i am using the defualt control configuration for PS2. if your hunch about only being able to shoot w/ the right stick on the ps3 or 360 versions is true, i'm going to be very dissapointed with this game because the whole thing that sparked this question is something that comes up in the practice mode (durring an off day in season mode.) if you complete a practice session on the ice with your team, you're given an opportunity to play a bonus round sort of thing with just 1 player. and one of them (which are given to you at random) is to shoot a puck "using the right stick" at over 90mph. if there's not a way to shoot with the right stick this game is broken.biohazard
I know what your talking about but that feature shooting with the right analog stick is only available in practice or during draft scouting, In the older games they had a slap shot contest where you could do that also,
If your using intermediate controls here is how the pro control works: when your in the offensive zone IE inside your opponent's blue line press r3, when you do that button symbols will appear over the different players on your team. for instance triangle is your center when you press it the puck will go right to him, if you press the same button again you can shoot it or if you pass it like the example I gave and double tap the button you will do a one timer.
In short pro control is good for when your on a power play especially when your new to the game, because you will be able to cycle the puck more realistically in that situation creating better scoring chances.
Try it out and when you get used to all of the controls you will get more enjoyment out of the game. If there is anything else that your not sure of let me know, by posting here again8)
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