entertaining but it gets a bit sidetracked when you go to Mexico. The missions were varied, everything from herding cattle to huge shootouts, and even one that required stealth. Although everything was good, it was really the mood that made the game. The best parts being when you are riding your horse during two important parts of the game and songs with lyrics are playing. There were a few times I did experience bugs like the game freezing, stuck characters, and graphic glitches. Red Dead Redemption is definitely a great buy for anyone who likes open world games. A good story but dont expect it to bring anything new to sandbox games. 7.5 / 10

Okie thats all the games I finished. I'm still playing Star Ocean 4. I just got Arumat in the group, not sure how many hours that is atm. Also been playing Persona 4, just saved my second person from the TV world and waiting for the next Midnight Channel broadcast :)

So Im just currious... would you guys like to see me do a top 10 list of my favorite animes?

Well thats all for now. I'm sure Ill be doing more blogs soon especially next week with E3 ;)

P.S. New KH game announced for the DS! YAY!

Tonberry Drawing + Updates + E3 hopes?

Heya everyone :) I finally got around to drawing something new: A Tonberry!


After 113 hours of Final Fantasy XIII I got the platnium trophy (YAY!) I actually really want to start up the game again from the beginning now but I am going to wait a bit. I want to finish Eternal Sonata and Star Ocean 4 first because playing so many rpgs at one time is tough :?

I have also been playing Borderlands, mainly in online co-op with my brother. I'm really enjoying it and cant wait to try some of the DLC.

Currently I am rewatching Fullmetal Alchemist (LOVE this anime so much) and have seen a few episodes of Claymore.

Well there hasnt been much more going on... the rest of my time is spent at my college c.lasses or doing homework :lol:

E3 is a bit over a month away, is there anything you guys are hoping to see?

I would love to have more information on FF Versus XIII but it might be a bit too soon for that. An official release date for KH Birth by Sleep and Last Guardian would be good. And Capcom... announce Devil May Cry 5 please! :P

God of War 3, Heavy Rain, and Movies

Thanks to my brother, I was able to play God of War 3 and Heavy Rain. I thought GoW3 was really good. It still had the same feel of the previous games, the gameplay was smoother and was more polished. Kratos was still kicking butt and taking names :lol: Some of the battles were amazing, like Posidon and Kronos. However, I think some of them felt a bit out of place. Most of the other battles were open and large feeling. But then during a rather important battle they prevent you from moving anywhere in a Mortal Kombat style of fighting. 0_o just seemed really odd to me. I also thought the story was not as strong as the second one. I did like the new weapons! Especially the Claws of Hades. I used them the most and it was hard to play the first two games again without having the claws :P The puzzles were really good and I think they felt more incorporated into the game and less of a "fight here, puzzle here" type of thing. Overall, I enjoyed it a lot. Although I had some things to complain about, I believe it is the best out of the three games. Score: 9 / 10

Heavy Rain... really the only reason I played it was because I borrowed it. It was not a game I would buy myself. I see the appeal in the game to many players but it just wasnt my thing. That being said though, I was surprised that I was entertained enough to finish the game. It was an interesting and different experience but not something I would pick up and play again. Really I dont have much else to say about it... Score: 7 / 10

I watched a few movies last weekend at the theater: Clash of the Titans and How to Train Your Dragon. Saw both in 3D, my second and third time seeing movies in 3D (first one being Avatar). Unfortunately I dont have anything good to say about Clash of the Titans. I thought the actors were bad and everything else was just boring. Even the CGI failed to "wow" me. Frankly I was glad when it ended.

Now How to Train Your Dragon was awesome! I'm a huge fan of animated/cgi films. Add in dragons and it is just full of win :D It was amazing in 3D, especially when the dragon was flying and fighting. The story was great and I just loved everything about it. Definitely one of my favorite animated movies.