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Edited By reeco411

san andreas fit on one disk right? that was a huge game ( 3 full size citites ). remember final fantasy 7 thru 9 were multiple disk sets they werent to bad but it was kind of a pain to switch sometimes ( thru staright laziness on my part). i think it will come down to the type of game it is. some games wont work well with more than one disk other games work better. steve be careful with sigma its tough, i have beaten it and am playing through on hard now, ouch i forgot how hard this game can get. the missions are crazy, they are not the same missions from Black and there are 50 of them with 4 difficulties each. a rental probably wont work for you if you never played it before. just remember to block and keep your combos short unless you really have a great opening. i love how the charcter sets change for each difficulty level in the main story( its like a new game each time)

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Edited By reeco411

the Elite is out already? lol i didnt even know that i have heard zero since they announced it. i guess that was dead on arrival. anyone see a Dreamcast -PS2 thing happening again. it seems to me that video playback in systems is very important to people. thats what helped the PS2 crush the dreamcast, which was powered by MS( if any one remebers). PS2 killed it within one year of being out. and it was $100 more ( sound familiar yet). cant knock the Xbox 1 though it was a pretty good console, mine still works and i got it in 2004. only thing MS ever did right. end of line.

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Edited By reeco411

nice observation bear. i like that, didnt even notice that until u said something

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Edited By reeco411

yes i can finally rest on this debate. the tides have turned and according to what is going on i think it is time for MS to chalk it up and move on to their next system, they f***ed this one up with a faulty product. u know what really burns me up is that they had a good idea for the console they just screwed it up because they were more concerned with beating Sony than really trying to give its supporters a reliable system. now i actually feel bad for the Xbox fans because they are getting robbed. but that is typical MS, they do it all the time with Windows so why should this be any different. a true American company, the bottom line is more important than supporting the consumers that support them.

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Edited By reeco411

bear yes he did but they are building their games from the ground up on the PS3 from here on out.

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Edited By reeco411

GameSpot has confirmed that Peter Moore, corporate vice president of the entertainment and devices division of Microsoft's interactive entertainment business, is quitting. The announcement comes less than one week after Moore hosted Microsoft's E3 press briefing. It also comes just under two weeks after he announced the extension of the Xbox 360's manufacturer's warranty to three years. Prompted by rising reports of hardware defects that Moore had previously downplayed, the move will cost Microsoft as much as $1.15 billion last quarter alone. hmmm what could have been the reason for that. sony fired their head man because he dropped the ball. Pete straight quit MS i guess he wanted to get of the sinking ship. or he is tired of how MS is doing things right now. welcome aboard Pete he is ours now. ha ha

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Edited By reeco411

sworder you are talking out of the side of your face... no more BS please you sound like a jealous kid. no matter what sony does you will find something wrong with it. but you dont see anything wrong with a company dropping its last gen population instantly and putting out a faulty system, theres nothing wrong with that right and MS really shows u how much you mean in there world. please stop you are reaching now. getset capcom is going with the PS2 because of the installed base and the fact that sony cares enough about its users to still support the system that everybody has. (i know sony doesnt care about any gamers only them selves.... )sarcasim.

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Edited By reeco411

slicksteve22 Ya I think metal gear solid 4 just blew gears of war graphics out of the water.... yeah and they said gears of war couldnt be done on the PS3. now what was every Xbot saying about the 360 having better graphics?

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titan what good is a console if it keeps breaking?

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Edited By reeco411

well first of all i never even mentioned Moto GP, but since you brought it up. Moto gp for the PS2 and Xbox are from different companies, the xbox versions were better than the PS2 games. never understood why they both had the same name....go figure. on another note. why do you keep talking about the cost of development. sony just made over a billion with the PS2 so i dont think the money is a problem. more and more developers are moving to the PS3 because it has more they can work with. even EA said that the next version of madden will be built on the PS3 not the XBox. the 360 is still going to be around but it is diyng down slowly. and after this e3 sony got its wings back.