anyone pick up stranglehold yet? i have been wildin with that game since this weekend ( downloaded the demo ) get set i should be getting a 360 before the end of the year. my friends at the job have been begging me to get one so i can play games with them online and now that Halo3 is out i can see grabbing one. life willbe great having both systems. oh yeah i have to get Bioshock. PS3 has a lot of hot games coming in Nov - Feb. the Wii is slowly dying out. so its almost back to the way it has been for the last generation. one question: do the 360's still run loud as hell or no?
well i have been hearing about Halo 3 pretty sweet game huh? my friends at work r loving it. 2yrs into the life cycle of the 360 but better late than never right? now could we give the same patience to the PS3 which still didnt reach a yr yet. as far as the console wars being won already that is a bad piece of foot to shove in your mouth, slow down get set go dont jump the gun. to be real they havent really started yet because one system hasnt even had a real holiday season yet. but after this christmas we will officially be in the war. so hold on to your horses get set. Ninja gaiden 2 is exclusive for 2008. not forever
" The extra time between releases seems to have benefited this version a great deal... " that is the first line of the paragraph and i think it says it all. as far as ghost recon goes i disagree with gamespot as i usually do. as far as aliasing goes the dream cast was better at it than the PS2 and the same with the Xbox but what difference did it make. frame rate issues i have yet to see in this game. as far as i am concerned all this talk about promises and such is nonsense. again i reiterate the system is still not a year old yet. what do u guys really expect this early on. and i dont know what u guys are looking for with this no quality games thing there are plenty out right now. more than the 360 had its first year out. and it is matching up with the 360's second gen games right out of the gate. so what is the debate? there is none. the bottom line is the PS3 is a better more stable system that is not getting any leway in its infancy. people r just haters thats all. consumers are hilarious. it took 2 yrs for them to start really getting the swing of the PS2 ( remember the same thing was happening, why cant they do this why cant they do that. then sony got a grip and it was over). its a learning curve and the programmers have to learn it.
its cool getsetgo is like an adopted family member around here. he lives to find anything negative about sony but cant see any of the negative stuff that happens with M$. he will be alright, he is getting better you should have heard him a while ago.
Haze PC and 360 drop off the map Ubisoft confirms that only the PS3 version of futuristic FPS is currently in development, no plans to bring it to any other platforms. getsetgo one more exclusive to add to the list.
i think that king kong game is dead in the water they just didnt say it was cancelled. that game is over 2 years old now. i highly doubt it will ever see the light of day on the PS3
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