I'm wondering how people find time to play and hopefully finish their games.
I'm into RPGs now and I have a hard time finishing them... I still have Planescape Torment which I tried many time to make some advance. I also started Baldur's Gate 2 which I just have a few hours into it. I'm also playing Mass Effect and Fallout 3 which although seem shorter I still have quite a few hours to finish.
I also like games like Civilization IV or Sim City 4, but I rarely make much advance in the because of the time it takes to learn strategies and the time to get into them.
I also had great times playing old Lucasarts classics like Monkey Island, Sam and Max and Day of the Tentacle.
Sometimes I feel burnt out for the lack of advance in my playing and I go to more casual games frustated to have some playing without much pressure. Peggle is fun and good for a quick casual gaming.
Maybe I'm getting some attention disorder and can't stand the long playing hours and want instant gratification. Console ports may have spoiled me! Or maybe it is day-to-day activities and responsibilities which don't allow me to focus too much time on games.
Have you finished those games? How much time do you invest in playing? How do you juggle gaming with other activities? Do you have assigned hours to play or do you play at any hour? Do you recommend some way to make my playing hours more "productive" and be able to finish more games? What is your experience on this?
Wow you sound so much like me, not only in game choice, but in terms of finiishing them!
I have worked out something
I'm not buying more games for another 6 months, so anytime I decideto play, I play my old ones and try to finish them.
In 6 months time, i'll probably get 3 or 4 and do it all over again
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