reeco411's comments

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Edited By reeco411

well EGM and Gameinformer both gave Lair an average score of 8 so i dont think the game sucks maybe gamespot just didnt like playing with the sixaxis controls. but graphics wise it steals the show. i saw warhawk in action, wow is all i can say.

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Edited By reeco411

i heard he got banned from the post for something he said to someone.

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Edited By reeco411

thats a interesting article Jack. it seems pretty solid to me. i know the 360 couldnt make it thru that. it cant even run in normal conditions. 108 hrs straight in different climates. i dont think we need anymore comparisons between the consoles. i have seen all i need to see this year. PS3 is my pick even with slightly worse graphics as people keep saying. getset first off welcome back, and second lol wtf? you still use time in your favor for 360 stuff and against the PS3. when a ps3 game looks better the 1st thing u say is it had more time or some other excuse. but when i say the 360 has been out for a year longer so it should have more or better products the time factor doesnt matter anymore. and all these games that u keep raving about are 2yrs in the life cycle so who really had to wait forever to start getting good games. the 360's first heavy hitter was a yr late. but know mention of that right? didnt think so. sony has already got there library going before there first year. still 3 mths to go. just give it a rest man. the writing is on the walls it is a wrap. sony had at least 2 great games out of the gate. resistance and call of duty 3. and to me there was no drought of good games just no new games, sequels and next gen versions, still fun and playable but no ground breaking products. i have nothing else to argue about. stop all the hating and enjoy what ever console you have. peace

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Edited By reeco411

it will get praised

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Edited By reeco411

yeah i must agree Bioshock is a pretty mean looking game, so much so that i am slightly pissed that they r probably not going to put it on the PS3. we get another version of oblivion this fall with Shivering Isles already in there. and there is still hope for crysis.

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Edited By reeco411

thats is unfortunate about bear, i must have missed that one. AvtoC i agree that reviewers seem biased at times especially here on gamespot. they consistently undermine wht the PS3 does, just look at there review for oblivion and rainbow six, they give the games all these accolades and then give it a lower score. oblivion looked better played better and had more content then the 360 version and they gave it a lower score and then downplayed the extra content like its old news. but they raved about this same content being available on xbox live. and the graphics got downplayed to by them saying they are putting out a patch for the 360 game to make it look the same so its not that big of a deal. i still havent seen the patch yet. and this was said in march when the game came out. i dont buy into there comparisons anymore.

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Edited By reeco411

sorry steve i have been lacking on my online gaming. my neice was staying with me fro about a month and she stay in my office where the computer is so i had to give her her privacy. i might be online tonight with rainbow six, 4 cats from my job want to get down on some multiplayer. what happened to bear have seen him in here in a while. AvtoC whats been up man?

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Edited By reeco411

i am in love with this Madden there is so much you can do now. the PS3 version is awsome even at 30 frames, saw the 360 version playing at the store and it moves like water, very impressive( should be, its there 3rd version, not taking anything away from the 360) . well now i only have to wait for NBA 2K8 in Oct. fellas just think about it, we are having all this fun and getting good to great games and it hasnt even been a year in the PS3's life cycle. i am happy i bought a PS3 no doubt.

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Edited By reeco411

well get the shiny front one then. it is 60GB with Wi Fi. cant go wrong. steve i was just about to ask if u had Madden08 yet, i am going to grab mine on lunch i had it pre-ordered. i read about some of the new features and i cant wait to get out of here to play. 360 is a little smoother from what i am hearing. no worries if it plays anything like NCAA for PS3 i am good. steve did u ever mess with tomb raider: legend or anniversary?

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Edited By reeco411

i was online for a while last night. i got u guys messages or invites. so ur in my friends list now. catch u guys on the net.