i read the post on the forum. its a demo for gods sakes how can you use that as an argument for a game. these Xbots are truly amazing. funny how they always avoid the ring issue isnt it. but let something be less than perfect on the PS3 and they go bonkers. lol it is funny
i really liked the demo for heavenly sword. it was a bit choppy at times but it is a demo. it took me a minute to figure out the combat system but i got it in spades now and whoa is this game sick. i think it will be just as good or better than god of war as far as combat but i dont know yet. this chick is a beast. i figured out that the color of the attack is your key. whote is light, blue is mid range and red is hard. tryiing to remember which stance to stay in while defending was a little intimidating at first, but once i got it the game really opened up. NCAA football is pretty good too, it is way better than Madden from 07. give it a try if you are into football.
getset i hear u, but i seems to me that if there is something negative to say about the PS3 u take it like gospel but if it is positive u dont believe it. why is that?
between now and the spring there is alot of good software coming. i would say now is the time to grab a PS3. getset i know u disagree but man im telling u, u should get one i really dont think u will be disappointed. u already have the 360 and u say u like games well u would have the best of both worlds.
MS paid 50 million to lock down the extra episodes exclusively. they are trying to buy the industry. that is so pitiful. so much for you guys saying they were getting exclusives cause its a better system.i have lost all respect for MS. nothing like buying your friends huh? who knows how many other companies they paid off. the sad thing is they are still going to loose.
getset you think Saints row looks better than GTA 4. i dont know man GTA looks pretty good and its not finished yet. i dont remember saints row looking all that good. i will have to go back and take another look. MS can pull off GTA if they use good compression but that may show up in your game as late texture fills and such but it probably wont be all that noticable. there are ways to make it fit and if these guys are worth half there weight in salt they will do it. that still doesnt save the system from multy disk games in the future. Avtoc you are right 7.1 surround and hi res text do chew up disk space.
word it is really that small? i never really got into that one it just looked pretty huge to me. ok steve that should be enough time to get some good gameplay out of it.
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