This article makes no sense. First they claim that these figures do not reflect digital sales then they say that North American sales were ineffective. In North America, Tomb Raider can only be sold through digital distribution such as Steam. There are no retail boxes in stores, Amazon, ebay, etc. What the hell are they talking about?!!!!!!
Now that the reviews are out for pc, xbox360, and ps3 why would they even attempt to release it now. The jig is over. Nobody is stupid enough to fall for it a second time.
COD is like kick ball. It's fun, stupid, and requires no real skill or strategy. While Battlefield is like soccer, requiring teamwork, skills, planning, and strategy.
No mention of dx11 or advanced features that were promised for the pc. No mention of SDK or sandbox editor from the first game. Instead we got an xbox360 port with its limited constraint on a five year old machine. GS, you need to do a better job of asking real questions instead of a typical lame reporter with your soft questions. Sounds more like a commercial.
This is what happens when you have a multiplatform game and the lead platform is the xbox360 instead of the pc. You wind up with missing elements and features. With the consoles being 5 years old, it's time that developers start making the pc the lead platform with all the bells and whistles and then downgrade it for the consoles just like what Dice is doing with Battlefield 3. Also, stop making games for winxp and dx9. By now, if you haven't upgraded to a dx11 gpu and OS then you should just move permanently to the consoles where you belong.
They need to test Eyefinity or Nvidia's version since RTS games are the perfect games for that type of use and is also advantageous to players as well.
It's not surprising that the pc is the best and no you don't need a top notch computer to make it look that clear. Whoever wrote that doesn't have a clue what they're talking about. What's disappointing is that the game looks almost identical to the previous Modern Warfare. In fact it IS the exact same engine. This is what happens when a game is produced primarily for and thus limited to a 5 year old outdated machine. No innovation, no improvement in visual quality, no extra features like physics or improvement in AI, NOTHING. Damn shame since nearly all game developers and all top notch franchises has their roots on the PC. Edit: LMAO. Looks like there's a whole lot of console kiddies who can't handle the truth and need to take out their frustration by thumbing down. Oooh, please give me more. Make it a -1000000 maggots.
I hope we get more games that are dx10 or 11 instead of games that are dx9 with 10/11 effects. It's time for dx9 to just die already, but sadly that won't happen until the xbox360 is dead and replaced by the xbox3/720 which won't happen until 2012.
plm3d_basic's comments