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My Future Wish List of PS2 games

:shock: Wow once you write them all down there sure are a lot of good PS2 games. So I seperated them into categories (basically I was bored :lol: )... for whenever I can get a PS2 :) They are in no order within each category.

To get first:

Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Devil May Cry 5th Anniversery Collection

For the distant future:

Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus
Valkyrie Profile 2
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Star Ocean 3 (would it be good to play the first 2 before playing this?)
Romancing Saga: MS
God of War
God of War 2
Jak and Daxter (are all 3 good? should I go in order or is one better than another?)
Ratchet and Clank (same question as Jak games)
Shadow of Colossus

Possible at some very, very distant point :lol: :

Shadow Hearts (again same question as Jak games)
Shin Megami Tensei (Just the Persona titles or are Nocturne and Devil Summoner good too?)
Tales of Abyss
Suikoden V
Rogue Galaxy

0_o yay...thats a lot...Its nice to look at though, so many games, so little time...and money :lol:

Oh and Im working on my next drawing...It something I have created from my head, which I normally cant do without looking at a reference. But at the moment im liking it, so I just need to shade it now.

That is it! I cant take it anymore. GB can go to hell

Yes thats not a typo, Im going to be talking about Giant Bomb not GS, so no worries :)

I dont usually rant, or try not to, but Im really hating Giant bomb...or more precicely the ******** that populate it (no disrespect to the people I know that went there from here, you guys rock :) )

Please tell me why people think it is fun to go around to pages that you have spent your precious time on to **** it up with foul language, inappopriate content, and false information? I spent time getting my facts right and in the past 3 days I have had to fix this one page I dont know how many times (atleast 6) because some moron (which is too nice of a word by the way) thinks it is funny.

How do I know it is this guy? Because he also changes the image for the icon and profile picture to something that is photoshopped to look a certain way, and his name is next to the uploaded image. The bad part? How in god's green earth he got up to 5000 point I dont know, but he did. And unfortuantely, my measely 1600 points wont let me change the damn picture.

Seriously...the guy has nothing better to do then go around annoying people? Thats just pathetic. Obviously he is too incompetent to write articles that have meaning and intellegence to actually add CONTENT that is true to the site.

Why is GB the only one who has this problem? I dont see the wiki or wikia pages for this information being abused like this.

I KNEW this was going to happen when I saw that you could do edits to the site and saw the population of idiots in the forums. I had faith though that the community wouldnt mess with a finished page. Clearly I need to lower my expectations.

So GB can go to hell for all I care. Im so pissed off Im very close to taking everything I added to the site down. If they have no respect for people who spend their time posting accurate information and let morons continue to abuse the system, than they dont deserve my hard work.

Too Human and Star Wars: TFU

I got to play Too Human this weekend. Jeez I thought Patapon drove me crazy...but that was nothing compared to Too Human :lol: I dont think Ive yelled at a game anymore than I did playing Too Human :P

First off, I thought the story was decent, a bit flat in some areas. Baldur is a great character, love Crispin Freeman, the voice actor. Some of you might recognize him as the voice actor for Rude (Final Fantasy VII: AC, Crisis Core), Tsume (Wolf's Rain), or Karasu (Noein) to name a few.

The character I chose was a cyber champion. Gameplay was fairly smooth. I had a bit of trouble doing the juggle, which requires you to double tap the right analog stick in the direction of the enemy, as well as the finisher, which required you to hit both sticks at the same time in the direction of the enemy. It really isnt difficult, I just think sometime the game was picky on the controls...or maybe Im just not use to playing with analog sticks :lol:

There are so many enemies that come at you at once, and they are all in a big mob. The sliding and juggling, as well as the finisher and skills, helped to deal with the chaos. But when you have 5 types of monsters coming at once, all of which require a different tactic to defeat, it can get overwhelming. Trying to pick out the one that you need really isnt possible. This is the frustration I faced. I knew what needed to be done but sometimes the game just wouldnt cooperate.

Camera got a bit wonky a few times, and I kept wanting to move it around, which you cant really do except to center it back behind you.

Yet despite the frustration and flaws, the game was addicting. Maybe Ive just been playing so many RPGs that the ability to just beat the crap out of everything in sight was great :D It was a fun and annoying 12 hours of playing.

