Don't these politicians have anything better to do than try to rule over the people instead of defending the Constitution? Term limits is the only answer to these A holes in Washington, so they are forced out after several years and get a real job.
I said ALMOST 2 years ago. Also, I'm not rich but have a pretty good job so it's not that big a deal. Try getting a job and saving up. If you're still in school then I recommend you go to a vocational school. College is one giant scam unless you go into engineering or nursing school or plan on law/medical/dental.
I wonder what the pc requirements will be. I haven't upgraded my system in almost more than 2 years since I bought the radeon 7970 which is able to run all the games I play @ 1080p.
So true. And the windows 8 fanatics will say but it's more optimized and faster and more optimized and faster and more optimized and faster...... No mention of the fact that is less functional, less efficient, idiotic setup, built for portable devices, asinine interface, stupid setup, requires "classic shell" to revert back to a system that people are used to and have grown accustomed to for decades. But, but, but it's more optimized and faster.....
So it's better that a company go bankrupt because it's forced to pay healthcare benefits to its employees? Also, where in the Constitution is it a right to have healthcare?
plm3d_basic's comments