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Code Geass Drawing + Quick Game Update

New drawing! This time its Xingke from Code Geass :D I love this anime, he and Lelouch are my two favorite characters.

Next drawing will be Seymour from Final Fantasy X.

Speaking of FFX, I [spoiler] beat Yunalesca and Im back on the airship [/spoiler]

Not much further than I was before because I have been playing Persona 3 FES. I'm a couple days past the second full moon battle. Junpei is hilarious. I loved the part where he tells the ghost story, "Junpei's believe it... or dont" :lol: They did such a great job with the voice acting in the game.

All for now! *waves*

Busy Week for School, Slow Week for Fun

Quick little update, not much new because I have had a lot of assignments to do.

Still playing FFX :) I just [spoiler] beat Seymour for the... 3rd time I believe, on Mt. Gagazet. In the cave now [/spoiler]

Since Im getting closer to the end, ill save my thoughts for when I beat the game and then Ill share with you guys :D

Yesterday I thought they were going to release Safe and Sound, the new end theme for ACC, on all iTunes. But I can't find it :( Let me guess: Japan only? :evil: *grumble* I love the song, can't stop listening to it. Hope we get it soon.

Well thats all for now, time to get back to homework.

New Drawing and Help Please from Anyone who has seen ACC!

I need help from anyone who has seen Advent Children Complete please *looks toward NeoGen85* :D :wink:

One of my cla.sses this quarter is a writing for/creating basic websites. I love this cl.ass. It helps that 90% of the time we get to choose the topics we write on. For my final project, I have to make a multi-page website. Due to the restrictions on length/content, I chose to write all about Cloud :D

That's where you guys who have seen ACC come in. I need to know what changes/additions are in ACC that relate to Cloud. Since my stuff will be wrote from his perspective, anything where he is not present, I dont need to know about. I probably could find this information listed somewhere, but I thought maybe you guys could give me the info I need without spoiling every single change... cause I still want it to be a bit of a surprise when I finally get to see it, ya know?

Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated! :D

Which leads us to my newest drawing. It's Cloud again :roll: hehe. I am proud of this piece, I think it turned out really well. All my good Cloud drawings were him from Crisis Core, so I did AC Cloud... and in color :D The absolute best version of his hair that I have done imo.

Next drawing will probably be Xingke from Code Geass.

June is going to be awesome!

While surfing youtube, a video of the battle between Sephiroth and Cloud in Advent Children Complete came up. So I had to see what they changed, I couldnt resist :D Although there isnt much new at the start, by the end it is EPIC! Sephiroth just tears into Cloud with Masamune. Lots of blood...lots of blood all over Cloud...poor Cloudy :cry: Not to mention that someone shows up to talk to Cloud during the battle that I hadnt expected! I will shamelessly admit I gave a fangirl squeel at that certain part :lol:

*bounces off the walls with excitement*

So is it June yet? :P :lol: I can't wait to see the whole thing, it is gonna be pure awesomeness! It will be the end of June before I get to see it :cry: I have to wait to visit my brother to be able to watch it on his PS3.

*tries to sit still long enough to finish writing*

Looks like FFVII and caffine dont mix well with me :lol: I 'm going to have to play some FFVII to make me forget about the wait for ACC :P

In other news, I have been watching FullMetal Alchemist and really enjoying it. I just wish the disc would come in the mail faster so I could watch more. I finished the second disc today.

Ive been playing FFX, Im up to the part where [spoiler] you are on the airship with Cid and are on your way to find Yuna. I was wondering when Tidus was going to stop being dense and realize Yuna was going to have to sacrifice herself in the battle versus Sin. Took him long enough :lol: Am I the only one who likes Seymour? Cause even after you learn what he has done and now being dead-ish and all, I still like him for some odd reason. [/spoiler]

Thats all for now :D

My Top 2 Horses in Video Games

I've been around horses since I was six years old, so games that have riding elements are always fun for me. I thought I'd share which 2 games that I believe have the best horses based on controls, the way the horse looks and acts, and how the horse moves. Sorry its only two, but Im lazy, I wrote a lot, and they are the only two that I think are amazingly awesome with very few, if any, flaws.

