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Tales of Vesperia to PS3 and New Tales and Jak and Daxter

Sweet! Looks like Tales of Vesperia is heading to the PS3 :D Another game for me to look forward to when I finally pick up the system. Also new Tales game, called Tales of VS, is heading to the PSP. VS appears to be a 3D fighting game with characters from the previous Tales. Hopefully it will be part rpg as well.

Also new Jak and Daxter heading to the PS2/PSP. Called Jak and Daxter: The Last Frontier, it will pick up where the first trilogy ended. Suprising that it isnt on the PS3...

And no this isnt an April Fools joke :D

Week of Fun is Over and Unskippable with Yahtzee

My free week has come and gone :( But it was fun while it lasted. New schedule started today. And uggh the parking was a nightmare! Campus is downtown and I have to go about 3 hours earlier than last quarter. There were cars everywhere! Not enough spaces for the amount of students enrolled. I finally had to go to the parking garage and go all the way to the roof to finally find some place to park. Thankfully I left early so I wasnt late.

Still playing FFVIII. Getting all my characters set before heading toward the end. Shouldnt take too much longer to level up. A HUGE thanks to lightwarrior179 for all the info to make my characters all tough for the final battles *bows before Light's awesome knowledge of FFVIII* :D

Been playing Luminous Arc 2 a lot. I dont know why but the Luminous Arc games seem to be one of the only srpgs I like (FFT being the other one). The second is really great. It has a much better interface than the first, with touch screen controls that actually work. Both games have a good story and characters. Im about halfway through the game.

I ended up selling Valkyrie Profile: CoTP, I just really couldnt stomach even looking at it anymore. The game started out great but went completely downhill fast. I would rather play the awesomeness that is VP: Lenneth again then have to trudge through CotP. It was a huge disappointment for me. But on a more happy note, with the money I got, I was able to get Persona 4 brand new with the bonus book without having to pay anything extra :D I believe Ill enjoy it a lot more. Should be arriving in the mail soon.

You guys have to watch this if you want a good laugh :lol: It's an Unskippable video, where two guys provide funny commentary during a game cutscene. This week they do Star Ocean: The Last Hope and Yahtzee, who does the Zero Punctuation reviews, joins them.

Final Fantasy VII will live on!

According to Tetsuya Nomura, Complete will end the Advent Children saga. No more extended cuts or anything like that :D

Advent Children may be done but the "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" is far from over! Nomura already has ideas for the next product in the compilation. We will have to wait a bit to see anything since he is currently working on the Kingdom Hearts games as well as the two FFXIII games. I dont mind waiting at all, I want to play both FFXIII games first. But to know that FFVII will continue in the future makes me very happy :D

Long live Final Fantasy VII! Woohoo! :P

IGN article

Also it is only a rumor so far, but supposedly Advent Children Complete will get a US release date in June.

heres a link to the info

Just a little longer...

Little update on gaming...

Final Fantasy VIII is making a very valiant effort to become my second favorite FF game :D Poor FFXII might get bumped out of that spot only after being there for less than a month :P :lol: Last time I talked about the game I had just finished disc 2. Now I believe Im close to the end of disc 3 because Im just about ready to enter the Lunatic Pandora.

I love the part[spoiler] where you head off into space to find Ellone and help Rinoa. Wow that part was awesome. So emotional. I mean I knew Rinoa wasnt going to die but still. They did a very good job and if I wasnt so crazy about FF to know more things than I should about games I havent yet played, then I probably would have been panicing at that moment :lol: Also I liked the whole part on Ragnarok with Squall and Rinoa :D [/spoiler]

So I havent really had problems with battles and such but I have heard some of the final battles are pretty tough. I know I dont have some of the best magic junctioned at the moment (like Ultima, Meltdown, Meteor, ect.) Think Ill be ok or should I try to draw before going in? I cant seem to find the right place to get them from so I was just going to try with what I got... unless it would be insane to.

Been playing more Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume... Hmmm I dont know, I have conflicting emotions on this game. First impressions did not reflect the whole of the game. Now that Im a lot further in, the game feels unbalanced. I dont mind a challenge... but a challenge with no way to change your odds except to replay the mission over and over is a bit frustrating. Not to mention the fact that I have found out it is almost completely impossible to get the A ending the first time you play the game.... Doesnt that defeat the choice of whether to use the Destiny Plume or not? I basically have to use it if I want to even attempt to beat the game.

I believe that it all depends on the player as to whether you will truly like this game. Im not a fan of srpgs (Im starting to feel like a broken record saying this all the time :P ) and coming up with a strategy to use the terran and character abilities to (hopefully) overcome the clear disadvantage your characters have is not one of my strong points. Which in the end means I have to play missions multiple times, which I dont find particularly fun. I think anyone who really likes strategy will probably love this game... my opinion is that I wish the game was a lot more like VP: Lenneth.

