lol the one thing i have to say about this article... that nintendo should "even give consideration to releasing first-party titles...on other platforms."
Hah! Why do analysts continue to want Nintendo to release their games on other platforms?
If Ninty EVER released a single N first party title on any platform other than a Nintendo one, they would be undermining themselves and cutting into their OWN SALES !
Let's be real...if we could all buy Zelda, DK, Mario, etc, on the xbox 360 instead of the Wii this past generation, who wouldn't have gone with the 360 version? Come on now, analysts, as long as Nintendo has a console on the market they will only release games on their own systems.
And they make this statement as if it's supposed to help Nintendo? How would it help? It wouldn't, at all.
Stupidity, really.
Maybe someday if Nintendo really does tank in the console wars, which, hey, could happen this generation with the Wii U vs Xbox/ps4, i don't know, but if they ever do, then they will (hopefully) at least continue to make their awesome games and yes, then publish them on other platforms. But for now, it would only hurt their own system sales. The biggest reason Nintendo consoles sell, is for Nintendo games.
sorry, i was kind of excited for this tablet. i dont play pc games or own a tablet, so this mightve been cool for me. but $1k? Ok, good one. PLUS $250 for the gaming controllers on the side? LOL now we'll just have to see what the Nvidia shield's price will be to directly compete with this tablet. If Nvidia's is similarly priced, Nintendo & Sony have nothing to worry about.
on a side note, I'm hopeful that the game will be more accessible as GS predicts, and I hope that it comes to Wii U for the sake of Nintendo gaining that 'hardcore' audience. also bc i'll eventually pick up a Wii U & want to have more games to get for it. otherwise i'll just get it for my 360.
i REALLY don't think they should have yet another AC so soon.
Ubisoft- please wait until the next generation of systems are all out ! (not to discount Wii U entirely but we know the next xbox/ps offerings will offer more grunt to work)
The next ps/xbox will allow Ubi to take the Anvil Next engine a step forward and offer us something that we haven't seen yet in an AC game.
Surely the scale of ACIII was enormous but there were also a lot of load times, and as great as I thought the graphics were they weren't as big of a step forward from AC2/B/R as i was expecting.
A next gen system can offer a seamless enormous world with little to no load times, stronger AI (though i have no complaint from AC3) and better graphics.
Furthermore, take all that, and put in with a new protagonist, new historical setting/character, and new gameplay mechanics, and THEN you are talking AC4.
If they ship out an AC3: subtitle here expansion next year, I don't think it would be a smart decision, just for the sake of annualizing the franchise (i know its already been annual releases)
I think Ubi should take another 3 years to come out with AC4. They have plenty of other IPs going on to take fans interests & $$. Let the AC team develop a strong, innovative game in the series that takes it forward, to the same degree if not more than AC3 did from the AC2 games.
what you are describing is in fact PS Vita. PS3 level graphics, connectivity with PS3, portable, and all-in-one entertainment device, not to mention with wifi & cellular data plans.
And at the end you say that we will have to accept a loss of polygonal strength for now, well the truth is we've been doing that ever since the original GameBoy.
I see the revelance in comparison to all other forms of media at this point.
But you strayed away from that as the article went along, and were virtually describing a PS Vita with an all-encompassing library including common app-style games all the way to the biggest blockbusters.
The system exists. It's just it doesn't have the games that you want on there.
If you digress to your original comparison though to other forms of media available on any state-of-the-art multimedia device (all the same movies/music/etc on your phone, tablet, computer/etc...) well than yes it would be fantastic if all games were available on all devices in that way.
But we are a far cry away from that i think. We know tablets and phones exist with enough grunt to be able to process great looking games, but the fact is that those tablets and touch devices don't tout physical controls. and if you are a gamer at all with any kind of pc or console gaming experience in your life, physical controls matter a lot to you. i for one can't stand touch only games. touch in games a la ds/ 3ds/ psvita/ wii u, or even kinect in conjunction with a 360 controller...sure! i love it when used in an intuitive and exciting way! but touch ONLY???? we're not ready for that, and touch controls aren't quite up to par, yet.
Also, streaming services like you mentioned such as OnLive really need to take off for that wish to be realistic in the slightest sense.
Furthermore, if you are streaming games, it won't matter at all the power of your device. what matters will be the speed of your internet! and on devices using a local coffee house wifi or a 4g network on a commuter train? forget about streaming a game.
