Bottom line- Microsoft actually cares about their gamers, or at least they care about making the VERY best gaming system and selection of games that they possibly can, and they will do almost anything to further their gamers/their interests.
Sony could give a rat's a$$ about their gamers- they just assume that people will buy their system no matter what (they even said so, can't remember the quote exactly but it was one of the more arrogant ones). That plan is biting them on the butt, as we speak. They are still arrogant.
Microsoft is a corporation just like Sony, Exxon Mobil, American Airlines, Citigroup, GE, Boeing etc. and the one thing they all have in commos is they care absolutely nothing about me or you. The ONLY thing they do care about is investor reporting and the actuaries who report to the board decided that the cost of this warranty extension was less than the cost of a possible, and likely, class-action lawsuit in the future.
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