2. Assassin's Creed - They look fantastic! All four gaits are in the game: walk, trot, canter, and gallop. The horse moves beautifully in every gait. This is the only game I can think of that includes the trot, and they did a great job making it. Also the gallop is very well done. Many games just make the horses legs move faster, which is incorrect. The horse flattens out, puts more weight forward and lengthens its stride. This game and the game at #1 are the only ones I can think of that do this properly. The horses bend their bodies when they move, you turn left they bend into the turn like a real horse. There is no gliding across the ground, which occurs in many other games. When the horse moves between gaits or stops, there are transitions instead of just a lurching immediate change. The transitions make the horses look more realistic. Controls are one of the better ones, with the trot as the default gait. Button commands make them go slower or faster but you have to hold them to stay in that gait. Still not the best I have seen, that would be reserved for the game at #1. Assassin's Creed Horse Video

1. Shadow of the Colossus – Agro! Wander's horse get the #1 position :D The horse looks really good and has 3 of the 4 gaits: walk, canter and gallop. They all are very well done. Agro is very similar to the Assassin's Creed horse as far as movement goes.

But what makes this horse better than the others are the controls, the AI of the horse, and the connection you have with your trusty steed. First off, the controls are fantastic! Instead of controlling the horse as a character, which is what all the other games I have played do, you control the horse as a rider. There is a huge difference. In the game, instead of moving the joystick forward to move the horse forward, you hit a button to kick the horse and he moves into the next gait. He will stay in that gait unless you either pull back on the joystick (as if you were pulling back on the reins) or kick him again to make him go faster. This is not only the most realistic, but allows you to do things like shooting your bow from horseback while aiming.

Another great thing is that the horse is smart enough not to run into walls or get stuck. If you are in a cave, tunnel or crevice between two cliffs, you do not have to physically steer the horse. He knows not to run head long into the wall :lol: It makes the movements smooth and not choppy, which sometimes happens in other games when you get too close to walls. The only time he pulls up and stops is when you are about ready to jump off a high ledge, again a reason why the horse isn't stupid :P

Agro interacts with the character. When Wander pats him, he looks at his rider. He will bob his head, shake his head, paw the ground, and rear. Wanderer can whistle/call his name and the horse will come running. If you ignore Agro, he will slowly walk off to graze on the grass. There is a connection with the horse since your character is all alone fighting giant colossus with a very loyal mount. You get attached to the horse. Shadow of the Colossus - Agro Video

So what do you guys think? Do you enjoy games with riding elements? What's your favorite?

A Shadow in the Dark

Darn you Sony for making me go cancel my Patapon 2 preorder at Gamestop:evil: *is still upset about the download only*

Well I had the preorder money and no idea what to do with it. Dissidia is going to be a birthday gift so there was nothing I wanted to preorder. I could have just saved it for later, but a long story made short, I got Assassin's Creed for the PS3. I LOVE the game (previously played it on the 360), and Ive been all hyped up with the news about the sequel :lol:

Speaking of assassins, if anyone is looking for books with stealth, action, magic, intrigue, depth, adult content and just all around amazing, read the Night Angel Trilogy (The Way of Shadows, Shadow's Edge and Beyond the Shadows). I know I mentioned them before when I had first started reading them. But now I am half way through the last one and I can't believe I will soon be at the end. All three are definitely part of my favorite books ever list :D

Back onto the topic of Assassin's Creed, I hope we get some info on the PSP game soon. Maybe at E3... I really want it to be a great game and Im curious to see how they will adapt it to the handheld.

Thats all for now, time to watch more Code Geass and play more FFX :D

Final Fantasy X + Patapon 2 rumor?

I started FFX over the weekend, about 12 hours into the game. I have gotten to [spoiler] Guadosalam and Seymour has just proposed to Yuna. Went into the Farplane, saw Lord Jyscal and now heading to Seymour to give him Yuna's answer [/spoiler]

Im trying to look past the very awkward and chessy dialog that comes mostly from Yuna and Tidus to find the good game I know is beneath it. Tidus needs grow a backbone and if Yuna could have any more of a "sugary sweet" attitude I think Im going to be sick. I hope their personalities grow the further I get into the game so eventually they wont get on my nerves anymore.

