rahzel54's forum posts
[QUOTE="steve_89"]the landscape looks so much better on the ps3! this is a must buy for me! Master__ShakeLooks freaking identical to me except for a shift in the lighting in that comparison, so sublte it's not noticable in most of the side by side shots. imo, the colors are more realistic, the draw distance is better, the textures are better and the overall image looks more realistic. the 360 version looks TOO colorful, it looks cartoony to me. here are some better screens http://www.beyond3d.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38405&page=3
[QUOTE="l1mIt"]u have got to be kidding, the xbox version has AA?? yea right it does, not with its outdated GPU. but if it does it would explain the low Framerate :lol:primetime2121
maybe you were living in a cave or something but Xenos > RSX....everyone and their momma knows this
yeah, but its not as much as lemmings make it out to be. most people agree that Cell is better than Xenon too, so both systems are pretty much equal overall, and if you think either system is far better than the other, you're kidding yourself. Where RSX trails behind, it makes up for with the ability to work with Cell. most of the articles saying the 360 is better overall even say that the ps3 has great potential, but they don't think they will be able to use all of the ps3's power. considering the lack of power the ps2 had and what devs got out of that (and considering devs say the ps3 is EASIER to develop for than the ps2) i think devs WILL be able to use the ps3's power and because it has headroom, well see great looking games near the end of its life, such as God of War 2 on the ps2.
[QUOTE="rahzel54"][QUOTE="Bluestorm-Kalas"][QUOTE="rahzel54"][QUOTE="Bluestorm-Kalas"][QUOTE="Wasdie"]This really is impressive.I'd say the left looks better, by a lot. yeah, if you take your fanboy glasses off, youll see the difference, lol. Excuse me? Iin the left, you can see the trees from far away, the water effect looks way better, the images are sharper, and the textures are better. The other one does have a better draw distance, but that is it. Also, the one on the left is a lot brighter and clearer. meh, to each his own i guess... i personally agree with what bethesda and what all the other websites say. Then you admit it, you follow propoganda? No wonder you said the worse one looks better. propaganda, you mean? umm... so just because i agree with game sites and the fact that the developer of the game said the ps3 version got upgrades, i follow propaganda? give me a break.... that screenshot is too small imo. here are some better comparison shots. http://www.beyond3d.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38405&page=3 imo, the textures are better, the draw distances are better, its sharper, and the overall image looks more realistic. the 360 version has brighter colors (probably why you think it looks sharper) but to me, thats why the ps3 version looks more realistic... the colors are more lifelike imo. like i said, to each his own. just because my opinion differs from yours, doesnt mean i follow propaganda.
On the left, 360, the right, PS3.
i still do call this game overrated. i'm probably not gonna buy it. its just good news for ps3 owners in general (and to fans of the game that own ps3's).Cows use to call this game overrated. :lol:
[QUOTE="rahzel54"][QUOTE="Bluestorm-Kalas"][QUOTE="Wasdie"]This really is impressive.I'd say the left looks better, by a lot. yeah, if you take your fanboy glasses off, youll see the difference, lol. Excuse me? Iin the left, you can see the trees from far away, the water effect looks way better, the images are sharper, and the textures are better. The other one does have a better draw distance, but that is it. Also, the one on the left is a lot brighter and clearer. meh, to each his own i guess... i personally agree with what bethesda and what all the other websites say.
On the left, 360, the right, PS3.
[QUOTE="Wasdie"]This really is impressive.I'd say the left looks better, by a lot. yeah, if you take your fanboy glasses off, youll see the difference, lol.
On the left, 360, the right, PS3.
Wow, why would you use an Oblivion comparison as proof? How long has it been out for the 360 so far and how much longer dev time has the PS3 version got?Baird-06not much actually. not sure how long it took to make the PC/360 versions, but the PS3 version got about a year of dev time. heres 2 interviews with Pete Hines stating that most of the visual upgrades the ps3 got are exclusive to the ps3. http://spong.com/feature/10109516http://www.gamesradar.com/us/ps3/game/movies/index.jsp?releaseId=2006072616323751100
in the video interview, the interviewer asks when 360 owners can expect the upgrades. Pete responds by saying "upgrades" is kind of an overstatement and theres only 1 or 2 things being brought over to the 360 version. most of the upgrades the ps3 got are exclusive to the ps3. also, regarding development time:SPOnG: Okay, back to the game! Some of the optimisations you've made on the PS3 version, you've said, are going to make their way over to the Xbox 360 and PC versions [via updates] at some point in the future. Pete Hines: Yeah, there's a few things we've done that are non-platform specific that may be applicable to the PC or the 360. SPOnG: But some at the same time will be PS3-specific? Pete Hines: Yeah, quite a few of the optimisations done for this version are specific to the way the PlayStation 3 is designed, in the way it processes information… so those optimisations wouldn't be applicable to the other versions.
so since march 2006, it is now feb 2007 and its pretty much done.SPOnG: Sure. It's nearly a year now after the release of the Xbox 360 and PC versions. How long have the team been working specifically on the PS3 version? Pete Hines: Since last March, since we shipped the PC and 360 versions.
[QUOTE="onemic"][QUOTE="xxgunslingerxx"][QUOTE="Blitz1130"][QUOTE="caseystryker"]Nice to hear the memory issues are going to finally be laid to rest.Delsage
The Memory Issue was refferd for DLC loading in to the world like the expansion Shivering Isles loading would heavaly stunt the performance and they are still trying to figure out a way to solve this problem
please read the ariticle u noob
also ign already confirmed memory had nothing to do with it this just further backs up ign
Agreed, it did not add up at all. I am just glad that IGN was the first to clear up that memory lie, but this will just add fuel to the fire (On a side note I think this just proves that 1up is extremely biased no if's, and's or buts!).
As for Oblivion goes, now I am definitely getting this game for the PS3. I just hope that it scores better on Gamespot or I will stop being linear on them too.
*If you haven't noticed I am sick of the lies!
you can expect them to give it a lower score despite the upgrades. i also found this interview: http://spong.com/feature/10109516
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