Overall, Too Human has a decent enough story, tons of loot to deck out your character, and addicting gameplay. But dont expect it to run flawlessly and you may end up cursing at your TV during your time playing :D


I also got to play the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed demo.

I must say, force abilites are fun. It was great blowing out the windows of the ship or flinging Stormtroopers clear across the hanger. Though saying that, I was kind of expecting a bit more with all the hype. Of course you cant truly get the full experience of the game in a demo. Ill have to reserve judgement if/when I play the full game. But after the cool factor of the force abilities wore off, I really wasnt "wowed" ya know what I mean? It didnt leave me with an "omg I cant wait for this game" feeling.


Well I think thats it for now. BTW thanks to everyone who gave me advice/suggestions in my last blog :) You guys are awesome!

Console Woes

As many of you know, I dont own any consoles. And I have frequently expressed my desire to get a PS3 in the (distant :P ) future, not only for games like FFXIII, Versus XIII, and DMC4, but also for the PS2 and PS1 backwards compatiblity. Frankly the different models of the PS3 confused me so finally I decided I wanted to figure out what was what.

It has painfully come to my attention that no model of PS3 available now has backwards compatiblity to the PS2 :cry: This is awful news because I seriously doubt they are going to throw the BC back in on any new models if they bothered to take it out in the first place right?

Now if I want to play the games I had been looking forward to, Ill have to buy 2 systems :( Which was not something I had planned on or wanted to do.

The PS2 has too many games that I would enjoy playing to miss out on them, though. So I am possibly thinking about getting a PS2 sometime soon then wait until atleast FFXIII comes out (and a hopeful price cut) to eventually get a PS3. Good plan, crappy plan, your thoughts?

But to keep optimistic, I would love to hear what some of your favorite PS2 games are. What would you recommend? I would of course get the Final Fantasy games and the DMC games so others would be good to hear :D

And also the typical color question: A Black or Silver PS2? :lol:

Parents are so awesome! And so are presents!

Sometimes they sure get on your nerves...but overall parents rock :P Of course it helps that my mom enjoys listening to me yap about things I like, even when she usually has no clue what Im talking about. For instance, my love of RPG games and just gaming in general.

So when my mom said she found something on ebay that I might be interested in and had purchased it for me, I didnt expect it to be related to gaming at all.

Well you can imagine my surprise when this arrived in my mail today (and the resulting scream of excitement it brought :lol: ) :

She had found all 4 OST's for the Devil May Cry games as well as the OST to the DMC Anime being sold in a set!

Im listening to the DMC4 cd at the moment actually :D And it is freaking awesome!!

Thought Id share a few of my favorite ones so far:

Shall Never Surrender


Future in my Hands

Life is You

Heads or Tails

Out of Darkness

Devils Never Cry

Ill be Your Home

There are tons more. Basically everything I have heard I have liked :lol: These stand out a bit more for me though. I have only listened to the Anime cd in full so far. This is so cool! Love my parents :D

Can You Guess whos Birthday it is Today?

So its the 19th of August. And can you guess whos birthday it is?

No it is not mine :P

Heres a huge hint: Its a video game character.

Make a guess and click the spoiler to see if youre right!

[spoiler] Happy Birthday to CLOUD STRIFE!! [/spoiler]

:lol: Yes I am that weird that I know useless stuff like this :P

Leave a comment on if you guessed right or not :D

Lenneth Drawing and Valkyrie Profile

Done with my Lenneth drawing! Thank you to Kenshin18 for asking me to draw her! The request was Lenneth in regular clothes not her armor but I had to try the armor :P Im VERY pleased with it. I love how the feathers on her helm turned out! What do you guys think? And like before, I had a reference to look at while drawing it.

I wanted to finish my drawing today because last night I finished Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth! ...well actually it was this morning cause I stayed up to 3am to beat it :lol: I love this game. It has to be my second favorite PSP game only behind Crisis Core. The battle system was fun, the dungeons were all interesting, and the story was entertaining. The game is beautiful, the environments were all unique and the sprites were well detailed. And it was challenging but not frustratingly so. Enough to make you feel like you accomplished something when youd get past a tough part. Now I cant wait to play Valkyrie Profile DS! :D

If you have played VP, what was your favorite characters to have in your group?

