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rukichu Blog


[color=#ff40ff]I GOT MY IPOD TO UPDATE AND WORK AND LIVE AND HOLYCRAP THIS IS SO LESS THAN THREE. And LIMEWIRE. Illegal downloading here I come. :D Annnd... MSN. OH BOY. HAHA, wow I'm so spoilt. One moment I'm being emo over bloo dumping me and the next I'm bouncing off the walls because my computer randomly decides to be nice to me. Maybe it just felt sorry for me. OH WHO CARES. :D I'M ALWAYS AN EMOKID AT HEART. Unfortunatly. BUT FOR NOW I AM DISTRACTED BY THE JOYS OF USELESS PROGRAMS. MMMMYUP. The reason they started working was because I set the time right. xDD when I got my computer back, it was WAAAY off but I never bothered fixing it. SO LESSON LEARNED: Don't be lazy. FIX YOUR CLOCK, YO. And that most online relationships will fail because of a stupid little something called "real life." But WHATEVER. LOL. YOU KNOW WHY? DO YOU KNOW WHY?! IT'S BECAUSE I WAS BORN. A UNICORN. *prance*[/color]

And now a useless survey to keep me distracted. :33

[color=#ff40ff]*Girl Confessions* Screenname right now: umm... no I'm not telling you that. I sleep naked: nuu I wear pink: I never wear pink, although I've had people ask if my entire closet is pink. o_o I've dyed my hair: No I like my hair. I've danced around in my underwear: LOL no. I liked the Spice Girls: Yes. Yes, I did. I wear makeup: Never x_x I've snuck out to meet boys: nu. I keep a diary: I keep a blog. D: I love chocolate: Yeah they're good Chick flicks make me cry: NO EWWW. I've drank because of a guy: No. I still need my girl time: what? no. It takes me at least an hour to get ready: Haha no, I just throw on whatever's nearest and run out the door. I still have sleep overs w/ my girls: Ewww no ;_; I love doing my hair: NO. My boyfriend's better than yours: HAHAHA YOU BETCHA. :cry: Trucks are pretty much hot: trucks? wtflol I've given a guy a fake number: no I've been honked at going down the road: No. I've been called a slut: No... I love singing: God no. My boobs are too big: No again. My boobs are too small: I'll go with the original poster of this:: I have the chest of an 8 year old BOY. Football players are hot: uhh.. NO. I've had my heart broken: HAHAHAHA, WHAT, ME?! :D I've slapped a guy for being frisky: no. I've fought a friend over a guy: what?! no... xD well this one girl (who was acting suspiciously jealous o_O) thought I was going out with porcupine but umm that's about it. I want my tongue pierced: Noooo. I want a tattoo: No. I have gotten suspended: yeah I got a two week suspension and trip to the hospital for carrying a hit list WEEEE that was FUNNNN. I have gotten arrested: ...No.[/color]

o ****

[color=#ff40ff]I'm single again. yaaaaaaaaaaay. thanks bloo.[/color] :|

The nineties were so cool.

[color=#ff40ff]Seriously guys. It gave us Pokemon (which is ten years old now x_x) It gave us the Elephant Six recording company, which we all know is very sexy. (seriously just look at their bands ;_; they're all so fungasmic.) [I'd link their website but is being STUPID now lolz...] And a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember because I was too distracted playing video games. But I know it was cool. That is all.[/color] :D

The "curse" of Japan and the Internet.

[color=#ff40ff]If you think of any series, any character, odds are you CAN find porn of it somewhere. Which got me thinking-- Foster's has been released in Japan for some time now, I wonder if anyone's made a doujinshi of it. Eh. I think what motivated me to write this was that after looking around a shotacon website I saw one for Digimon Frontier.[/color] :P

bored lol.

