Raw numbers don't necessarily translate to better graphics if you are experienced in pcgaming so I wouldn't put a lot of stock in them. Also, MS has a cloud service to offload some computing power as well. I'm sure developers like Naughty Dog will be able to squeeze out every power in the PS4 to give you an unbelievable world with OMG graphics but the majority of games will look similar between the two consoles. Also, as far as multiplatform games go, the rule of the lowest common denominator still is in play. Meaning games must be able to run on the XB1 so games are made for that platform probably first and foremost. They might be scaled up for the PS4 but I doubt it unless there's incentive, i.e. money to do so. All you have to do is look at the pc gaming market where rarely do games take advantage of higher end graphics. COD, Batman, Resident Evil 6, etc. on the pc look similar to the console version with the only exceptions are Battlefield, Crysis, and Metro.
So in conclusion, you should choose the console with the best exclusives and service rather than raw numbers when they are similar in specs. As for Wii U, that system is wildly underpowered.
Comparing the Xbox1 and the PS4 is like comparing a radeon 7870 vs. a 7770 since they are similar in specs and are made by AMD. You'll probably get a little more frame rates and smoother looking games but I'm not sure that will translate in better graphics. What most people will compare are the price tag, camera, potential integration of kinect in every game, name brand, and exclusive games.
500K in 2 months doesn't sound like a lot. Tomb Raider sold 3.6 million in a month and was considered a failure by Square Enix and that number doesn't include digital sales.
Kinect on the pc is probably only used for htpc where a mouse would be too cumbersome and if you don't have a tablet to use as a remote. It'll also only make sense for windows 8 as well, especially with the metro UI.
You must be really bored or have a very small library of games. I tried playing this game on a tablet at home and only played for about 10 minutes before I was bored to death.
plm3d_basic's comments