@Xx_DemonSoul_xX @plaintomato Yeah sure. You go ahead and early adopt a Steam OS for...wait, why?
Looks about as fun as Mac gaming to me. I'm all for a free OS, and it's great that Valve is moving to position themselves to deal with a potential walled-garden approach from MS.
But this is not Steam on Linux, an open OS, it is a Steam OS, good for only whatever Steam manages to make it good for. Should I be jumping for joy? Really, just tell me why.
@wexorian Yeah. Just a notable bug in the hottest game of EVER. Not anything this audience would care to know about. Not that Eddie isn't the COO of click-bait, but this ain't that.
@Quarkzquarkz @Quarkzquarkz It's the $100k you spent on upgrades. If you haven't noticed yet, nobody actually pays you for the missions you do for them in this game. It made me laugh when I saw a $20M payout get zeroed out in the after mission report.
Personally, I'm not a Saints Row fan, but at least they know how to program a magic garage.
"avoid parking a car in a garage, driving one already in a garage, or getting in a default vehicle"
lol. look...just walk everywhere until we figure this out, k?
I dropped all of Franklin's cash on another car, thinking if I upgraded a car and put it in his garage it might become his "default". Oops. Then I heard about this...I haven't even checked to see if it's still in the garage. I don't wanna know.
@antonio24z This isn't the refinement of the game they are making it out to be. They could have easily done this in the first place. They act like they regret the marketplace but it, along with the PC loot system, was all designed to cash in hard on the marketplace and force people to use it.
Now that's done, PC has slowed down, and they're bandaging things up to patch up their reputation. Good for console players...but don't be fooled, Blizzard is not what it used to be.
GTA V is clearly a 10 when you think about the score relative to other video games - the immersive world and amazing detail outshine any other game I can think of - it's an amazing acheivement whether you like it or not.
But I don't want to read some formulaic review based on relative and derivative comparison, or some standardized concept of what a game should be. Good riddance to the days of "Sound 9, Graphics 10, Gameplay 8..."
I'll take McShea and Petit's personal slants over that crap any day. And kudos to them for being secure enough to subject themselves to this community, especially Petit. Maybe someday the parent-less children will drive away anyone with an individual perspective, but not today.
Also I hope they die for giving RE6 whatever score they gave it.
plaintomato's comments