Nothing wrong with linear. Lots of great games are linear, like Metro, Half-life, and Dead Space. There aren't that many games that are truly open world. Horror games are more suited for linear gameplay. I hope that now that since they are going back then they should rework the engine for high end pc and next gen consoles only. No need for last gen consoles.
The game was fairly decent notwithstanding the technical problems on the pc with slow texture loading that had to be patched later. Id software should be ashamed of themselves for making an engine that was built for consoles first when their success came from pc gamers. Other game companies have been able to create revolutionary engines like Frostbite 3 and Cryengine 3 that are also scalable to consoles and still take advantage of the latest pc hardware. Id software needs to go back to their roots and create pc games instead of making console ports.
I'm pretty sure the game will be scalable. What he is really saying is if you have a monster pc then you can take advantage of it. This is the way pc gaming used to be like where developers would push the pc to the limit instead of worrying whether the game will run on a console. If you have a decent pc then I'm pretty sure the game will look incredible as well. Also, you'll be able to tweak settings so it'll look great rather than choosing low/medium/high/ultra.
If they make a sequel, it should probably take place several years when Ellie is an adult. That would make the story really interesting instead of retreading old ground.
plm3d_basic's comments