glad to see that lems are still butthurt about Bloodborne.
quakeknight1991's forum posts
According to Fatmitsu Bloodborne had a 80%-100% sell-through in Japan. That pretty much confirms it was a success there.
So the ps4 went down in the same week has Bloodborne, D5 and One Piece' Weird.
Anyway, the lower BB sale sales expected.
Not really. Dark Souls 1 sold 280k copies in its first week, sure 152k may seem weak in comparison but if we take into account that when Dark Souls 1 came out Japan had an install base of 7 million PS3s its not that bad since right now the PS4 has much smaller install base Japan, if Im not mistaken only 1.3 million PS4s were sold in Japan.
i was actually expecting more hardware/software sales since ff type zero came out....
Final Fantasy Type 0 HD is a remaster of a game the japanese already played 4 years ago on their PSP and as such it was kind of expected it would not be that much of a big seller there.
@walloftruth No actual story and bland empty spaces with just combat.
Err, do you realize its a demo? Did you really expect to play a full game or something?
@Jag85: @ps4hasnogames: Isn't PS4 1080p and Xbox One 900p ?
Nope, however the director says that they are targeting 1080P/30FPS for the final game,
. If they want to make the game like skyrim they need to put actual quests in it. NPCs to talk to, stuff that every other final fantasy game has had. I felt like the demo just seemed like one big mission to hunt a monster. I didn't see any side quests the whole time and there was no real plot.
It was stated by Square Enix some time ago that this would be a demo that was only there to show the very basics of the combat system and get feedback. It was obvious that it would not have any sort of story or sidequests, obviously that does not mean the final game will not have those.
Considering its Square enix I would not be suprised if it was a PS4 port of Final Fantasy VIII.
I'm not sure why they'd go back and do VIII they have FFX remaster coming for PS4 already. It's possible though, maybe some kind of FF compilation is on the way I always wondered why they didn't do that anyway.
They are currently doing a PS4 port of FFVII. If its a success they will certainly port FFVIII and FFIX to the PS4 as well.
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