ramey70's forum posts
Honestly its not really the price tag thats killing sony.. Its the lack of games and the fact the 360 had a one year headstart. I keep hearing people say "if the PS3 didnt have blu ray and was cheaper, it would sell better" I actually disagree I think the PS3 would still be doing poor even if it was only $399.99 simply because the 360 had a one year headstart so in turn it has the better games and better live service. So just rest assured that even if the PS3 was cheaper and didnt have blu ray.. It still wouldnt win
Another reason is because so far the PS3 games look just as good as any 360 games out now and its on blu ray.. Imagine how bad the games would look if sony used DVD format, they would look awful compared to 360 games.
DVD and Bluray are storage media. They have zero effect on the way games look.
Here is the a link for the financial analyst who started this thread!
It doesn't matter. System Wars is full of MBA holders from some of the most recognized Business schools in the country. In fact, during my junior year of school at UT-Austin we were told that in lieu of actually attending lectures we could just read System Wars all day long and absorb all of the real business knowledge we would ever need.
[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="Hoffgod"]Amen.[QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"] I want all three companies to do well, but I hope the Wii continues to outsell the PS3 and 360, not for some strange loyalty, but for the simple fact that if a system that is selling for $250 sells better than the hugely expensive 360 and PS3, there will be more incentive next generation to focus on making cheaper, more affordable game systems, as opposed to little media hubs.Smoke_ManMuscle
I don't want Sony to fail, but I want this generation to be a very rude awakening for them. I want a message sent that a $600 console is unacceptable. I want to see cheaper consoles, and Sony doesn't. It's that simple.
What about those of us who don't mind investing $400 or $600 in a gaming console to provide us with the best technology possible? I think a market exists for two consoles aimed at different demographics.
You're in the vocal minority. You'll still have a 360 to cater towards your hardcore gaming needs, and the casuals will have their Wii. But Sony? They could fall off the face of the industry and most of the industry probably wouldn't even notice.
You're being a little overdramatic, the fall of one of the world's largest and best known consumer electronics firms would be front page news all over the world. And I would definitely agree I'm in the minority when preferring the 360 and PS3, just like a Ferrari owner is when compared to owners of Honda Civics.
[QUOTE="tango90101"]Why? Because it's just that time..
We're witnessing history here... the dethroning of a collossus....
beatiful stuff from a biz standpoint...:)
Wow! You mean that Atari was never knocked from its top spot? Nintendo never fell from #1 either? The game business ebbs and flows. It always has, and it always will. Its not history, its standard fare.
You'd better watch out. Tango is one of the top young business minds in the world. /sarcasm off
Amen.[QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"] I want all three companies to do well, but I hope the Wii continues to outsell the PS3 and 360, not for some strange loyalty, but for the simple fact that if a system that is selling for $250 sells better than the hugely expensive 360 and PS3, there will be more incentive next generation to focus on making cheaper, more affordable game systems, as opposed to little media hubs.Hoffgod
I don't want Sony to fail, but I want this generation to be a very rude awakening for them. I want a message sent that a $600 console is unacceptable. I want to see cheaper consoles, and Sony doesn't. It's that simple.
What about those of us who don't mind investing $400 or $600 in a gaming console to provide us with the best technology possible? I think a market exists for two consoles aimed at different demographics.
Maybe for the same reason people cheer for the Champion to lose. Kinda like in sports. Some people want to see Tiger lose, or Jeff Gordon or whatever. People enjoy seeing the champs go down in flames.
But those are sporting events involving real people. These are faceless corporations with zero emotional attachment involved. In fact, these "enemies" such as Microsoft and Sony are partners in many other business ventures.
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