[color=#ff40ff]IN ONE TRY..TYPE YOUR NAME WITH YOUR: FINGERS: breezy CHIN: bg6rf54ewddezxy76hu ONE FINGER WITH EYES CLOSED: breexu CHEEK: b nfftrg3vszqxsdzxynhuj ELBOW: hhgjtr5reerfxzyhuj LIPS: bgtvrft4eded3zxqty PALM: brerezy BACK OF HAND: yhttrrrxu TONGUE: ummm... no. -----------------DESCRIBE--------------- --- -- YOUR HERITAGE: native american, and umm.. i dunno whatelse. o_O -- THE SHOES YOU WORE TODAY: converse -- YOUR EYES: i dunno -- YOUR WEAKNESS: yo. -- YOUR FEARS: heights -- ONE THING YOU'D LIKE TO ACHIEVE: gain weight... bloo727 says he'd like it if I went back up to 150 pounds -----------------WHAT IS------------------ -- YOUR THOUGHTS FIRST WAKING UP: what my dream was about -- THE FIRST FEATURE YOU NOTICE IN THE OPPOSITE SEX: sigh why is it the opposite sex, I like the same more than the opposite as far as physical features go. ;___; -- YOUR BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE: god i dunno -- YOUR BEDTIME: whenever -- YOUR GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: getting over 300 blogs... woo. -- YOUR MOST MISSED MEMORY: my childhood -----------------YOU PREFER------------------ -- PEPSI OR COKE: pepsi -- MCDONALD'S OR BURGER KING: mickey d's -- SINGLE OR GROUP DATES: single -- ADIDAS OR NIKE: all day i dream about sexzorz. -- CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: chocolate -- CAPPUCCINO OR COFFEE: both nasty -----------------DO YOU------------------ -- SMOKE: no -- CUSS: try not to -- TAKE A SHOWER EVERYDAY: i try to -- HAVE A CRUSH(ES): yes -- WHO ARE THEY: take a guess -- DO YOU THINK YOU'VE BEEN IN LOVE?: i really don't know -- WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE: yes -- LIKE HIGH SCHOOL: no -- WANT TO GET MARRIED: yes, not now. -- TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS: never -- GET MOTION SICKNESS: yes -- THINK YOU'RE ATTRACTIVE: nah -- THINK YOU'RE A HEALTH FREAK: lol. -- GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS: hahahaha. -- LIKE THUNDERSTORMS: love 'em -- PLAY AN INSTRUMENT: piano and clarinet ------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------- -- DRANK ALCOHOL: no -- SMOKE(D): nope -- DONE A DRUG: nope -- HAVE SEX: maybe -- MADE OUT: no -- GO ON A DATE: nope -- GO TO THE MALL: yea -- BEEN ON STAGE: nope -- BEEN DUMPED: nope -- GONE SKATING: no -- MADE HOMEMADE COOKIES: yea -- BEEN IN LOVE: yea -- DYED YOUR HAIR: nope bloo doesn't want me doing that -- STOLEN ANYTHING: nuh uh -----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------ -- FLOWN ON A PLANE: yea-huh -- MISSED SCHOOL BECAUSE IT WAS RAINING?: nope -- TOLD A GUY/GIRL THAT YOU LIKED THEM?: yea -- CRIED DURING A MOVIE?: yes -- EVER THOUGHT AN ANIMATED CHARACTER WAS HOT?: what, me?! -- HAD AN IMAGINARY FRIEND: yea i have one now, go ahead and laugh -- BEEN ON STAGE?: yes -- CUT YOUR HAIR: yea -- HAD CRUSH ON A TEACHER?: uhm.. not really -- PLAYED A GAME THAT REQUIRED REMOVAL OF CLOTHING? no -- BEEN TRASHED OR EXTREMELY INTOXICATED: no -- BEEN CAUGHT "DOING SOMETHING": errrr -- BEEN CALLED A TEASE: haha ;P -- GOTTEN BEATEN UP?: yeah -- BEEN IN A FIGHT: yup -- SHOPLIFTED: no -----------------THE FUTURE------------------ -- AGE YOU HOPE TO BE MARRIED: i dunno -- NUMBERS AND NAMES OF CHILDREN: ewwwww -- DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM WEDDING: o.o -- HOW DO YOU WANT TO DIE?: naturally. -- WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?: something pertaining along the lines of art --WHAT COUNTRY WOULD YOU MOST LIKE TO VISIT?: azerbaijan -----------------OPPOSITE/SAME SEX------------------ -- BEST EYE COLOR: brown -- BEST HAIR COLOR: usually dark -- SHORT OR LONG HAIR: short -- BEST HEIGHT: either shorter or taller than me -- BEST WEIGHT: whatver is normal for their height -- BEST FIRST DATE LOCATION: i dunno -- BEST FIRST KISS LOCATION: in the rain -----------------NUMBER OF----------------- -- NUMBER OF BOYFRIENDS/GIRLFRIENDS YOU'VE HAD: two boyfriends so far -- NUMBER OF KISSES YOU'VE GIVEN: zero -- NUMBER OF DRUGS TAKEN ILLEGALLY: nadaz -- NUMBER OF PEOPLE I COULD TRUST WITH MY LIFE: .. couple -- NUMBER OF PIERCINGS: two -- NUMBER OF TATTOOS: none.. yet -- NUMBER OF TIMES MY NAME HAS APPEARED IN THE NEWSPAPER?: none -- NUMBER OF SCARS ON MY BODY: god i dunno -- NUMBER OF THINGS IN MY PAST THAT I REGRET: plenty ----------------FAVORITES--------------- -- SHAMPOO: whatever's in the shower -- FAV COLOR: guess -- DAY/NIGHT: night -- SUMMER/WINTER: autumn and spring -- LACE OR SATIN: lace -- FAVE CARTOON CHARACTER: richie -- FAVE FOOD: something with lotsa calories so I can get more weight *twitch* -- FAVE MOVIES: anything by pixar -- FAVE