There is evidence that politicians don't know a damn thing about anything and the longer they stay in Washington the more likely they live in a bubble where their entire purpose becomes to maintain power. The only remedy to this predicament is term limits for these fools.
I honestly don't get it. This game looks like it came out after Wolfenstein 3D back in the early 90s. Some people can get over the poor graphics unfortunately I have a hard time playing games that look this grotesque. I realize gameplay is everything to some but I want at least decent graphics in my games. To each their own.
I thought I read that the xbox1 is now on par with the PS4 on sales. If you're going to spend around $400 then $500 is not really a deal breaker especially when it includes special features like voice activation and menu surfing, skype, smartv, and an HD camera. Also, it's most likely that MS or Sony will offer lower prices if they subsidize it with 2 year cable contracts or xboxlive/PSN. An ipad with retina display is priced at $499-730 while a 10.1 tablet starts at $499. Nobody is complaining about the prices of those and they're selling like hotcakes.
Actually, Gamespot did an article about how AAA games costs over $100 million and was confirmed by Michael Pachter who has inside information about that sort of stuff. That includes marketing, R&D, publishing, etc. Tomb Raider was stated to be a failure by Square Enix because it only sold around 3.5 million copies in North America in the first month. 3.5 million times $60 equals $210 million dollars. So your entire argument is invalid.
The PS4 is $399 and is next generation. The Wii U is $350 and last generation. Several thrid party developers are dropping support for the Wii U. The choice is obvious unless you're a diehard fanboy.
$300 for basically a gamepad with an lcd screen? For $100 more you can get a PS4. For $50 more you can get a Wii U....ok bad example. This is way too overpriced and pointless. You can't even stick it in your pocket like a Vita or DS. I doubt they'll sell more than a 100.
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