The problem with Square Enix is that they need to be more cost effective with their production. If a game selling 4 million copies is considered a failure then they need to look at how much was put into marketing, production, salaries, etc. There's no excuse why a relatively small company like Naughty Dog which makes great looking games are able to make a profit with equal amount of sales yet SE loses money from 4 millions sales. Also, high end graphics are not the reason either.
Bioshock was about out of control capitalism with no morals or ethical limits. Bioshock Infinite demonstrated the dangers of religious zealotry and blind patriotism. The next Bioshock should tackle the problems of large oppressive centralized government and political correctness run amok. It should also take place on Mars, Venus, or a colonized planet in the future.
There's a huge difference between paper gold or stock gold versus actual gold which will be the standard currency since countries can't print gold like they do with money. Did you know that Russia just bought the equivalent of 3 times the weight of the statue of liberty in gold? China is also buying up all the gold and precious metals. Stock gold is worthless. Germany has demanded all their gold back from the United States. Actual gold will be the new currency when the dollar collapses from all the printing.
I thought they were going to use xbox cubed or trinity, but I guess infinity is fine and somewhat catchy. The important thing is whether constant on-line is required which is what will make or break this system. Since Microsoft is using AMD then what will they do to distinguish itself from the PS4. Will it use the same APU or better/worse? It's strange that all 3 systems will use AMD parts. First time.
The game looks nowhere near the graphic quality of Resident Evil 5 or 6. Maybe the previews only showed the console version but it just doesn't look as good as the other versions. I was willing to pay full retail price for this game if they had just used the engine for 5 or 6, but instead it looks more like 4. Colors are washed out, textures are blurry, and lack of detail and geometry for characters.
What I wouldn't give to play Freespace 3 with current generation graphics or a reboot of X-Wing Alliance or Tie Fighter series. Will just have to wait for Chris Roberts to finish with his space sim.
I seriously can't believe Capcom has the gall to release this game on the pc for full retail price without improving the graphics, adding dx11, tessellation, hi-res textures, etc. In fact the price is even higher than it was on the 3DS. All they did was bump up the resolution of the screen without adding hi-res textures so that everything looks blurry. Even though graphics aren't everything but at least put some effort. This is a direct port from a handheld game.
Really? Why would Gearbox dumb it down when they supposedly outsourced the game and had nothing to do with it except for multiplayer? That makes no sense. I think Aliens could have been passable if they had Crysis like graphics. Also, I hated the FEAR expansion packs which I also bought and regret. The good news is that I only paid $20 for Aliens on Amazon. Regardless they should still take my advice.
Timegate Studios is a mediocre company that has been churning out garbage for as long as I can remember. I'm not even sure why they couldn't have made Aliens look like the demos at the very least (forget about A.I.), which were obviously made by Gearbox. Instead they made a dx9 crappy looking game with bad textures and bad lighting. Even pc modders were able to make the game look better with textures and dx10...for free. I suggest they do what crappy programmers usually wind up doing like John Romero after making Daikatana or that fat slob George Broussard, creator of Duke Nukem (that was for you Warpig) which is to go program cheap crappy games for the handheld market, android, apple, and ouya.
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