SPORT: disc golf ----------------RIGHT NOW------------------ -- WEARING: grey zim shirt (the "don't use the time machine!" one) an adidas jacket, n' some super happy funtime bondage pants. -- DRINKING: snapple -- THINKING ABOUT: bloo727 :P -- LISTENING TO: October is Eternal by of montreal ---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------ -- CRIED: yeah coz im a wuss -- WORN JEANS: yes -- MET SOMEONE NEW ONLINE: nope -- DONE LAUNDRY: no -- DROVE A CAR: no -- TALKED ON THE PHONE: no ---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------------- -- YOURSELF: no -- YOUR FRIENDS: it's hard -- SANTA CLAUS: no -- TOOTH FAIRY: no -- DESTINY/FATE: somewhat -- ANGELS: yea -- GHOSTS: yes -- UFO'S: no -- GOD: Yesssss. --------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------ -- DO YOU EVER WISH YOU HAD ANOTHER NAME?: sometimes -- DO YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND?: sorta, bloo likes refering to me as his pet or servant now instead of his gf... lol. -- DO YOU LIKE ANYONE?: yea -- WHICH ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ACTS THE MOST LIKE YOU?: None of them. -- WHO HAVE YOU KNOWN THE LONGEST OF YOUR FRIENDS?: lisa, but she's not on here. -- ARE YOU CLOSE TO ANY FAMILY MEMBER?: yeah my sisters -- WHO DO YOU HANG AROUND THE MOST?: i wish i could hang out with just my imaginary friend more. -- WHEN HAVE YOU CRIED THE MOST: when bloo first broke up with me... ahh onoez, that's so emo. -- WHAT'S THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD?: you know what im gonna say so i won't say it. -- WORST FEELING?: when your pickle hat explodes i dunno -- WHAT TIME IS IT NOW?: 10:40 pm -------------------CURRENT-------------- ----- -- CURRENT MOOD: bored -- CURRENT MUSIC: you've got a gift by of montreal -- CURRENT TASTE: bleh -- CURRENT HAIR: boringgg/gross -- CURRENT ANNOYANCE: a sense of being unaccomplished -- CURRENT SMELL: cinnamon -- CURRENT THING I OUGHT TO BE DOING: drawing, trying to gain more weight to make myself better for bloo ;_; -- CURRENT WINDOWS OPEN: msn, firefox, itunes, limewire -- CURRENT DESKTOP PICTURE: it's one of ami and yumi from hhpay. CURRENT BOOK: none CURRENT JOB: none --------------DO I+HAVE I EVER---------------- HAVE A DREAM THAT KEEPS COMING BACK?: no REMEMBER YOUR FIRST LOVE?: yea STILL LOVE HIM/HER: yesssssss READ THE NEWSPAPER?: nope BELIEVE IT'S POSSIBLE TO REMAIN FAITHFUL FOREVER?: yes CONSIDER YOURSELF TOLERANT OF OTHERS?: yes CONSIDER LOVE A MISTAKE?: at times yes LIKE THE TASTE OF ALCOHOL?: ew HAVE A FAVORITE CANDY?: not really DO WELL IN SCHOOL?: if i feel like it WEAR HATS?: yes CLOSE FRIENDS?: yea WISH ON STARS?: when im bored (like now) LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING?: sexah CARE ABOUT LOOKS?: when im alone ---------------LOVE AND STUFF---------------- GAY? STRAIGHT? BI? NULL?: very bi, definatly leaning towards the gay side. FIRST CRUSH: it was on one of my best friends and lasted two years. =__= EVER BEEN IN A THING CALLED LOVE?: ya DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?: noo DO YOU BELIEVE IN "THE ONE?": uh yea despite all contradictory evidence that such a thing is probably non existant for the majority of the multitude of petty mortals in residence of earth ..............ARE YOU A.................. WUSS: ;.; yea DRUGGY: no DAYDREAMER: yes FREAK: uh huh DORK: yea **** try not to be BRAT: yes x a billion, im such a spoilt little brat. SARCASTIC: irl yeah SHY: still yes TALKATIVE: not really, pends ADVENTUROUS: i'm a homebody i'm boring JOKER: uh heh ................LAST+ (THANK SOMEONE)............... LAST BOOK YOU READ: the calender LAST MOVIE YOU SAW: eight below LAST THING YOU HAD TO DRINK: the snapple? LAST TIME YOU SHOWERED: two days ago, arrgh i feel so gross. ;_; LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE: teh blooster with teh 727.[/color]

My grandma got a cat! :0

[color=#ff40ff]Yes that's right, my aunt gave her a cream colored Himilayan cat. We've named it Yue. (pronounced you-ay) Yes it's supposed to be the Chinese word for moon, (please correct me if I'm wrong there) Cassie wanted to name her that because her last cat was named Luna. Right now it's just getting used to her house. On Wednesday we'll try to introduce her to the three dogs she also owns.[/color]

New banner, LE GASP!!!1one!1

[color=#ff40ff]*points at the text* IT'S TRUEEEEEE~~ :D *tackleglomps Bloo* And if anyone knows what the zombie bunny is from then you can meet me 'round back at about quarter past eight so we can make some hot babies. ;) Hmm I should probably be drawing now... yeah I'mma gonna go do that now.[/color]