I did learn to use it and it sucks. Which is why most people downloaded and installed classic shell. It takes multiple steps just to turn off the damn computer.
A start button without the start menu? What the hell is the point? Anyone who is forced to use windows 8 because they bought a new pc should download and install "classic shell' or downgrade to windows 7. People who are thinking about upgrading to windows 8 from 7, don't. Not surprisingly, pc manufacturers like HP and Dell are still selling pcs with windows 7 because it's in demand and windows 8 is pure garbage.
The last COD I bought was 3 when it was on steam sale for $20. Needless to say, I didn't find anything different between 1, 2, & 3. So what exactly is the point in buying the same game year after year?
Well, in their defense, if people didn't complain then M$ never would have changed their policy so people should be glad for all the complaints. One last complaint would be the price. Maybe M$ will lower the price to $399 if there are enough complaints.
plm3d_basic's comments