You're a moron. The targeting reticle sucked balls. The pc community had to create a laser beam for RE5. At least have an option of having the beam. They didn't fix sh!t. Get lost.
Are you trolling or just stupid? RE5 had better graphics. It had dx10. Revelations had only dx9. Textures were blurry and many review sites such as Gametrailers even mentioned it. The game was $50 on Steam. Full price.
Revelations had good gameplay but horrible graphics. All they did was port a 3DS game onto higher end systems like pc, xbox 360, and PS3 without even adding HD textures and they had the audacity to charge full price. They couldn't even add the laser beam on the weapons and just put in an ugly targeting reticle.
"In the coming months, Nintendo is hoping Wii U hardware sales will be stimulated by the launch of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Wii Party U, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Super Mario 3D World, and Wii Fit U."
LMAO! None of those games are a system seller. NONE! Nobody is going to spend $350 for a Wii U when they can spend $400 for a true next generation console like PS4. They need to bite the bullet and drop the price to $250 at least or release a true HD Zelda, Mario, and Metroid by Christmas.
Are you retarded? I'm a pc gamer, stupid. I also have a monthly limit on how much I can download on the internet from Cox. Also, the game is probably over 8 gig and would take about 2 hours to download and if I have several games on steam then I'll have to redownload everything if my computer is destroyed or I buy a new computer which would take about a day instead of having it on disc. Lastly, you're a moron.
Go cash the check and move on. No need to bad mouth people who paid you good money for an easy job. He wasn't exactly digging ditches or doing manual labor.
plm3d_basic's comments