There are no problems in the gaming industry. It all has to do with the fact that males and females think differently. Boys will grow up liking things like cars, construction sets, guns, etc. while girls like playing with dolls and stuff toys that center around socializing. Males will like games that involve violence, action, explosions, racing, fighting while females prefer puzzle games like tetris, angry birds or social games like MMOs. Furthermore, most females rather spend their time socializing, internet chat, or hanging out with friends rather than spending hours playing video games while males don't mind solitary activity. All you have to do is look at the animal kingdom and see evidence of this. It's called evolution. Females keep the herd or family together while males come and go, whether to be replaced by another male through violence or just to come and go as they please.
At first I was upset but then I thought about what LucasArts has done lately, which is nothing. The games they've made for this current generation was the Force Unleashed series, a failed MMO, a failed kinect game, and some lego games. I mean really. They are literally sitting on a gold mine of potential great games. Other than 1313 which was heading for next generation consoles, they haven't done anything relevant in a long time. All they had to do was make a reboot of X-wing, Tie Fighter series or other space sim like Rogue Squadron, a sequel or reboot of Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, Republic Commandos, Battlefront, KOTOR, etc. I hope with all the money Disney has they can outsource the franchise for more competent game developers to produce and also continue funding 1313. They would be stupid not to since they paid over $4 billion for the franchise. Better start putting it to good use.
Should? I hope you know that Gearbox has lied through all of this and has now been exposed as frauds. They have zero integrity left. Whatever they said doesn't match what they apparently did or didn't do. I wouldn't hold my breath for them to spend any more time and money on this game. The game has such a bad reputation right now it wouldn't even matter if it turns out good. Also, the game yesterday sold on Amazon for $24.
Why would they invest the time and money to make a Wii version when all three version on the other platform suck? That's like making a Duke Nukem Forever Wii version. Both games will be in the bargain bin soon if they haven't already.
The game has only been out for a couple of months. By the time it's Christmas I guarantee the game will sell at least 5 million and these idiots don't even count for digital distribution. In North America, the only way to get Tomb Raider on the pc is through digital distribution such as steam. There are no retail boxes in stores or online.
plm3d_basic's comments