Sure it's theoretically possible, but not yet.
Till then if you really insist on playing games everywhere you go there ARE portables with great libraries of their own games. I like that 3DS & Vita have their own libraries. Ubisoft could've ported AC3 directly to Vita but chose to make a separate game (for better or worse). That's the beauty of portables...just like every other console or PC, they come with experiences unique to them.
Thats why an avid gamer can own every system available at a time, and still have a fun, engaging, unique experience on each that warrants them to own each.
and i have no complaints about that for now.
I'd be totally fine with the way games work (buy a console, sit on your couch, play game, get up to go somewhere, grab your portable...) now to stay that way in the coming decades, because it means pushing the envelope technologically, not just from a portability standpoint, but not worrying about that allows for further development of new technologies to enhance the gaming experience. To me, that's way more important. Portable gaming devices have been around for a very long time and suite the needs you talk about just fine.
In the end you're complaining that developers/publishers are choosing to diversify where they release their products, and release different products on different systems, and you're also complaining that you'd have to keep a Vita in your backpack instead of being able to play right on your phone.
(Sony tried that too, and i don't think that worked out very well now did it....)
absolutely incredible trailer, NOW i'm excited. I enjoyed GTA4 but SA was my favorite for many reasons...this likes a tried & true spiritual successor to SA with a return to Los Santos & it's shaping up to be even more of a convincing virtual city that Liberty City was in GTA4. The sheer details in the environment! They really captured the look and feel of LA. Just wow at the varying types of gameplay shown from this trailer.
I thought GTA4 pushed the boundaries as far as story telling in a GTA game, but GTAV looks to be pushing every boundary on so many levels...story, gameplay, graphics, the world & characters...i'm actually surprised at how excited I am right now!!
Let me say this though - the graphics look amazing, they do, but I think if you check out how heavily they are using focusing vs out of focus objects/environments, motion blur, and other heavy effects, I think it's safe to say that GTAV has found the limits of this console generation graphically. Given that it's an enormous open world, there obviously has to be give & takes, but from a technical standpoint GTAV is superbly impressive yet I feel like I can tell that they've more or less maxed out these consoles.
I think this game shouldve been made for the next generation. That being said, I woudn't want to wait/buy a new console to play this & I'm still very impressed and I haven't even played the game. Who knows what they will be able to do with GTA6 next gen!!!!
I have GOT to say....I went to a local gamestop for the first time in ages yesterday to pick up ACIII, while i was there i saw they had a wii u on display!
First of all - the controller - let me from a gamers perspective who has played every system from NES up to all the current ones - this is one comfortable controller! Honestly it's not too heavy but not too light and flimsy feeling, it's solid, ergonimic, extremely comfortable to hold, buttons are all in great places that feel natural, the screen ! Wow! First time seeing the second screen in person and man it looks great, vibrant colors, crystal clear and sharp image, i noticed no lag, very responsive to my touch, the controller is intuitive and well designed all around.
And let me just say this - I played the Raymond Legends demo, the only actual playable demo - and I felt like i was playing an animated TV show. For real. The graphics were superb. I was concerned it wouldn't be a step up from the current gen.
It is definitely a step up. Absolutely. If this is what they are getting out of the Wii U now, I can't wait to see what more graphics intensive games will get out of it in the next few years.
Also, all the screenshots and gameplay footage I've seen of NSMB U online up to now have had me worried that it's basically a simple upscale of NSMBW. But no sir, NSMB U looks gorgeous, again, crystal clear image, sharp as a tack, vibrant colors and a beautiful palette, it looks so much better in real life !
Honestly after trying it in person, I KNOW that I will be buying a Wii U sooner rather than later.
actually, the way NFS has been for quite a while now (since Most Wanted...the ORIGINAL MW) im very happy Forza is having a spin off like this.
Haven't owned a forza game since the 2nd, not for any particular reason, but i'm very interested in this game.
i'm super glad to hear it's still a racing sim as opposed to arcade, but it has all the open world, style, flair, and fun that an arcade racer like NFS has.
the forza games are great but a little intimidating to get into, just bc i know how difficult they can be when you truly race as a sim (esp with a controller...always wanted a racing wheel!!!)
but the mesh up of arcade features and style coupled with simulation racing sounds pretty awesome to me.
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