It was only considered a failure by Square Enix because they needed to recoup loss from other divisions such as Final Fantasy and other crap Japanese games. The game made back its investment.
10,000 developers.........all working out of their basement. The majority of games will be $1 games sold on android and apple store such as Angry Birds, Angry Birds the Revenge, Angry Birds II Electric Boogaloo.....
All Nintendo has to do to regain their fans would be to have an HD Mario galaxy, HD Zelda, HD Donkey Kong Country, HD Smash Bro., HD Mario Cart, HD Metroid, etc. Nintendo is and has always been about their IP and casual gaming for the family, especially toddlers and grandparents. Even if the Wii U was as powerful or even more powerful than the PS4 or Xbox3, people are going to buy games like COD or Battlefield on the other systems or on pc because of the built in community on those platforms. Hard core gamers who have a Wii U most likely already own a PS4 or Xbox3, and they didn't buy a Wii U to be playing hardcore games on that system regardless. They bought it solely for Nintendo's IP.
Hey I thought Tomb Raider wasn't profitable and solely due to the "high-end" graphics as argued by one of gamespot's editor, Tom Shea, who made that conclusion out of thin air.
You've obviously missed my entire point which is that high-end graphics is not the reason why development costs have ballooned. You and Tom McShea make that assumption based on nothing. It is an easy thing to point towards. Also, as a pc gamer or as a gamer in general I expect games to look better AND play better. Did you miss that part as well? Do you want to continue to play the same looking game year after year or do you expect improvements? Also, your first paragraph made no sense considering I spent an entire paragraph dispelling this notion that the game only sold 3.4 million copies which is already proven to false when you don't count any digital distribution. In fact your entire post makes no sense.
Tom McShea is pulling figures out of thin air and making general assumptions based on nothing. The first premise is that Square Enix lost money because Tomb Raider only sold 3.4 million copies within the first month. First, Square Enix didn't even count digital distribution in their figures. In North America which includes Canada, US, and Mexico the only way to buy Tomb Raider on the pc is through digital distribution so that 3.4 million figure is way off since that doesn't count digitial distribution worldwide as well. Secondly, why does a game need to regain all its cost within the first month? Games are not movies where it is removed from theaters after a month. Tomb Raider will sell at least 5-6 million by Christmas. I guarantee that Tomb Raider will make back all its cost by then and probably more. Third, it's really easy to blame high-end graphics for mushrooming budgets since it's the most obvious change in a game, so the assumption is automatically made. Bullcrap! The obvious proof that this is bull is the fact that Call of Duty has been using the same modified Quake engine since the first Modern Warfare and their budget is somewhere in the $100 million range, so it's obviously NOT graphics. Also, the pc community has been able to create better graphics mod for Half-life 2, Crysis, Crysis 2, Skyrim, Need for Speed, Doom 3, etc. and all for FREE, and usually by one person. Graphics has next to nothing to do with mushrooming budgets! It is mostly due to poor management, overpaid programmers, staff, executives, etc. How much money was dumped into Duke Nukem Forever which turned into a pile of turd? Also, Square Enix needed to find a scapegoat for their failing company by shifting blame to ridiculous sales expectations for Western games rather than poor management and crappy Japanese games. As a pc gamer I want better graphics and more immersive atmosphere otherwise what's the damn point of next gen games and systems. Technology always moves forward, not backwards. Might as well dust off the Atari 2600 and start playing with pixels again if you're argument is that gameplay is everything. A next gen game REQUIRES better graphics backed with good gameplay. Can you imagine if people buy an xbox 3 or PS4 and the game looks the same as current gen? There would be an explosion of complaints and their complaints would be justified.
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