What about the private businesses/families/places like Gamespot? Do you support them or do you support the developers? That is your choice. I choose to support the people who make the games. If I dislike the publisher/developer then I'll buy the game used. If the publisher decides to put a whole bunch of microtransactions or the game is half finished like Aliens Colonial Marines then I'll buy it used or rent it.
I have no idea why you even brought up the piracy issue. People selling used account is a minority and barely registers, unlike piracy which is a major issue in pc gaming which has caused the creation of Steam, Origin, Uplay, and Microsoft Live. You can't even buy a used game on pc anymore. That type of drm will eventually come to the console market at some point because of loss of revenue from rentals and used games. I could easily torrent them but by doing so it further discourages developers from making games for the pc market.
Lastly, I'm a pcgamer so I don't have any investments into the success of any consoles other than I hope all three consoles are successful because I want AMD to continue to be a viable competitor to Intel and Nvidia since they supply the gpu/cpu for all three consoles. Also, I was basically stating the obvious problems with the xbox1 as a consumer. If you don't have a problem with it then by all means buy it. Also, what will happen years from now when you move to an area with no internet or the servers shut down. All your old games becomes worthless unless MS releases a firmware update to remove all drm. That's also an issue with all new pc games which uses Steam, etc.
I hope you realize that buying nothing but used games is not helping the developers who create those games that you love so much. A lot of these AAA games have multimillion dollar budgets and to support them you should buy their games new so the money goes back to them rather than Gamespot. The problems with xbox1 is the necessary internet connection every 24 hours, lack of ownership of videogames like Steam, and a camera that watches over your living room and can easily be hacked by the government. Actually, the government doesn't even need to hack it, they'll just subpoena MS with any bs claim. PS4 is consumer friendly while xbox1 is publisher friendly.
**** off dickhead. Nobody even bother reading your lonely rant. You call people stupid for having an opinion and that's what you'll get. Next time write in a civilized manner instead of being a hostile dipshit. Now go back to the sandbox with the other 3rd graders.
It would only be fair if pc players were forced to use a gamepad for multiplayer. Mouse and keyboard is way too precise and easy. Every shot would practically be a head shot.
Don't really care for MMO. I wished they would release Halo 3 or Reach onto pc instead. MS is moving to their next generation system and sales of both of those have been maximized on the 360, so they should make it for the pc.
Most women are casual gamers who buy mobile games like Angry Birds. I seriously doubt a majority are going out to buy Battlefield, COD, or even The Last of Us.
Yeah, because you know all the answers and have a business degree at Harvard. /sarc. Piss off, douchebag. I gave my opinions and if you don't like it you can go suck a dik. Oh, by the way Nintendo fagboy, I'm a pc gamer. This is what you get for being nasty. Don't start sh!t and there won't be sh!t. People can disagree. No reason to be a cocksucker.
Nintendo is having difficulty transitioning to HD and most of their games look exactly the same except with better graphics. Donkey Kong Country should have be at the very least a 2D and 3D game. You have the power now so you should use it. Also, Zelda game should look exactly like the demo they showed for the introduction of the Wii U. MS and Sony had the same problems in the beginning but have now figured it out. The only game with potential was X and Bayonnetta which are third party developers. I give Nintendo a year to make the transition. If they can't do it by next Christmas they're done.
plm3d_basic's comments