Mario 64 is a term I used to describe a Mario game that is not a side scroller and is a fully 3-d world like Mario 64. Most people would be able to figure that out. A side scroller is not a system seller.
This will only discourage more big third party developers from investing in the Wii U. If Bayonetta 2 fails then expect all third party developers to drop that system What an unbelievable flop this system has turned into starting with the confusing name which casual gamers think is just another peripheral rather than a new system. What makes it worse is that casual gamers are their main target too. Then there's the ridiculous price where for $50 more you could get a PS4 with real next gen graphics, internet, smarttv, and blu ray. Releasing a bunch of stupid games from the past with upgraded graphics like Donkey Kong Country or another Mario side scroller isn't going to help. Nintendo needs to hire a ton of people and make Mario 64 with HD graphics and a Zelda game that looks like the demo they used to showcase the system by this holiday or more and more third party developers are going to drop them, which means less and less people will buy their system. This becomes a vicious cycle and a death spiral for Nintendo. Even if they have a major hit game in two years, it might be too late for gamers to even care anymore.
I wonder what the budget for this game was since Tomb Raider was considered a failure at 3.6 million copies sold in the first month excluding digital sales. And that was only in North America not worldwide.
After downloading the 4 gig then 5 gig patch to make the game look like the demo, the game is fairly decent and worth the $20 I paid. If the dlc is $10 or less I might get it just to see the real end which ended abruptly in the game.
Would Naughty Dog make a whole lot more money if they went multiplatform? Also, I'm glad Tomb Raider is still in the top 10 just because I want to see a sequel with next generation graphics.
plm3d_basic's comments