I'm hoping they start using the new Frostbite 3 engine for most of their games. Also, someone please make a Star Wars space sim or even arcade shooter like Rogue Squadron or X-Wing Tie Fighter series.
LOL. Who would've thunk that my comments would garner such anger? Can't we all just get along. LMAO. Here, let me clarify. Most Americans don't want to take responsibility for anything. America could return to its glory days if they would just get rid of political correctness, reform lawsuits similar to the UK where people who file frivolous lawsuits if they lose are required to pay for the entire suit including the other side, and term limits for the ruling class aka politicians.
People need protection from their own stupidity. If you couldn't hold your wad to wait for reviews or too stupid to figure out that an embargo on reviews means the game sucks then you really are too damn stupid for society. People in American don't want to take responsibility for anything these days. Always some else fault. Reminds me of people suing McDonald's for making them fat.
How many games have teasers or trailers with cgi and video that weren't in the released game? Nearly every trailer of Bioshock Infinite prior to release did not make it into the final game. Should people start suing TK because it's false advertisement. This will open the floodgates of lawsuit for everything where the only people who benefit are lawyers. Like I said, Gearbox should give this guy a refund of his order and that's it. Piss off.
It's not about the money? You're a moron. It's all about the money. Nobody hires an attorney who costs $300/hr and sues for $50, stupid. I guarantee the plaintiff wants at least $1 million.
This is ridiculous. How much should you get from suing for a crappy game that costs $50-60? What emotional distress or medical bills were involved? None. This is lawsuit run amok. The only people benefiting is lawyers. This will hurt Sega, Gearbox, and other developers and the thousands of people working at these companies. Only in America. Other places like the UK there's some type of reform where if you sue and lose you have to pay for the entire lawsuit which includes the other side as well to prevent illegitimate lawsuits flooding the system. The game sucked and most people with a brain knew it which is why they didn't pre-order. Not saying Gearbox was completely innocent but the only thing that should come from this lawsuit is a refund of the plaintiff's order period.
plm3d_basic's comments