Thank you Gamespot for the beta key for last weekend close beta. I really enjoyed playing as the Blade Dancer class. I'll likely play at release to max out this class, go through story and dungeons.
@solokingrobert: I'll be playing it on PC. Statement was insensitive and made me laugh. Some group always loses with these exclusive deals. PC could have been excluded as well with the deal, fortunately it wasn't. I want to play Tomb Raider, however don't want to play it at XB1 quality. At least Tomb Raider is only a timed exclusive.
Only hope is all consoles fail and Nintendo becomes 3rd party publisher/developer like Sega. Then everything can be ported and developed for PC, muhahaha :p
I don't see that happening anytime soon so I bought a Wii U.
@tommynj If I didn't already have a PC I wouldn't buy a Wii U as my first choice for console. I think Wii U is the best secondary console if you already have a XB1,PS4 or PC.
@ramtracker42 I don't use that hideous screened gamepad other than to scan my amiibo. I use the pro controller, which is similar to an xbox360 controller with right analog stick and buttons switched. I'll use gamecube controller once I can get an adapter at a reasonable price.
@ramtracker42 I thought I was going to be disappointed with the performance of the WII U because my PC hardware is superior to all consoles. However, the three games I bought(SSB, bayonetta 2, mario kart) all run at a 60 FPS so game play is excellent. The graphics lack features I have on PC games, but the still are design to look pretty. 3rd party games I will only buy on PC, I saw performance of Watch dogs at digital foundry and it's awful.
BTW: I need to work on my SSB skills, my Pikachu Amiibo is kicking my butt.
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