I've been around horses since I was six years old, so games that have riding elements are always fun for me. I thought I'd share which 2 games that I believe have the best horses based on controls, the way the horse looks and acts, and how the horse moves. Sorry its only two, but Im lazy, I wrote a lot, and they are the only two that I think are amazingly awesome with very few, if any, flaws.
2. Assassin's Creed - They look fantastic! All four gaits are in the game: walk, trot, canter, and gallop. The horse moves beautifully in every gait. This is the only game I can think of that includes the trot, and they did a great job making it. Also the gallop is very well done. Many games just make the horses legs move faster, which is incorrect. The horse flattens out, puts more weight forward and lengthens its stride. This game and the game at #1 are the only ones I can think of that do this properly. The horses bend their bodies when they move, you turn left they bend into the turn like a real horse. There is no gliding across the ground, which occurs in many other games. When the horse moves between gaits or stops, there are transitions instead of just a lurching immediate change. The transitions make the horses look more realistic. Controls are one of the better ones, with the trot as the default gait. Button commands make them go slower or faster but you have to hold them to stay in that gait. Still not the best I have seen, that would be reserved for the game at #1. Assassin's Creed Horse Video
1. Shadow of the Colossus – Agro! Wander's horse get the #1 position :D The horse looks really good and has 3 of the 4 gaits: walk, canter and gallop. They all are very well done. Agro is very similar to the Assassin's Creed horse as far as movement goes.
But what makes this horse better than the others are the controls, the AI of the horse, and the connection you have with your trusty steed. First off, the controls are fantastic! Instead of controlling the horse as a character, which is what all the other games I have played do, you control the horse as a rider. There is a huge difference. In the game, instead of moving the joystick forward to move the horse forward, you hit a button to kick the horse and he moves into the next gait. He will stay in that gait unless you either pull back on the joystick (as if you were pulling back on the reins) or kick him again to make him go faster. This is not only the most realistic, but allows you to do things like shooting your bow from horseback while aiming.
Another great thing is that the horse is smart enough not to run into walls or get stuck. If you are in a cave, tunnel or crevice between two cliffs, you do not have to physically steer the horse. He knows not to run head long into the wall :lol: It makes the movements smooth and not choppy, which sometimes happens in other games when you get too close to walls. The only time he pulls up and stops is when you are about ready to jump off a high ledge, again a reason why the horse isn't stupid :P
Agro interacts with the character. When Wander pats him, he looks at his rider. He will bob his head, shake his head, paw the ground, and rear. Wanderer can whistle/call his name and the horse will come running. If you ignore Agro, he will slowly walk off to graze on the grass. There is a connection with the horse since your character is all alone fighting giant colossus with a very loyal mount. You get attached to the horse. Shadow of the Colossus - Agro Video
So what do you guys think? Do you enjoy games with riding elements? What's your favorite?
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