For the first time Im not drawn to the "main" characters as my favorites. I like Auron the most. He is just so badass :P And Rikku is pretty cool because she reminds me of Yuffie :D Strangely...and slightly disturbing...I also like Seymour, though he is a bit creepy :lol:

The gameplay is fun...I just sometimes feel like I watch more cutscenes than actually playing the game... Omg I actually WANT to grind? *gasp* that dosent make any sense! I must have hit my head somewhere or Im running a fever! Call a medic! :lol: The Sphere grid is ok and Im glad I can finally customize my weapons, though I cant do much of anything good with it yet. I like the Aeons.

Overall Im having a fun playing it... just not as much as some of the other FF games so far. Maybe Im just spoiled from playing extremely awesome ones right before this :P

So has anyone heard the news about Patapon 2? The rumor is that the US release will be download from the PSN only :( Even if you buy it from the store they will just give you a voucher to get it from the PSN. Im sorely disappointed if this is true. I like collecting games, I like the physical discs. I could care less if a UMD has longer load times. Jeez are people so impatient now that they cant wait 5 seconds for a game to load? :roll: If they do download only, Ill be canceling my preorder and importing from the UK.

Luminous Arc Drawing + OMG FFVII on PSN Japan

Just a little something I did yesterday. I was going to do Squall and Rinoa but it didnt turn out so great. So I drew Althea from Luminous Arc 2.

Persona 4 arrived in the mail. Had to try it out to see if I made the right decision in selling VP: CotP to get it.... Yep! absolutely made the right decsion. Now I must resist the temptation to continue playing it :lol: I want to finish P3FES first. Ive been listening to the P4 soundtrack on my ipod all morning :)

OMG I cant believe my eyeballs 0_0 They actually put FFVII on the PSN in Japan! I never thought they would do it! I would very much like to see it (among other games) become availiable to download in other countries now. A portable FFVII would be awesome and I would definitely fork over the cash once again to have the game on my PSP :P Japan is getting all the good stuff. Send some love to the other PSN's please!

I hereby declare my love for...

...Final Fantasy VIII!

Pure awesomeness in 4 little discs!

The characters are great, Squall and Rinoa in particular. The story just blew me away, I thought it was fantastic. My favorite parts were the assassination attempt of Edea, the battle between the gardens, the whole part in space, and Ultimecia's Castle to the end.

I love the junction and draw system. It worked surprisingly well and other then near the very end I never had to grind. And probably the only reason I needed to was because I know I missed a bunch of side quests that would have leveled me up. My main 3 characters (Squall, Rinoa, Zell) were level 90+ and the others were only level 35. At the end I had Squall, Rinoa and Irvine in the final boss battles with Ultimecia and I kicked her butt :D

I adore the song Eyes on Me (DONT watch the vid unless ya want serious SPOILERS). Just perfect for Squall and Rinoa. Made me get all teary-eyed.

FFVIII is most definitely my second favorite FF game. It gets a 10/10 from me and will get a replay when I have the time. For now Im moving on to FFIX :D

Days of Pain and Game Days at GS

I am finally better after quite a few days of hell. I was stuck in bed in pain and feeling all around crappy. Thankfully I didnt miss any clas.ses but I am a bit behind on homework. I was able to beat Luminous Arc 2 (great game :) ) when the asprin would finally kick in. And no I couldnt do homework instead of playing my game :lol: The DS could come to me but I felt so bad that working at the computer was horrible. Also Im at Ultimecia's Castle in FFVIII. Now that I feel better I think Ill be playing it a bunch tomorrow... errr...well after I get some homework done *whistles innocently*:roll:

Gamestop is having their Game Days Sale, started on Sunday. Prices are are up to 50% off. Usually they dont have very good games on sale. But surprisingly they have a few nice ones, like the DMC set, Valkyria Chronicles, P3FES, and Chrono Trigger to name a few. I decided to pick up Final Fantasy 1 and 2 because I needed to replace my GBA version. Both look beautiful on the PSP and were only $9.99 each :D