@TashunkoSapa: Didn't you know, ethnic differences are so last gen, it's all about sexual preferences and life style choices now. The days of the big casts of smartasses and douchebags with a whiner in the corner, is now 1 smartass douchebag and a herd of emotion car wrecks that you'll happily watch get thinned.
Not that I have a hate on for millennials or anything. Love you guuuuuys. :p
@titang1: lol, I'm still running AMD's triple core 720 BE. I love this little processor. I was able to notably overclock it, while underpowering it, and unlocked the fourth core. It was nice and cheap when I bought it eight years ago, and has run like a dream ever since. Sure it's no beast and I have to dumb my graphics a little, but then there is an art to getting great graphics out of cpu hogging games. That being said it is about time I upgrade. If this new lineup of CPU's pan out, maybe I'll pick a few up in a year when AMD drops their inevitable bargain black editions with sneaky secrets. The key with AMD is you have to go gem hunting.
PS. Considering you more than doubled your purchase price, I would expect no less than 10-20FPS.
@solid_snake1461: Where did deathwish say you wouldn't try new games?
"Anyway, I commend you for having the courage to state your brand loyalty." Such a carefully worded sentence, still, I'm not sure you could have made the subtext any clearer.
Sony's lineup is kicking ass this year, that doesn't mean you ditch your Xbox, it just means that it's time to pick up a PS4. We're mid cycle here, it's a great time to own both.
@wexorian: No I mean the Halo 5 Forge edition that allows you to download or build, and play multiplayer maps, that's free to Windows 10 owners. You know multiplayer, that place that people spend 99% of their time when they buy an FPS game, but somehow hate on not getting the campaign even though they aren't paying for anything. I'm sure others will have complaints about how it's free so it must be crap, or complaints about having to find and download the loads of amazing maps that are available. For some people it's just never enough. I mean people managed to complain about getting Xbox exclusives on PC. Me, I'm glad I can now buy one copy of a game and yet play it on both the PC and on my Xbox in the same afternoon.
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