ramey70's forum posts
[QUOTE="MegaPigeon"][QUOTE="WalterPaladines"][QUOTE="MegaPigeon"]That's a damn good deal, although it REEKS of desperation.Episode_Eve
What smells of desperation is Nintendo fanboys hating on good news.
How is bundling $160 worth of movies with a games console NOT desperation? You'd have to be pretty desperate to be willing to loose another $160 on each unit sold just to get it into the consumer's hands.
This is a deal made by the Blu-ray association. I doubt that they're desperate as they are the market leader :?.
Especially considering free movies have been offered with HD-DVD Player purchases several times now.
seems the bda isn't as confindent in bluray as sony seems to be.
very desperate move...
Does that apply to HD-DVD as well?
[QUOTE="ramey70"]French gamers are the worst FPS players I've ever seen. Most surrender within 3 to 4 minutes of the game's start.Rip870
:lol: They do the same in RTS one guy tried a engineercharge on my base in Red alert 2 when it didn't worked he left the game
WW2 sims are the worst for playing with French. Most surrender in the lobby before the actual game begins.
[QUOTE="Eponique"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="RahnAetas"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Its really just downright absurd at this point.
Selling with no good games. Horrible graphics. No HD. No hard drive. No games that currently go online. Its like some big sick joke.
It was supposed to be the PS3 that would sell with no games right?
The 360 should be selling more cause it actually has good games.
Shooters aren't the only thing people look for. And you're a cow (Sorry, that sounded rude), don't use the 360 for ownage.
A cow that owns a 360 and a DS Lite? lol.
Yeah sorry, I own a 360 I can use it as ownage. You can stomp on the PS3 all you want but you got nothing on the 360 and you know it.
This reminds me of time I was called a "cow" and a "lemming" on the same thread. It was surreal....
[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="mjarantilla"][QUOTE="sonicare"]Nintendo has done a horrible job with the supply.mjarantilla
They're shipping more each month than any other console has in history.
I don't see how that's possible. Someone said they are shipping 1 Million per month. If the PS2 shipped less than that then there's no mathematical way it would have sold 100 Million, which it did.They were shipping 1 million per month in March.
How many now? The PS2 has been out for roughly 7 years. With 120 Million units shipped that's an average of almost 1.43 Million units per month.
[QUOTE="darklord888"]I just can't understand why it's so popular. Do people see it and think "oh that looks like an ipod it must be cool!" and buy it? There is NOTHING to play on it, it's weak, it's controls are gimmicky and end up becoming really boring.
People really are completely stupid. Don't they look into what they're buying? "Oh wow it has dragon ball z and rayman...err"
If the Wii's sales don't drop quickly next-gen will just be cheapo casual only peices of ****. The end of the gamer is near.Bread_or_Decide
Its the electronicequivelant of the little tiny dog in the purse trend.
I liken it more to Cabbage Patch Kids of the 80's and Beanie Babies of the 90's. Everyone had to have one but no one really knew why.
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