Thats all for now!

PS. If you can tell me who says the words in my blog title, you get a plate full of cookies! :D

Zero Drawing + More

I have changed my opinion on watching only dubbed animes. I think in the past, the subbed animes I had watched were just crappy animes in general and had nothing to do with the fact of having to read subtitles :lol: Now I love subbed animes thanks to many of the ones I have been watching on youtube. That announcement leads us into my latest drawing.

I have been watching Vampire Knight (just finished season 1) and I absolutely love it! So I had to draw my favorite character, Zero. He is awesome :D This drawing didnt take me too long to do... but actually I wish I had done the whole thing in color :( Ah well. Maybe whenever I draw him again.

Other than watching anime, Ive been playing games of course. Also I just started reading the Night Angel Trilogy books. So far the first one is really good. Anyone read them?

I have a week off of college since the quarter just ended. I got A's in everything so I'm very happy :D Going to just have some fun with my free time this week.

Patapon 2 Demo Impressions

The other day before I went to pick up Valkyrie Profile:CotP, I got an email saying that if you preorder Patapon 2 at Gamestop or Amazon you will get you the promo code for the demo which can then be downloaded through PSN. So I went ahead and preordered it at the store. Good thing I knew I was suppose to get a card because if I hadnt asked they werent going to give me mine :roll:

Just like the first, the demo gives you an exclusive item when you transfer your save from the demo to the full game. Also you can transfer your data from the original to the demo. Which seems to transfer all of your materials, though not the patapon you had.

Anywhos, the demo is the first 5 missions. The story picks up right where the first ended. Basically its everything the first Patapon was but with some great improvements. There is now training levels once you complete stages. These allow you to collect items and if you complete them in a certain time you get a better item. I havent actually finished one all the way because my paptaon are a bit weak at the moment.

I really like the new system they have for creating Patapon and leveling them up. Instead of having to figure out/go online/ trial and error to know how to make certain patapon, you now get a description of what each one is strong and weak against and the materials needed to make them. When you create a patapon, more types will open up.

You now have Hero patapon which you give a name to. Mine I named Zack (you know I had to) :lol: :P The hero patapon will gain special abilities when you keep the beat. A cymbal sound will play after a combo if you do it well.

There is a multiplayer feature which can also be played solo. When you do really well you get points and can open chests for items. If you dont want items you can exchange the points for kaching.

Looking forward to this in May. This is gonna be a great year for handhelds!

Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume Impressions

Picked up Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume today :) Been really looking forward to this game! Played a few solid hours already. The story is more mature than most DS srpgs, or at least the ones Ive seen/played. Wylfred has basically lost everything after his father dies. He blames the Valkyrie who took his father's soul to serve in her einherjar and he vows to kill her. Years later he is offered the power needed to fulfill his vow by a certain person that all who are familiar with Valkyrie Profile will recognize.... If/as he fulfills the conditions of the pact (aka covenant), he must sacrifice all things he cherishes the most and all he loves.

There are multiple endings and depending on your choices when you play it will change Wylfred's psyche, how he interacts with characters, who he will meet along the way, and of course what becomes of him at the end. Wylfred has a Destiny Plume, which when used, will give a party member a huge power/stat boost. Using it though will kill the character permanantly at the end of the battle.

Dialog is fantastic so far. Not very much voice acting, mainly during the battles. The music is wonderful, mostly known Valkyrie Profile tunes which I love.

The combat is a mix between an srpg and the turn based of the original Valkyrie Profile (PS and PSP). The mobs arent too aggressive so far when it comes to advancing across the battlefield. However, that really is a bit of a good thing. Because believe me when you have 3 mobs on you, 2 of which are archers and can not be hit during that turn by a melee character, like Wylfred, the damage really adds up. It does require you to plan ahead and strategically place your characters like all srpgs. Overkills have a very important roll. A lot of the battles give a Sin level for you to obtain. Sin is given when you attack in Overkill, the more damage/hits, the more Sin you collect. When you reach the requirement, you get some very nice items. Fail to reach the mark and you will be punished with a stronger added enemy in the next battle. This makes you have to think a bit more on where to place characters and when to attack. If you only attack an enemy with one character you may not get enough Sin to reach your mark. Instead, you may have to move a character, wait and move a second character into position before attacking so you get much more Sin per Overkill.

Graphics are good, not amazing but nice to look at. I have a soft spot for the sprites and artwork, feels like older games without feeling dated, if ya know what I mean.

Wow I wrote a lot considering I really havent played that much of it :lol:

Next blog will be my impressions on the Patapon 2 Demo!

You know what they say about the leading man?

