4. if the ps3 was as successful as you claim it will be, sony wouldh't have to worry about money...;) tango90101
So why did Microsoft fire anyone? Why did Exxon Mobil let almost 500 people go?
comparing one arm (SCEE) to full entities like MS (with many, many arms) or Exxon (also with many arms) really speaks volumes.
look you just don't understand the topic.
move on. ;)
In the comment I directly addressed, you mentioned Sony, not SCEE. In addition I also posted that Microsoft's Windows arm fired people. Is it losing money? The people fired from Exxon Mobil were part of the exploration arm. You'll be hard pressed to find anyone thinking that they are having trouble on that front.
okay, i'll make it easy for you: ALL posts going forward are about SCEE..
does that help you?
SCEE is laying off at a time when sony and their loyal fanboy base is predicting nothing but good news for the ps3 in the future.
something doesn't line up.. i'll leave you to do the math...;)
There is plenty of bad news for Sony and the PS3. But I'm just stating that layoffs can't neccessarily be considered that unless we know all the details. You have the opinion that any regional layoff is a bad omen.
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