I couldn't wait for Gamespot review since I had enough information on how good the game is from other reviews. I'm right now I'm busy feeding my Pikachu amiibo items to boost his stats. I need to find time now to play through bayonetta 2.
@dogman12602 I disagree. I find 1440p much more detailed and less jagged than 1080p and almost all my games run great at that resolution. With G-sync I have no problem with FPS dropping to 40. It's just this Ubisoft game that doesn't run smooth at a lower frame rate than 60, I didn't even touch ACU based on the report or poor performance. it's still early in it's release so maybe it will be patched.
@Talavaj @pseudopsiakite I never claimed it was best, it's just what I have. It's not that old either. Still a single 980 or 970 will not cut it at 1080p/60fps NVIDIA setting. You need at least two of these cards.
PC version looks the best, however it takes a lot of hardware to run at highest settings. My single GTX Titan doesn't cut it.
1440p with NVIDIA settings is about 20 fps.
1440p with ULTRA settings is about 30 fps.
1080p with ULTRA settings is about 60 fps.
This game runs oddly compared to most games. I found if FPS drops below 60 it feels like 30 and my G-Sync monitor isn't helping even though it shows as on. I play the game at 1080p HIGH settings with textures set to ULTRA; this way FPS is above 60 most of the time.
I don't own a PS4. I'm a high-end PC gamer who owned consoles in the past for certain exclusives. There hasn't been an exclusive at such a high quality that would make me want to buy a PS4. WII U is only console tempting me right now. With my recent purchase of a QHD g-sync monitor to get smooth gameplay at variable frame-rates, I have even less of a desire to buy a console.
@maybock3000 @pseudopsiakite I agree. Main probably with FFXIII is it didn't live up to expect exceptions from the previous games. If it was a totally new IP it probably would have got more respect.
I did enjoy the game for what is it. However, I felt it was way too linear, too many tutorials, beginning felt like a movie rather than a game, some annoying characters I want to strangle and confusing story.
@wexorian @blackmask100 Ya, you probably get bored faster in Destiny than FFXIII. The average metacrtic critic review is 8.3 and the user score was 7.6 for PS3. So FFXIII isn't as bad as some say it is.
@prolapsedanus85 Last game I played I enjoyed the most was a very old game from 2004 that was recently released for on steam: The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. It's JRPG with good dialog and characters. Once I got hooked into it I ended up playing 56 hours till I finished it.
Sucks that I don't see such quality with new games.
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