@Gravity_Slave As you say, I hope MS see the irony through market research and preorders to abandon their tenacious plans because technically, if faults occur now, what's it going to be like at higher traffic demands in prime hours?
@emerin76 Remember Sony? They ceased support for the PS2 while PS2 was selling more units than PS3, not to mention canning backward compatibility due to costs. This was an alleged move to get consumers refocused on next-gen due to profound lose of sales of PS3. If Unit sales on 720 becomes an issue, I wouldn't hold your breath on trusting in MS for that either coupled with impractical network dueling.
I think gamers shouldn't get penalized for a system that endorses trading. Once rights to the license is on a product, it's up to the user to do what they want with it.The vender is to blame for the vulnerabilities it comes in without a criteria to promote proper returns. Multiple reselling on a product is just evidence to to it's own flaw until it's counteracted. Reminds me of suicide MW2 javeliners getting banned for finding an exploit where improper patching was at fault :D - crazy
I thought TDU 1 wasn't just a great genre filler to open world but had a high design structure and polish release compared to contemporary games that suffer due to complacent patching.
R.I.P Eden. Your work is greatly embraced in loving memory.
Network maintenance downtime that could last for days would be enough for me to get an alternative console instantly. If occurs, surrendering control let alone game rights to MS is asking for increased dlc exploits.
Video games, and then crime was invented... I've seen politicians pull out guns on talk shows and I bet they didn't do it because they were bored with cod.
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