ramey70's forum posts
[QUOTE="ramey70"]This sounds like just another refinement or edition of the PS3, or maybe even a PSX type unit. Not a new game system. tango90101
doesn't matter what it sounds like to you... the name PS4 is there...
no mention of a new ps3.. (which would own all the cows claimng the Elite is milkage).
The name PS4 is put in the title by the author citing an unamed source. He also states it uses the same chipset. If that's the case there's no way it could be a PS4, as it would still play and render the same game library. Further, there is no possible way Sony could get a new system out in 18 months. As unreliable as Sony is they couldn't even get dev kits out in time.
[QUOTE="Javy03"][QUOTE="Ontain"]even sony said that their next playstation wouldn't use disc media and would be using digital distribution. it's going to happen and br will just be a speed-bump in the road.
No they said most likely this may be the last media format war, they never claimed that the PS4 would not use a media storage. The truth is gaming would never go that route because most gamers last gen didnt play online and this gen has yet to prove that most gamers are gonna jump online for the majority of their gaming. In order for a system to have no disc media every gamer would have to have thier system plugged into the internet. That would be isolating millions of users that had not interest in doing that and still have yet to show interest.
oh really?
here's what Phil Harrison said
" I'd be amazed if the PlayStation 4 has a physical disc drive."
That's not neccessarily the same thing as Sony stating with any certainty that their next console wouldn't use disc media. And I'd hardly rely on anything a Sony rep says about features on future models considering they past overhyping and underdelivering problems.
Fair enough I guess but in terms of expectations of profits as sold to the major stockholders; you would not still argue that " Betamax Fiasco " is somehow too harsh a term when speaking of the totality of the venture and the subsequent lower then expected profits would you?
Sorry if the term offeded you - I was only stating it how most finacial news outlets have in the past and present.
I don't think it returned as much yield as Sony wanted in regards to a consumer format. But I think media sensationalism has blown the issue up over the years. Especially when combined with other less than stellar Sony formats. It makes a nice story, and that's usually the only thing important when "reporting" in the media today.
If and when Bluray emerges the format of choice, how will PS3 compare to other BR Players in terms of functionality and price?JediA_basic
It's a great player for most people's HD needs. It does have some limitations compared to other stand alones in that it can't upscale DVD's, can't play 1080p/24 video, and a few others.
Okay I guess you would call " Betamax a Successful venture " but in " fact " Sony stockholders did and do not ! I mean really - VHS format was the " Fiasco " in you're mind; correct ?
I supose if Sony makes a penny on BR in the long run it too will be considered a great prize for stockholders - NOT !
Neither were a fiasco. Betamax made sizeable profits for Sony and VHS made sizeable profits for JVC.
Sony made a profit off of the "Betamax fiasco". The format was very successful as a professional video format. In fact, derivatives of the Beta are still in use today. For the life of me I still can't figure out why people here thank that if something isn't as successful as a competing product or company it is then a failure or bust by default.
[QUOTE="ramey70"]Then you guys should really like PC gaming as you have tons of variables and choices.RickLemieux
I used to be a big PC gamer. I'm not sure why I went to consoles. Maybe it's time to update my PC.
I used to as well but I too got tired of upgrading and playing at my desk. I'm more of a couch gamer now and love the 360.
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