Woohoo! Finished Final Fantasy XII last night! Just freakin awesome :D Now it is officially my second favorite final fantasy game. I enjoyed everything in it. The storyline and characters kept me hooked. One of the few final fantay games where I truely love every single character. I really didnt have a favorite team to use, I played all pretty evenly. The licence grid was a cool sysetem, picking and choosing skills was fun. Though by the end most had all the same stuff (because I was like rolling in licence points from having the item equiped on everyone to get double points each battle) except a few were a bit better in magic and of course everyone had different weapon skills. I had a blast with the combat. I liked the real time battles, kind of felt a bit like an mmo without the online part :P Gambits were so helpful, it was amazing how smooth the battles could run once you get the hang of how to use them. It felt like I did have control over all aspects of the combat, it just didnt require me to input the same command to the same person over and over.

I dont know what else to say, just love it :D The ending makes me want to go play Revenant Wings again :lol:

I'm sure Ill be revisiting Ivalice in the future, but for now its time to play Final Fantasy X :D

Death from Above, Chaos Below...

I kind of went crazy playing games over the weekend :P Thats what happens when I'm deprived for a week due to homework hehe.

My blog title refers to the fact that both Drakengard games arrived in the mail on Saturday! I'm having a blast playing the first one :D The story is great so far. The Empire and Union are at war. The Empire wants to capture the goddess, break the sacred seals and claim the world as their own. Caim, the brother of the goddess, sacrifices his voice to join in a pact with the red dragon, Angelus, to allow both to escape death. I like both Caim and Angelus already, it should be interesting to see what happens :D I'm having a lot of fun with the battle system, both the ground combat and the dragon combat. I love that in most outdoor instances you can so easily switch from ground to dragonback. I have the dragon fly in close, jump off, take out the archers then call the dragon back to scorch everything in sight.

In FFXII, I beat Fenrir and Im at the Third Ascent in the Pharos. When the heck will it end? I'm so sick of the darn tower :lol: I want out :P Still need to level up some. Everyone is still at level 40. Is there a way to get out of the tower fast from my location to level up/buy stuff? I had hoped an orange crystal would show up soon…last time I saw one was all the way at the beginning.

In Persona 3 FES, I got past the first exams and now have Akihiko in the group. I love the part where Akihiko was talking about finding Fuuka and Junpei gets all excited about another girl being in the dorm :lol:

Last but not least, in FFVIII, I met up with the White SeeD and now heading off to search for Ellone. What happened to Rinoa?!? :cry: This is ruining my favorite team to have :lol: Hope she can get back into the group soon.

I finished watching Death Note yesterday. One of my top favorite anime :D Just so good. Kind of sad it is over...hmmmm what anime to watch now...

I got Tagged!

:D I got tagged by queen_valentine! It has been a long time since I was last tagged.

Hmmmm what to tell you guys that you don't already know about me... *puts thinking cap on*....think, think...

1. I got kicked in the chest by a horse about 6 years ago. It was a 2 year old that hadn't had much training. Luckily nothing was broke. Just had the wind knocked out of me and some lovely bruises.

2. I have a fear of needles...probably doesn't help that every time I have blood drawn they have to poke me like 6 times and usually have to try both arms.

3. I burn, never tan. Which I guess isn't a bad thing because too much sun isn't good for the skin :P

4. The only pie I like is pumpkin pie... and it has to have whipped cream on it.

5. I have broke/sprained my little toes I don't know how many times now. Most of the times it is because I walk around the house barefoot and end up slamming them into everything

6. My favorite snack is either popcorn or nachos (with mild cheese only)

7. I hardly go anywhere without my ipod. Before I had one, I'd just listen to the radio a bit in my car. Now I have to have my music :lol:

8. I love Disney/Animated movies. A few of my favorites are Mulan, Lilo and Stitch, Wall-e, Kung Fu Panda, and The Lion King

9. I love cappuccino, french vanilla and english toffee are my two favorites. Hot and iced are both awesome.

10. Between Marvel and DC superheroes, I like Marvel way better.

11. I mostly listen to alternative and rock music…and game soundtracks. But depending on the artist and song I can listen to anything except rap.

12. I don't watch much TV. Only three shows I watch on a constant basis. Other than that I would rather watch Netflix movies or anime.

13. If I could have any fictional pet it would be a dragon :D … followed by a chocobo.

14. I am not a morning person. If I had a choice the absolute earliest I would wake up was 9 am :lol:

15. I don't eat breakfast. It makes me sick to my stomach.

That was hard to think of 15 things! Time to tag people! Dark_massenger, lightwarrior179, _overdose, Lady_Bahamut, and…*drumroll*… darkcloud6!!! Muhahahaha! :twisted:

Whew that's it for now. I finished all of my papers for school so I get to go have fun now :D