Yeah, finally someone here gets it. There was an article on this site or on tomshardware that stated that the average salary of game developers was around $100K, which is ridiculously high. Then there's Cliffy B who is rich enough to retire and goes around driving a Ferrari. So it's not high end graphics which is making budgets bloated, it is paying ridiculous salaries for programmers. Some deserve $100K, most don't.
Call of Duty looks like crap. The pc community have provided better textures for mods of Crysis 1, 2, Half-life 2, Skyrim, etc. all for FREE. $100 million for textures is ridiculous.
There are a lot of things that goes into making a game. The author and several people automatically assumes that higher costs is due to better graphics. Call of Duty has been basically using the same modified Quake engine from the first Modern Warfare and there budget is supposedly somewhere around $100 million. Where is the evidence that graphics make up the majority of the budget?
All of that is maybe true but how much is graphics costing the game? Also, why is it that modders can create better graphics for FREE? Nowhere in this article shows proof that graphics takes up the bulk of the cost. I don't buy it for a second.
Finally, why the hell does a game need to make up the cost of development within 1 month after release. Most ridiculous accounting ever. By the time it's Christmas, I guarantee that Tomb Raider will sell at least 6 million copies.
Movies require sets to be built, special effects team, editors, makeup artists, foley sound, million dollar paid actors, million dollar paid director, sound crew, orchestra and conductor. A game just need programmers, voice actors with thousand dollar salary, some generic music, writers, and recorded sound. How much of that $100 was for marketing, distribution, and other vs. actual graphics production? Blaming everything on graphics sounds like an assumption made by the author. Also, how is it that the pc community can create mods for Crysis 1 & 2, Skyrim, Half-life 2 with better graphics for FREE!
Well, you were able to play your own mp3 music in the first game while the second you couldn't which made it relaxing and tolerable. Graphics were also better for some reason.
The average person is an uninformed moron. Some can't even name who the Senate majority leader is or who the speaker of the House is, or the three branches of government, or name 3 Bill of Rights. Doesn't help that the media is corrupt as well and has an agenda. Congress has an approval rating less than the influenza virus and yet people continue to vote these people back in. No, term limits is the only answer. When these people must live with the consequences of their own policies and are no longer part of a ruling class that live like aristocrats high on the hog of taxpayers, then we'll be able to fix a lot of problems instead of having to worry about being re-elected.
plm3d_basic's comments