After I got them, I pretty much only used Yumei, Kashell, and Lawfer along with Lenneth of course. Used Shiho when I need a second caster.

New Gamespot and Patapon

So how does everyone like the new Gamespot? There are some things I like, for instance the widescreen and not having the stupid links covering your banner. Plus the layout just looks spiffy :lol: But I wish the tracked blogs box was bigger to show more at one time. And I will have to get use to where everything is at.

I beat Patapon last night! Yay! :lol: The game definitely got on my nerves at times but somehow it still was addicting. Im actually looking forward to the second one :D

Valkyrie Profile Lenneth is the game Im hoping to finish next. Im at the beginning of chapter 8 and should be getting the A ending. Also Im working on drawing Lenneth. Should be done soon, just need to do the shading.

Movies based on Games...and I changed it again

First off, Happy Birthday to my brother! :D

I have yet again changed my banner :roll: Annoying aient it? :lol: Dante being thrown right in the middle of a bunch of Cloud and Tifa pictures, though funny, just wasnt working for me. So I decided less is better, and stuck with Cloud and Tifa. I found the close up picture of Cloud's eyes and then used the Cloud and Tifa picture from my last banner but made it grey tones instead of pink. I used a combination of MS Office Picture Manager for color changes and resizing and MS Paint to combine everything, make the background, and add the text. It looks nicer in the beta GS cause the stupid links dont cover part of it up. Im very pleased with it, though it doesnt compare to the amazing work that artist like Lady_Bahamut, SymonDezyn, and queen_valentine can do :) *bows to their awesomeness*

Now I want to talk about movies based on games. It seems like everytime I turn around lately Im hearing about a new one. First it was Lost Planet, then Spyro, Max Payne, God of War...and now Prince of Persia. Im sure Im forgetting a lot more. Its feels like they are saying "we dont have any idea how to make a good story anymore so lets mooch off of game stories" Now dont get me wrong, I WANT them to be good. But frankly the track record for movies based on games are not good at all.

So I have a few questions for everyone. Is there a movie based on a video game that you like? Do any of the announced upcoming movies from games interest you? What game would you like to be seen made into a movie?

Answers to your questions!

Awesome questions everyone! Lets dive right in!

What game are you currently playing? If you're not playing anything what are you planning to play next?

Im playing FFIV on my DS and switching between Valkyrie Profile Lenneth, Brave Story and Legend of Heroes on my PSP. I have some other games too that I need to get into, like FFT: WotL, but I want to finish VP first. Oh and Patapon…still stuck on it :(

What is your favorite genre besides RPG/Strategy?

Hmmm good question… I would have to say action adventure or platforming.

What is your opinion on the FPS genre?

FPS are not games I am immediately drawn to. Most are not entertaining to me. However, I do enjoy playing sci-fi shooters, like Halo 3 or Gears of War. I finished both of those games in co-op and had much fun. Games like CoD4, Battlefield Bad Company, Army of Two, ect. don't even interest me enough to pick up a controller. Though I dont mind watching other people play them :D

Do you like star wars?

Yep, I love Star Wars :) Im looking forward to both the Clone Wars movie this weekend and The Force Unleashed game next month.

Who is your favorite Tsubasa character?

Ahhhh that's a tough question! I would probably have to say Fay...followed closely by Syaoran

Do you plan on reading the Tsubasa manga?

Possibly after I watch all of the anime :D money is kind of tight for fun stuff at the moment, and what I have is being saved for all the fall/winter game releases :lol:

Are you going to read/watch xxxHolic?

xxxHolic? Whats that about? I would definitely watch it if you recommend it :D Im always looking for more anime to watch.

What got you into gaming?

Well my brother had a NES and then SNES when I was little. He would always be playing and I would play too :) Probably wasn't until PS1 that I really got into gaming though. But then I had a brief time where I just didn't have time for gaming (hence why I have missed many very good games).

What was your first game ever?

Super Mario Bros…wow that was a long time ago.

Cake or pie?

The cake is a lie...sorry I had to do it :P …Cake wins though. Cause I don't really like pie…unless it is apple pie covered in vanilla ice cream :lol:

And thats it :D