PS3 initial sales were horrible and yet they somehow survived. Nobody buys Nintendo for Call of Duty, Battlefield, or other hard core type of games. Nintendo fans and gamers buy it for the IP. Most gamers will have both Wii U and xbox/ps. Casual gamers will either have Nintendo or xbox. Kiddies will most like have Nintendo because it's more associated with kid friendly. Like I said no real time limit within reason.... say 2 years. Which is why I say Nintendo needs to make their IP games by next Christmas. That's probably a realistic time limit.
Why change something that works? All they had to do was improve the graphics, kept it 2D, and added special powers like speed, slow down time, etc. It would have been a whole lot cheaper too.
I disagree. There's no time limit where if they don't sell this much in this amount of time then the console becomes a failure. That's not how system success/failure works.
Nobody is buying the Wii U now because it's not Christmas, there's no real exclusive game that will sell hardware, the economy, and because people are saving up for PS4/xbox3. Nintendo needs to start hiring lots of programmers to make Mario 64 hd, Donkey Kong Country HD, Metroid HD, Zelda HD, etc. Release one or two of the above every Christmas and they'll easily sell hardware.
Raptor was falling apart when they started genetic splicing people, leading to insanity among the people. Fontaine used the chaos to take power from Ryan.
Actually, it's back to the internet with you. Andrew Ryan was dictator and killing protestors with splicers. Does that sound like libertarianism? Certainly doesn't sound like limited government. According to wikipedia and other sources, libertarianism is the antonym to authoritarianism which Raptor was. Don't think it was exactly objectivism either. Wiki has a whole page on it which doesn't really describe Raptor. What happens is that Andrew Ryan wanted a society where he didn't have to pay taxes or be constrained by religious or moral beliefs, but in which he ruled over.
Libertarian is basically anarchy, without a government or an authoritarian figure. Rapture was a capitalistic society where Andrew Ryan was essentially the ruler or dictator, making the rules and laws. Hardly libertarian.
plm3d_basic's comments