@hitomo @Damazig There's a lot of people who hook their PC up to their TVs. There's no limitation on how you can use a PC. PC is only limited by not having exclusive games that are on consoles. There are many games on PC that are multiplier that you don't have to play online, usually it's the same games that are on consoles as well.
I used to record videos with fraps in games locking it at 30 FPS so they match youtube framerate. When I start recording it's feels very sluggish and choppy since I'm used to 80+ fps on a 120 hz display. After about 5-10 minutes I adapt to the low framerate and don't notice it as much. So it is playable.
I been playing around with watch dogs yesterday, yes I have it stutter free on ultra settings since I have a video card 6 GB of VRAM. With everything maxed out and TXAA 4x 1080 it runs at around 40+ FPS. It still feels sluggish and choppy. When I have AA set to Temporal SMAA it runs at 50+ FPS and feels smooth. Seems my breaking is below 50 FPS.
Since I been spoiled for too many years, I can't accept a 30 FPS locked game. I wouldn't mind cut scenes at 30 FPS if they have proper motion blur added.
@billzihang @pseudopsiakite yep, this is explanation on ubsoft site "the mod in question (which uses those old settings) subjectively enhances the game’s visual fidelity in certain situations but also can have various negative impacts. Those could range from performance issues, to difficulty in reading the environment in order to appreciate the gameplay, to potentially making the game less enjoyable or even unstable."
Youtube functions as an advertising tool for games. Charging for advertising your game seems backwards. How many sales of games would not happen if youtube didn't exist to spread the word?
I agree 30 FPS is a failure, however console gamers cannot tell the difference because they don't have the ability to do a direct comparison within the same game. PC gamers have software to cap the frame rate at 30 FPS and it's sometimes built into the configuration options. The next gen consoles can do 60 FPS, however developers/publishers figured out the game with the prettier picture at 30 FPS sells better than a game at 60 FPS.
I game on a 120hz monitor and have a few games that actually reach a constant 120 FPS. Difference between 30 and 60 FPS is night and day with better motion and responsiveness. Difference between 60 FPS and 120 FPS is harder to distinguish, however there is a difference. I'm perfectly happy to play a game at 60 FPS, however 30 FPS is unacceptable to me.
30 FPS games on consoles are here to stay until console gamers push for 60 FPS.
PseudopsiaKite's comments